Aliexpress - Umbrellas for Women's, Mens, Children's: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, Best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk, which umbrellas can be purchased on Aliexpress.

The umbrella is one of such accessories that not only adorns the image, but also protects against rain. This accessory is needed to everyone even a child. It is precisely because you choose an umbrella, pay attention not only to its design, but also functionality. Purchase high-quality umbrellas at low prices and with free shipping you can Aliexpress.

If you have never come across this platform and did not make purchases on it, we recommend to read the article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress.

Types of umbrellas Aliexpress

Before choosing a suitable umbrella on Aliexpress, you need to decide which type you want. The site contains several types of accessories data:

  • Umbrella cane
Umbrella cane

Umbrella cane

Such models just like this just in case it is not very convenient, as they have quite large sizes and in a small handbag they will not fit. Although they are made high quality, but many are still important comfort. Cost umbrellas It is much wider than ordinary umbrellas and fields of his dome are more rounded, so you will be better protected from wind and rain.

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  • Folding umbrellas
Folding umbrella in the form of capsule

Folding umbrella in the form of capsule

Folding models have several additions and are able to work out to very small sizes. Only when choosing such an umbrella you will greatly lose in quality, as it will last you not as long as I would like. The thing is that with a large number of addition, the product is faster than their building and ceases to work.

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When you decide on suitable sizes, think what kind of design you like are:

  • Automatic umbrellas
Automatic umbrellas

Automatic umbrellas

Opening and closing is carried out using a button that is located on the handle.

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  • Semi-automatic umbrella
Semi-automatic umbrellas

Semi-automatic umbrellas

Such models are usually only open using the button, but are closed manually.

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  • Mechanical umbrellas
Mechanical umbrellas

Mechanical umbrellas

If you remember the old Soviet umbrellas, which they usually used until they become unsuitable, then you can find them on Aliexpress. Just remember that you will have to open and close it with your hands.

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As far as convenient automatic umbrellas, mechanical is still more reliable, and together with the cane you can generally forget about buying a new umbrella for many years.

What to pay attention to when buying an umbrella on Aliexpress?

How to choose the umbrella?

How to choose the umbrella?

So, now you have determined which umbrella you want and are ready to start it. On the Aliexpress the range of goods is so big that the search may take a lot of time to take a lot of time, if, of course, you do not look after a certain design or just classic black umbrellas. Although, if you love the black very much, then you will be from what increase.

Whatever it was, the design should not be in the first place. First of all, the umbrella must protect you from bad weather.

First, pay attention to the material from which the needles are made. Often on Aliexpress this feature is not specified, but we will tell you how to recognize a qualitative umbrella at a glance or not.

  • Steel spokes

Have you ever been to the situation when there is heavy rain on the street with the wind, and also an umbrella turns out inside out? So if his knitting needles are made of steel, then this will never happen. Although the umbrella and will seem harder than the usual, and just with one addition, but it is worth it. It is possible to understand that the spokes of an umbrella are made of steel by its brilliance, greater weight and sizes.

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  • Aluminum spokes

They are much thinner than steel, it can be seen immediately. The weight of such an umbrella is small, it has small sizes and it is compact, so it can be taken with him at least where. Although in the event of a strong wind, be prepared for the fact that the umbrella turns and the knitting needles can break.

  • Fiberglass spokes

This type appeared not so long ago, but this solution is quite successful. The umbrella protects perfectly from rain, it is distinguished by compact size and reliability. This is especially noticeable if its steel case.

The very number of spokes does not matter much, but it is worth saying than them more, the more even the dome and oblique rain will not fall on your face.

The dome material is no less important, since it depends on how long the umbrella will last. On the Aliexpress sellers also do not always correctly indicate the material of the manufacture, but you easily referred to the price:

  • Nylon umbrellas
Nylon umbrellas

Nylon umbrellas

Usually such models are the lowest price. Externally, they will not differ from others to the first use. When wetting, if you are very lucky, you will not run the jets from the polinted umbrella. Moreover, the nylon is quickly rushing and burns out in the sun.

