Equipment for fitness and bodybuilding on Aliexpress: expander, pedometers, rope, dumbbells, pins, crossbars, simulators for brushes and wrists, horizontal equipment, integrated simulators, massagers for weight loss: review, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers

Sports goods

In this article we will talk, what good fitness and bodybuilding goods can be found on Aliexpress.

Today, as many have already noticed, more and more people seek sports. To find out how much it is useful only by trying it yourself. Fitness and bodybuilding, for example, allow you to fight extra kilograms, strengthen the muscles, as well as the blood and cordial system. Undoubtedly to do, special equipment is required. Purchase everything you need you can Aliexpress.

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Expanders for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Expanders are designed to work out a certain muscle group. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that they must be compressed and squeeze.

These products have certain advantages. They differ in ease, compactness, the ability to burn fats and swing muscles.

Expanders are several species:

  • Breast
Chest Espander

Chest Espander

They have two handles, and between them there are metal or rubber harnesses. Such expanders are needed to train your chest muscles, backs, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

  • Rubber
Rubber Espander

Rubber Espander

These are universal models capable of training both the upper and lower body. Himself harness looks like a tube made of latex.

  • Ski.
Ski Espander

Ski Espander

These models are designed to train the musculoskeletal system. They are made of rubber harnesses with rings at the ends.

  • Latex ribbons
Latex ribbons

Latex ribbons

These expendents are used for fitness and strengthen all the muscles.

See catalog

Passometers on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Pedometer is a device that allows you to calculate the number of steps covered when walking or running. Modern models have a fairly wide functionality, so you will additionally be able to measure the pulse, calculate the amount of fat in the body, track the speed, and control the results.

In addition to the functional, the models differ in appearance:

Pedometer - wristwatches

Pedometer - wristwatches



Multifunctional bracelet

Multifunctional bracelet

Pedometer attached to the neck or other comfortable place

Pedometer attached to the neck or other comfortable place

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Rope to Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

This is one of the oldest, but at the same time the best tools for classes. Long cord with handles is used by even professional athletes. Thanks to the jumps on the rope, you can remove extra kilograms, strengthen the heart and vessels, tighten the muscles and develop stamina.

On the Aliexpress presented several types of these products:

  • Normal
Normal rope

Normal rope

These jumps are needed by beginners and those who just want to jump. These products cost completely cheap, and they do not have the ability to regulate length.

  • With an electronic meter
Rope with electronic meter

Rope with electronic meter

These shells have special counters in handles, which are electronic (allow you to program and calculate the load) or mechanical (show how much jumps are made).

  • Weighted
Weighted rope

Weighted rope

These rinks have handles with a larger mass or lace. They enjoy only athletes, as the load on the muscles increases, and they, in turn, are strengthened.

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Dumbbells on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Physical activity is useful to any body. The main thing is to observe the measure. One of the popular shells for classes are dumbbells. On the Aliexpress the collapsible models are presented (with gradually increasing load) and all-pool (without the possibility of reduced or increase loads) of the type.

Collapsible dumbbell

Collapsible dumbbell

Solid dumbbell

Solid dumbbell

Plastic coating dumbbells

Plastic coating dumbbells

Galvanic coating dumbbells

Galvanic coating dumbbells

Rubber coating dumbbells

Rubber coating dumbbells

Neoprene coating dumbbells

Neoprene coating dumbbells

See catalog

Among other things, there are weights with different weight and colors.



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Pins on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Pins are even differently called cycle expanders. They enjoy on Aliexpress great demand. Such products develop and strengthen the muscles of the hands of the hands, the forearms, help to develop joints and simply spread their hands.

Pins for training

Pins for training

Brushed ecpeders differ from others not only low cost, but also small sizes that allow you to store the product even in the pocket of the jacket.

Highly elastic ball

Highly elastic ball

Adjustable Espander

Adjustable Espander

See catalog

Crossbar and horizontal barns on Ali Extress: Catalog, photo

The crossbars or horizontal skills are such a sports equipment that is in any sports office or gym. Moreover, on this shell you can do at home. The crossbar is made easily - you will need a round tube of steel, which should be consolidated horizontally. Although, on Aliexpress You can buy a high-quality model with a decent appearance. There are several types of horizons:

  • Doors


Consist of a crossbar mounted in doorways. Most of the designs are removed or moved.

  • Wall mounted
Wall Turnque

Wall Turnque

These are more reliable structures that are considered more reliable and functional. You can do different exercises on them. Fixed adaptation on the wall with special bolts.

  • Outdoor
Outdoor horizontal bar

Outdoor horizontal bar

This is a functional simulator that allows you to perform different kinds of power exercises. Depending on the model, it may additionally be included with a bench, rod, holder for dumbbells and so on.

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Gymnastic rollers for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

If you want to get a beautiful press and at the same time do not visit the gym, then the gymnastic roller is what you need. Despite the simplicity and compactness, the simulator in a short time is able to put in order any muscles or get rid of excess weight.

