USB Gadgets for Aliexpress - Mini USB Refrigerator, Mini USB Fan, USB Light, USB Castle, USB Adapter: Browse, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos, Best Traders & Shops


In this article we will talk, which USB gadgets can be found on Aliexpress.

If you very a lot of conducted of time per computer, then understand how important additional backlight or chill drink under hand. IN such situations check out USBgadgets. On the today's day chinese created mass useful devices and all they there is on the Aliexpress. let's tell me, what.

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USB refrigerators on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Agree, sounds little strange, to refrigerator worked from USB, but all same such devices exist. When you see important football match or play in online game, very comfortable, if under hand there is cool jar hazing or water. All work device performs across the wire USB.

USB refrigerator

USB refrigerator

To support inside optimal level temperature, refrigerator enough total 5 Volt. This is concerns how single, so and double models. So what can do not worry per high consumption energy.

USB refrigerator for aliexpress

USB refrigerator for aliexpress

Many buyers seems, what this simple refrigerator, how on the kitchen, but he not designed for frost, but only for create cooked. That there is, you at first cooling drink, but refrigerator simply saves his cool.

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USBlight,USBlamp  on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Lamps, working across USB are more one device, much facilitating a life there, where few sveta. This is one or some united lamp in one with connection across USBthe wire. On the Aliexpress these gadgets huge amount. You you can acquire gadgets with difficult degree brightness. Here already all depends from places use device. TO example, if to you necessary highlight keyboard, then buy easy lamp.

Simple USB lamp

Simple USB lamp

There is in selling and lamp similar to on the lanterns. On the them corps located a lot of light bulbs, but for fastening applied pinclip. So gadget with emergency maybe to be fixed on the monitor.

Form device maybe to be square, rectangular, but same round and triangular. Some manufacturers create unusual models, for example in video cosmonaut.

USB lamp with fan and LEDs

USB lamp with fan and LEDs

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USBadapter on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

There is and such gadgets, o usefulness which knows not everyone. TO example, USBadapters. Can think, what this simple the wire for connections cables with other connectors, but here only functional adapter more wide. He allows to measure volta.. Here such adapter can insert in nest and then connect device:

USB adapter

USB adapter

So you get data o force tok. and additionally device speak flashdrive.

More in catalog there is cables for exchange danis. They are allow to plug computer mushka to phone and play with her help. Too most can do with other devices.

Connected Computer Mouse to Phone

Connected Computer Mouse to Phone

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USB fan on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

W. fans USB available all those same functions, what and w. simple fans. For work him need energy, which he beret from USBport. His can use everywhere, where to you only comfortable, so how fan it has small dimensions.

On the Aliexpress represented how low power models, so and full apparators, capable cool kiss room. TO example, here such model connect with telephone:

USB phone fan

USB phone fan

On the blades fan missing special coating, but at it is device safe. His blades made from soft material, lovely on the cleenca. Sure, strongly room not cooling, so how these fans intended more for local blowing.

E.silence to you need full powerful fan, then costs close up to here such. portable USBfan.:

Portable USB fan

Portable USB fan

He costs about 6 dollars. Per these same money can buy model with backlit:

USB backlit fan

USB backlit fan

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USB castle on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Locks important in any sphere ours life. Chinese invented locks even for notebooks. Work they same, how simple locks, but closing implemented across USB and special code. After close device closes, but put away his can with help conjugation with USB.

USB Castle

USB Castle

Such castle neither not stand out. Connector closes plush, but frame looks like how hinged castle. On the Aliexpress sold not only USB locks, but and Smart. or Bluetooth. Work they onequally principle.

Smart Castle

Smart Castle

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USBgadgets on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops

All known, what on the Aliexpress except choice product, necessary be able to to choose and seller. Detail o rules choice store we wrote in article «Rating seller on the Aliexpress«. We present to you to you some shops, which trust buyers and administration site.:

Here you buy most quality goods on profitable prices. More togo, delivery will be free.

USBgadgets on the Aliexpress: reviews

Reviews o inexpensive USBlamp:

USB lamp

USB lamp

Valery: Everything wonderful! Although in one light bulb whatthen rummit and cuts. BUT nS second claims no. Shine bright. Self of money cost.

Maxim: Package includes from three packets. First porn. Reached package fast. Lamp workers, shine good.

Hermann: Delivered parcel per 40 days. Lamp normal. Quality not worse original, but per these money gone. Lamp strongly heats up, because what behind e. hERE no radiator.

Reviews o fan with display:

USB Fan with Display

USB Fan with Display

Ivan.: Fan for office full suit. Working night silent and without vibration. Time can exhibit with help buttons. I recommend!

Zakhar: Fan awesome! Very beautiful glow. After disable time not reset. Package unreliable, though and factory. But all came integer and in workers condition so what not i complain.

Leonid: Product waited near month. Fan worker, this the main thing. Clock face shows right. Per such price ideally!

Reviews o USBrefrigerator:

USB refrigerator

USB refrigerator

Konstantin: I satisfied, all came integer and workers. Front use at first necessary cool bank. Further refrigerator myself will do honey business. Seller i advise!

Michael: Product shel two weeks. Not cools, but temperature holds. Can take on the walk. Very it's a pity, what volume such small.

Vyacheslav: Salesman reliable, product came fast. Gadget great, worker.

Video: USB gadgets with Aliexpress - in just 1.50 $

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