Order Status - Arrival At Delivery Office on Aliexpress: Meaning, Translation into Russian


In this article we will talk, which means the status of sending Arrival AT Delivery Office on Aliexpress.

On the Aliexpress after sending the goods, the seller provides the buyer a special track number, which allows you to track the location of the goods. At this stage, newbies, and sometimes there are problems with experienced buyers. No, they are not connected with tracking themselves, but with the statuses that are very much and not always clear what and which means. In this article we will talk about status "Arrival At Delivery Office".

If on Aliexpress you are still very new, then you will be useful to explore our instructions - "How to register and use AlExpress?"where it is described in detail not only the registration process, but also search for goods, and commissioning.

The status of the parcel of Arrival At Delivery Office to Aliexpress - what does it mean, how is it translated?




Parcel status "Arrival At Delivery Office" When tracking the goods translates as "He arrived in the delivery department". Thus, you can safely expect while you call the courier or contact the post office to receive the parcel. It all depends on the method of sending goods. It is worth noting that this status will be shown until you receive the parcel. After that, he will change on "Delivered".

The status is also displayed when viewing information about where the expected order is currently located, which is sent by the method Aliexpress Standart Shipping.. Such statuses are found in other services that are also engaged in shipment of goods with Aliexpress.

On a personal order tracking page, the status of the parcel is shown, and the date and time is prescribed below it.

Additionally, you should explore other parcel tracking statuses on Aliexpress:

Video: Tracking parcel from China. Parcel statuses on Aliexpress

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comments 3.

  1. dmitriy 19.11.2019 10:08

    the order is not delivered. In one phone number does not respond. What will we do? I need my order

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  2. dmitriy 19.11.2019 10:13

    Zesze2022312607yq 8002204907624218 This order did not come. I need a product on request

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  3. Nikolai 29.06.2020 10:07

    The goods did not arrive 8013162609659506

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