Tracking parcels and postal shipments with Aliexpress in Russian on the Russian Post site. How through Russian Post to track the parcel with the order with Aliexpress?


In this article, we will analyze tracking of parcels from China on the website of the Russian Post.

On the international playground Aliexpress can buy not only self various goods, but and get them in any point mira. After togo, how order decorated and paid salesman issued trackcode buyer, which the allows track movement product on territory his countries and sender.

If you more not use services this site., then recommended to you familiarize sO article. «How right issue first order on the Aliexpress.

Parcel usually track out on everything path following, if trackroom it has international format. TO example, RF144119182CN.this rooms state mail China. POST.. IN they usually 13 symbols. What they mean you you can to know from articles«What that trackroom.

How on the Aliexpress to know track Mail Russia?

To to know trackroom for tracking can use one very simple way:

  • Run in «My orders«
My orders aliexpress

My orders aliexpress

  • Find necessary purchase and mouset cursor on the «Check tracking«
Track checking

Track checking

  • Here to you will be specified information o volume, where located package and, respectively, her unique code
Parcel Travel Data

Parcel Travel Data

  • If such. information missing, then . with seller and asksend to you room

How track order with goods with Aliexpress on the site. mail Russia on tracknumber?

When package already located on the territory Russia, then can track her on the site. Mail Russia.

  • On the the main thing page write in corresponding string trackcode
Input track numbers

Input track numbers

  • Further click on the «Tracking«
Tracking results

Tracking results

If nic data system to you not shows, then package more not passed registration in sorting center and necessary couple days wait.

If same order was otoslan. private service and trackroom not correspond to international standards, then look his location can only on the territory sender. IN ours casethis China.

Can track per departures and on the others sites. More details o them read here.

Why not track out parcel with Aliexpress on the email Russia?

Why is the parcel not tracked?

Why is the parcel not tracked?

  • If you acquired thing, that costs not more 10$, then you can straightaway prepare to agriculture, what per parcel you trace not will be able to. This is related with top, what room costs enough expensive, but this at all disadvantageous for seller. therefore instead of rooms for tracking you you can get random kit numbers. Byother salesman report not will be able, so how then system not confirm shipping.
  • Some sellers intention give left trackroom, to fool buyer. Look, how for a long time working salesman on the playground, what o nem. they say customers. Generally, certainly such things better clarify straightaway.
  • Often package tracking only on China, but then disappeared. This is normal situation, simply your trackroom not correspond to standards international departures. To you remains simply wait receipt order.
  • IN norma track begins track across weektwo after his provision seller. So what, possible cause, what package not tracking, maybe to be then, what you try do too much early.

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