Aliexpress - lenses for video cameras, cameras, iPhone, filters, adapters, lids for lenses: Browse, price, catalog, photos, reviews, best sellers and shops


In this article we will talk about lenses for cameras presented on Aliexpress.

Create really standing photos is not so simple, because there are many subtleties with which it is not so easy to figure out. The feeling of the picture is similar to the same thing that you feel the music - rumor or there, or it should be trained. In any case, it is difficult to make a truly interesting picture without optical devices, which are created in order for the picture to be impeccable. Let's talk to you, as you can find an interesting optics on Aliexpress.

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One of the most popular categories on Aliexpressis an "LESSES FOR CAMDES". Although this section is not a very large assortment, but still there is a lot of interesting things. For example, telephoto lenses:

Telephoto lens

Telephoto lens

This is a lens having a fixed focus. It is intended for video cameras having a thread with a size of 62 mm. The diaphragm - 2.2x. Metal lens made.

The telescope for the chamber having an optical zoom is made of optical lens and ABS material:

Telescope for the camera

Telescope for the camera

An increase in this case is twelvethic, and the dimensions of the lens are only 25 mm. The viewing angle of this device is 70 degrees.

Professional lens for iPhone. or other smartphones:

Lens for iPhone.

Lens for iPhone.

This model is distinguished by the presence of a fixed housing with a caliber of 37 mm. An optical glass lens and aluminum alloy is performed.

If you want to create professional pictures, but you have no camera next to you, then such a lens clip will allow you to make special effects - the sky will become brighter or neutral colors will be balanced.

See catalog

Camera lens for Ali Spress: Catalog, photo

The optical system consisting of several lenses is called the lens. It is the basis for good snapshots. Today the market is saturated with suggestions from various manufacturers. Popular models among professional photographers can be found on Aliexpressby low cost.

Lens "Fish eye":

Fish eye lens

Fish eye lens

This model has a large area of \u200b\u200bterrain. The viewing angle is 180 degrees and allows you to create interesting pictures.

Snapshot lens fish eye

Snapshots lens "Fisheye"

Wide-angle lenses, as it has already become clear from the name, have a large viewing angle and are perfectly suitable for shooting a landscape or architecture.

Wide-angle lens

Wide-angle lens

It is not easy to remove using a wide-angle lens, because when contacting it requires a certain skill. Only in the presence of experience you can get the desired pictures.

Snapshot with a wide-angle lens

Snapshot with a wide-angle lens

If you like the portrait shooting, then it is possible to buy an ordinary lens for it, whose viewing angle is similar to the human eye.

CANON lens

CANON lens

In addition, it is suitable for shooting nature, still life or several persons.

When choosing a lens, first think about what you will use it. Each model is able to present the same snapshot in different ways.

See catalog

Camera filters for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

There is nothing eternal, but still many things want to keep in good condition as longer and camera lenses are no exception. To make it possible, buy a special protective filter, preventing dust, water and dirt on the lens.

Protective filter

Protective filter

Buy filters on Aliexpresscan be without much difficulty. Here you will find a huge selection, so be sure to choose from what. But thanks to the moderate value of goods, you can buy several different filters at once. By the way, they are divided into several types:

  • Ultraviolet - do not allow ultraviolet rays on the matrix
Ultraviolet filter

Ultraviolet filter

  • Neutral
  • Skylight - have a light pink shade, allowing pictures to get more warm tones
  • Polarization delay reflected polarization lights
Polarizing filter

Polarizing filter

Understand which filter will suit your camera model using the lens diameter. Usually such information is indicated on the inner lid.

See catalog

Adapters for aliexpress lenses: catalog, photo

Very popular among photographers and adapters or adapters. They allow you to install other lenses on the technique. For example, on the camera Canon EF. You can put the lens from Zenitar.

Adapters are divided into the following criteria:

  • Adapter with autofocus, without it or chip
  • With lenses or without
  • With automatic diaphragm installation or without

The most popular models among customers of the trading platform Aliexpressare:

Adapter for M42 lens for Canon EOS EF

Adapter for M42 lens for Canon EOS EF

Transition Ring for Lens for M42

Transition Ring for Lens for M42

Autofocus adapter for M42-NEX cameras

Autofocus adapter for M42-NEX cameras

See catalog

Caps for aliexpress cameras: Catalog, photo

Often, newcomers unflatterily responding about the blend. Why give large amounts per plastic lice for lens. Although the true connoisseurs of the photo know that this is a very important thing.

Blend performs several important features:

  • Protecting the front lens and filter from water and snow
  • On a sunny day, Blend does not give pictures to evode
  • Removes glare in pictures

Blends differ in shape and material used for manufacture. Most of all occurring petal blends.

Petal blend

Petal blend

They protect photos from glare. The meaning of their work is that the petals close the lens, which protects it from the penetration of light. Moreover, the petals themselves will not be visible.

Conical forms are applied at lenses with long focus and except for light, they still protect against damage when falling.

Conical Blends

Conical Blends

In the models of cameras, whose lens rotates, can only be used by a round or cylindrical form of blend, as the remaining types will be visible in the frame.

See catalog

Caps for the camera lens on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Such accessories are very important, as they protect lenses from dirt and damage. Even if the camera is not used, then the lids must still be on its lens. Anyone, even the smallest scratches can hardly harm optics.

On the Aliexpressthere are many different covers that have a simple design and affordable price. When purchasing the lid, consider what diameter of the lens at the camera.

Diameter lenses

Diameter lenses

The lens cap is a simple accessory that prevents dust, dirt, prints, and so on. You can save optics using universal covers that are enjoyed with great demand.

The front and back covers are made of their high-quality material, and some models have a special lace fixing the body and preventing the loss.

Cover for lens. Photo 1.

Cover for lens. Photo 1.

Cover for lens. Photo 2.

Cover for lens. Photo 2.

Cover for lens. Photo 3.

Cover for lens. Photo 3.

Cover for lens. Photo 4.

Cover for lens. Photo 4.

It doesn't matter whether you are a professional or just an amateur to take pictures, protect your camera with a lid.

See catalog

Lenses for cameras and cameras on AlExpress: Best sellers and shops

Below we present you a few bad stores that are very popular among buyers and have deserving their confidence:

Lenses for cameras and cameras on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Before making the order of goods, do not be lazy to learn about it reviews. That is what they write about some models of lenses:

Review of the lens for Canon Camera

Review of the lens for Canon Camera

Reviews of the protective lid lens

Reviews of the protective lid lens

Review of the polarization filter for camera lenses

Review of the polarization filter for camera lenses

Video: YongNuo 50mm Lens YN50MM F18 for Canon with Aliexpress

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