Like most sports devices, rollers are also several species:

  • Wheel with axis passing through it
Gymnastic single roller

Gymnastic single roller

  • Two or four-wheeled gymnastic rollers
Two-wheeled gymnastic roller

Two-wheeled gymnastic roller

Four-wheel gymnastic roller

Four-wheel gymnastic roller

  • Rollers with pedals
Gymnastic roller with pedals

Gymnastic roller with pedals

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Disk for turns to Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Discs for turns were popular in Soviet times, but even today they remain one of the best simulators to improve the waist. If you do on the disk at least once a week, you can optimize the tone of the muscles, tighten the problem areas and adjust the waist.

Disk for turns

Disk for turns

Rotary disks are simple constructions consisting of two circles connected by washer. Even between discs can be bearings that provide ease of rotation. And enhanced models additionally have expanders, massagers for legs or cords.



Relatively recently, new models of disks came to the market, which have an electronic counter that controls the number of turns.

Disk for turns with a meter

Disk for turns with a meter

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Rods on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Rods on Aliexpress

Rods on Aliexpress

The main projectile for each bodybuilder is a bar. In addition to conventional direct models, popular and curved, which reduce the load on hand brushes and prevent possible injuries when performing exercises.

There are no big differences in these two species, the rod is not, because both allow you to lift the same weight. Their main difference is the usability and reduction of the load on the wrist.

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Trainatudas for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

This is another universal device, which allows not only to train, but also just entertain. Today, trampolines are used in different places - fitness rooms, children's playrooms, sports facilities.

Fitness Batuta

Fitness Batuta

Reduce the load on the knees and joints can fitness trampoline. It has a special handrail, which is important for exercising. Moreover, you can train different muscle groups. Such a trampoline will not take much space, and it does not have special recommendations for use.

Professional trampoline

Professional trampoline

For acrobats and gymnasts there are professional large trampolines with a prefabricated design. Some types for greater security have a special grid.

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Balls for fitness on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Special fitness balls are perfectly suitable for home training and are considered the safest of all. Thanks to the exercises on the phytball, you can strengthen the buttocks, hips, waist and stomach. On the Aliexpressyou can not just get a quality ball, but also to choose it to choose to the exercise the maximum efficiency.

If you are engaged in pilates or fitness, then look at the balls with anti-slip:

Ball for fitness with anti-slip

Ball for fitness with anti-slip

But massage models are suitable for those who are struggling with overweight. If you constantly do with the ball, you can strengthen the metabolism and remove excess moisture and fat from the body.

Massage phytballs

Massage phytballs

See catalog

Steppers on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Stepper is considered one of the cardiovers. It imitates the rise in steps, thanks to which the trainer gets all the necessary natural movements. With this device, muscles are strengthened, breathing normalizes, the work of the heart and blood vessels, and coordination is improved.

On the Aliexpress these sports shells are presented in two types:

  • Normal
Ordinary steppers

Ordinary steppers

They have handrails to hold equilibrium and levers to produce additional load on the back and hands.

  • Mini
Mini stepper

Mini stepper

These are simpler and compact models. They are most often used at home.

Some steppers additionally have expanders, which also allow you to train the muscles.

Steppers with Espander

Steppers with Espander

See catalog

Simulators for brushes and wrists for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

These products are advanced wool e-expander. In appearance, they look like balls, but in reality it is a gyroscope hidden in plastic ball. They are also called Powerball.

Devices are sold Always with a lace, which activates the operation of the gyroscope. Then it remains to produce circular movements with a brush.


Some devices have a light speedometer that allows you to track turns over a certain time.

Improved simulator

Improved simulator

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Comprehensive simulators for Aliexpress: catalog, photo

If earlier equipment for fitness or bodybuilding was difficult to find, then today everything has changed. On the Aliexpress you can purchase all the necessary comprehensive simulators for domestic training. The catalog offers to purchase one of several options:

The range of the catalog is large enough, but it is entirely able to satisfy the request of each buyer.

Boxing Gloves Training

Boxing Gloves Training

Six for professional dance

Six for professional dance

Parachute for physical training

Parachute for physical training

Timber for heads, shoulders and neck

Timber for heads, shoulders and neck

See catalog

Massagers for weight loss on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

These devices allow you to get rid of excess weight without the need to visit cosmetic salons and gym.

The stationary vibrator for the body helps to get rid of fatigue and relax, and at this time it will stimulate the incineration of subcutaneous fat.

Stationary Massager-Vibrator

Stationary Massager-Vibrator

Small simulators Power Plate.Hand controls are the best massages to get rid of excess fat. Due to the high-frequency massage, you can get rid of stress and improve your health.

Massager Power Plate.

Massager Power Plate.

See catalog

Equipment for fitness and bodybuilding on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

On the Aliexpressit is important to choose correctly not only the goods, but also the seller. To make you no longer suffer from searching for a long time, we present several stores where you can buy high-quality fitness and bodybuilding products:

Equipment for fitness and bodybuilding on Aliexpress: reviews

Making purchases on the Internet, it is impossible to touch the goods. Therefore, people who have already bought a particular thing leave feedback about it. Here is what buyers are talking about bodybuilding and fitness products:

Feedback on dumbbells

Feedback on dumbbells

Review about expander

Review about expander

Review of the fitness rope

review of the fitness rope

Feedback on Pedometer

Feedback on Pedometer

Video: Package with Aliexpress: Powerball (Gyroball) - Cystic simulator

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