Smart Electric Screwdrivers on Aliexpress: Review, Catalog, Price, Reviews. How to buy an electric screwdriver Xiaomi Wowstick 1fs to Aliexpress?


The most indispensable male assistant in any farm is naturally screwdriver. This tool is required with small household repairs, from TV control panels and troubleshooting your PC. Today, conventional screwdrivers are gradually displaced by electric. And the other day, the famous Chinese developer Xiaomi has released a "intelligent" electric screwdriver WOWSTICK 1F.

The most indispensable male assistant in any farm is naturally screwdriver. This tool is required with small household repairs, from TV control panels and troubleshooting your PC. Today, conventional screwdrivers are gradually displaced by electric. And the other day, the famous Chinese developer Xiaomi has released a "smart" electrical screwdriver WOWSTICK 1F..

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Overview of electrical screwdrivers on Aliexpress: directory, price

On the Aliexpress The directory of the electrical screwdriver is located in the appropriate section of the hand tool. Unfortunately, the administrators of this Chinese Internet bazaar have not yet delivered electrical screwdrivers into a separate section. Therefore, you will have to choose such a product from almost 15,000 screwdrivers or typing in a search engine of this site " electric Screwdriver." And then from the selected algorithms of this site to eliminate bits and simple screwdrivers.

Catalog of electric screwdrivers on Aliexpress

One of the most popular electrical screwdrivers on Aliexpress is an Anhsisi Tools T064.. The tool is made of durable plastic and painted in alarm orange. This screwdriver is supplied with 11 bits of various formats. The tool works from four AA batteries and develops 200 revolutions per minute at idle. The power of this screwdriver does not allow it professionally, but for solving small household problems it will fit perfectly.

Anhsisi Tools T064.

If you like to mess with electronics, then look at the "smart" screwdriver Yupei ES120.. This tool will make a worthy competition of the Xiaomi Wowstick 1F screwdriver, which we will tell below. The tool has a stylish design. The screwdriver housing is made of stainless steel. There is a built-in 3-axis gyroscope, which will help you adjust the angle of the sting for easier unscrewing screw.

On the Yupei ES120 case, there is a miniature display with which you can set one of the five control modes of this screwdriver. After 15 second rest in order to save the battery, the power of the screwdriver is turned off. Complete with this screwdriver supplied two bits and a comfortable case.

Yupei ES120.

If you want to have an electric screwdriver in your arsenal for minor repairs, but there is no desire to monitor the battery charge and overpay for the battery, then get the model Meter HM-800. This screwdriver runs from the network and can be used to quickly screw or unscrew the bolts of diameter 1.2-2.5 mm. The tool has protection against overloading torque. Included with Meter HM-800 go 10 bits.

To work around the house and correcting the breakdown of electrical appliances on Aliexpress can be purchased pT-1136F screwdriver from Taiwanese manufacturer Proskit. This screwdriver has a powerful engine, convenient ergonomics and stylish design. The speed of rotation in 200 revolutions per minute and rotating moment 25 kg per centimeter made this tool indispensable when practically any small housework. With a complete charge of the nickel-metal-hydride battery, this tool is enough for 5-7 hours of operation. In the set with this tool go 11 bits.


Rechargeable screwdriver With a shank of 6.35mm from Weierli's ideal assistant in everyday affairs. It has a torque adjustment, thanks to which you can set optimal revs to fasten different dimensions. The handle of this screwdriver is covered with elastomeric material. When working, the instrument does not slip in the hands and keep it very convenient.

In order for the electric screwdriver to work comfortably, be sure to acquire a flexible shaft for it. With it, you can spin or unscrew the screws where it is impossible to bring it up with a conventional screwdriver.



How to buy an electric screwdriver Xiaomi Wowstick 1fs on Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

Today, the "SMART" prefix got to the name of the tools. We are accustomed to smart phones, TVs, refrigerators and other household appliances. But, the other day, Xiaomi has expanded the list of smart devices by submitting an electric screwdriver Xiaomi Wowstick 1f.. This stylish and interesting gadget will help everyone who needs to often use a screwdriver for the repair of small household appliances.

Run forward, you need to say that a screwdriver from Xiaomi, it is not possible to use to screw the bolt into the wall. But if you often use a screwdriver for repairing cameras, smartphones or tablets, then WOWSTICK 1F. will be an excellent helper.

