Why Aliexpress does not accept the order of Yandex.Money? Why doesn't Yandex.Money pay for Aliexpress?
In this article we will find out why Aliexpress Does not pay through Yandex.Money and what to do about it.
One of the most popular payment methods for Aliexpressare Yandex money. Not always when paying, it is all perfect and errors may occur. Why is the payment and payment Yandex.Money Does not work on Aliexpress?
If you have never made purchases on this site, we recommend learn an article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".
Why you can not pay Yandex.Money to Aliexpress: Causes
Reasons why on Aliexpressnot accepted payment Yandex.Moneymaybe a lot. Moreover, it can be technical errors and custom. The most common problems are:
- Your wallet Yandex. Not verified. In Russia, it is allowed to pay anonymously for purchases in various stores on the Internet working within the country. To remove this restriction, you should pass a special identification to Yandex moneySo that your account is gained higher status, and accordingly more opportunities.
- You did not indicate the full data, for example, Billing adress Or other important parameters. If Aliexpressrequests such information, and it is not specified with you, then the payment will not pass. To solve the problem, check how complete data is about you on Yandex money and fill them with if necessary. By the way, to determine whether it is possible to pay for goods through Yandex money on the AliexpressA special error encoding was created. That's what they mean:
- IPay RS 10001 2606 - With your Yandex card, there was a problem, for example, its expired
- IPay RS 10001 2616 - on the score is not enough to pay
- IPay RS 10001 2618 - The payment system is overloaded or indicated Incorrect account
- IPay RS 10001 2911 - You fulfilled a lot of card operations or it is blocked
- IPay RS 10001 3010 - security code from the turnover of the card is notable
If you have already tried all options, but payment is still not accepted, contact support service Yandex money. If the problem is directly on Aliexpress, for example, failure on the site or overload system, then try to wait a bit, and then contact customer Support.
comments 15.
natalia 20.11.2017 10:02
good afternoon. I do not pass the payment to Aliexpres, before that it was all good. what to do
Marina 21.11.2017 18:21
And I have no payment for the third day. How to fix it?
Marina 21.11.2017 18:22
And I have no payment for the third day. What should I do?!
Marina 22.11.2017 12:11
5days can not pay ((((((
Michael 22.11.2017 12:13
5days can not pay (((((
Michael 15.01.2018 08:14
January 2018. The Chinese suddenly stopped taking the so-called "money" with Yandex, although I actively used them for purchases. On the entire site Aliexpress, this form of payment disappeared, not highlighted, so all tips on the use of Yandex are solid "blah blah blah" ...: ((
Oleg 27.08.2018 16:26
I agree!!! Perhaps the American sanctions began to act. There is a trading war with China.
irina 24.05.2018 22:25
In April, everything was OK, and today I will fight all day ... the same wallet, the same address, etc. What is the problem???
Oleg 27.08.2018 16:21
For many years paid purchases on Aliexpress map Yandex- money! And suddenly Aliexpress removed this opportunity. And on Joom on this map Yandex-money payment is made even on expensive purchases!
Erkin 22.04.2019 13:29
For three years I paid the purchase on Aliexpress today for some reason did not go why?
Ekaterina 10.06.2019 00:46
On AlExpress there is no form of payment through Yandex Money! What happened? There is no information anywhere!
Maria 23.06.2019 22:29
The same question. Why I can't pay an order for Aliexpress through Yandex Money ???????? What does nonsense writes in English.
Albin 12.11.2019 12:48
I can not pay, writes in English: "AAA", what does it mean?
Vladimir 13.11.2019 12:38
On AlExpress there is no form of payment through Yandex Money! What happened? There is no information anywhere! A year ago I paid, everything was OK.
Valery 29.11.2019 14:40
We paid a week ago, everything went fine. Today could not pay