Xiaomi Wowstick 1f.

Already everyone knows that Xiaomi is not just a manufacturer of unique gadgets, but a whole franchise that "caresses" minor companies by adding their name to their devices. On the package 1F you will not find the mention of "Xiaomi". This screwdriver has developed a company "Wowtation"And Xiaomi only gave her to her "way to life."

Catalog Xiaomi Wowstick 1f on Aliexpress

Screwdriver Xiaomi Wowstick 1f., as well as her senior model 1s. Have a very nice appearance. The housing of the junior model is made of durable plastic, and senior of anodized aluminum. The upper coating of this material is pleasant to the touch. The rough texture allows you to conveniently keep a screwdriver in your hands. The tool does not slip and it is pleasant to work.

Xiaomi Wowstick 1f.

Xiaomi Wowstick 1f. Works from two AAA batteries. According to the manufacturer, their charge is enough for 8 hours of operation. The 1s flagship model has a built-in lithium-polymer battery per 10 hours of operation. His charging is carried out using the docking station, which is included in the package of this model.

In both versions there is a backlight. LEDs lightly illuminate the working area. In the younger model, they turn on automatically, and in WOWSTICK 1.S There is a backlit button.

Xiaomi Wowstick 1f.

The screwdriver can be used both in electrical and mechanical mode. Rattopovik reliably stop the mechanism. Working a screwdriver in manual mode should not lead to problems with the internal mechanism of this device.

Screwdriver is sold in a stylish case. Its cover is attached on magnets. There are no loops in its design. The design of the case has a streamlined shape and small sizes. If desired, it can be placed in his pocket and wear a screwdriver with you.

Xiaomi Wowstick 1f.

The kit with this screwdriver includes almost all the necessary bits (base - standard hexagon):

  • PH000 and PH1 (Big and Small Cross)
  • T3 and T6 (flat)
  • SL1.5 and SL 3.0 (asterisk)

Thanks to the standard base, you can always expand the number of bits by purchasing the missing Aliexpress. In addition, to expand the scope of use of the "smart" screwdriver from Xiaomi at the expense of additional nozzles:

  • WOWBITS-C - Nozzles for conventional fasteners
  • WOWBITS-S - Nozzles for Special Fasteners
  • WOWBITS-A - for fasteners used in Apple technique
Corporate notes

Corporate notes

As for the management of this gadget, it is carried out using a rudder, which is in a convenient location on this screwdriver. When you press down, the twisting mode is activated, up - unscrewing.

Unfortunately, rotation speed WOWSTICK 1F. Total 100 revolutions per minute. This is certainly little to solve most tasks. But, with small repair, for which this screwdriver was created, this is quite enough. When working, this device develops a twisting force of 3 nm. This is also enough to unscrew the bolts in cameras, smartphones and tablets. But no more.


  • Dimensions of the device: 17.2x1.5 cm
  • Weight: 46 - 53 grams

Benefits WOWSTICK 1F:

  • Stylish design
  • Convenience design
  • High ergonomics
  • Small size and weight
  • High-quality bits and stylish case included
  • Built-in LED backlight

Disadvantages WOWSTICK 1F:

  • High price
  • Small scope of application

Many readers of this article will say that screwdriver WOWSTICK 1F. This is an unnecessary waste of money. And will be right. Unfortunately, the small scope of application of this gadget does not allow you to look at it as a successful investment. But, if you are looking for a gift for an electronics amateur, then this "smart" screwdriver will become the ideal solution of this issue. Any technological will be delighted with it. Although himself, it is unlikely to spend 2 thousand rubles for her.


Smart Electric Screwdrivers on Aliexpress: Reviews

Ivan. I bought myself Proskit PT-1136G. Pretty good screwdriver. It is comfortable and can change the angle. I use it for small repair. But when something is essential. Then for this purpose I have a small drill-screwdriver from interskola. I put the nozzle, and in it bits and forward.

Kirill. I do not know how these new-fashioned electric screwdrivers. I use ordinary. We carry out the repair of smartphones. I would be afraid to twist. Although the yupei ES120 looks cool. Gyro, display and shutdown charge is interesting. It is a pity that it is so expensive.

Video. Xiaomi Wowstick 1FS Electric Screwdriver Overview

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