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  • Umbrellas from polyester
Polyester umbrella

Polyester umbrella

This fabric is more expensive and hopefully nylon. Although also should not count that the umbrella will serve you for a long time. Despite this, polyester models are very popular, as they are high-quality, do not die in the rain, and also dry quickly.

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  • Umbrellas from Epiona
Umbrella Eponge

Umbrella Eponge

This is also a polyester, but cotton has been added to it. Basically such models are from 3 thousand rubles. The umbrella dries in a few minutes, and the rain drops on it roll and the dense fabric does not wet.

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  • Umbrellas from satin
Umbrellas from satin

Umbrellas from satin

Satin umbrellas are treated with a special composition so that it pushes water. Models of such umbrellas are characterized by smoothness and characteristic gloss. Usually these are the most expensive models, but such a tissue is almost not rushing, which makes it the most durable.

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Women's umbrellas Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Every woman dreams of such an umbrella, so that he fit to any clothes, intervened in the bag and protected well from the rain. All this is perfectly combined in the umbrella in Van Gogh "Starry Night."

Women's umbrella a la van gogh

Women's umbrella a la van gogh

Romantic girls really like the umbrella with lace. Moreover, this is an excellent way to stand out from the crowd even in bad weather.

Umbrella with lace in polka dot

Umbrella with lace in polka dot

But the ladies at the age will be more suitable classic options or moderate original. For example, this model is not so attractive as inside:

Original umbrella

Original umbrella

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Men's umbrellas Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Men design is usually important not so much if, of course, it is not pink and not in polka dot. Although there are those whom the picture is not important at all, as the umbrellas they consider just a means to protect against rain.

Classic male umbrella

Classic male umbrella

Most often, men choose a black classic. These models always look stylish and elegant, especially if high-quality materials were used for manufacture, and the handle is massive and comfortable.

For business men, umbrellas in blue or brown are suitable. If you love retrostyle or to you simply i want to utya in rainy day, then buy umbrella in ceke.

Umbrella in a cage

Umbrella in a cage

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Children's umbrellas Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

It does not matter to children at all, is it combined umbrella With clothes, the main thing is that it is bright and convenient and that the child has hands always free.

Children's umbrella

Children's umbrella

In Russia, such umbrellas can be found infrequently, but there are no questions abroad for a long time for a long time. The head of the child additionally protects the hood, neck is not blocked behind, and the rain does not settle at clothes at all. And to keep such an umbrella will not have.

For the smallest sellers, miniature models of umbrellas are offered, which are attached to a children's bike or stroller.

Bike or stroller umbrella

Bike or stroller umbrella

Little girl can be purchased umbrella with ears, crown and other interesting details.

Umbrella for girls with crown

Umbrella for girls with crown

And for boys in diversity presented umbrellas with pictures in the form superheroev. Thanks to the transparent surface, you can see everything that is happening around, and therefore the walk becomes more secure.

Umbrella with Winnie Pooh

Transparent ONT with Winnie Poo

Umbrella C. cartoon Heroes will like even the most demanding girl. And find on Aliexpress you can not only be foreign, but also domestic characters.

Umbrella with cartoon characters

Umbrella with cartoon characters

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Umbrellas Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

When choosing any product on Aliexpress it should be carefully looking through to the store. It should be reliable, otherwise the purchase can be upset by quality or do not come at all. About how to choose the right store we talked in the article "Seller's rating on Aliexpress«Therefore, we will not stop in detail on this. We present you several shops that buyers and administration trust Aliexpress:

Umbrellas Aliek. sPRESS: reviews

Elena: As they say "cheap and angry". Packaging Reliable, to Moscow The goods were almost a month, the track without problems was tracked. Eques even the quality of the umbrella upsets, although, believe me, there is something, but that the umbrella is a maximum of 102 cm, and not 108 cm. Maybe it is not such a big difference, but it is very well felt in the rain.

Anastasia: Before Moscow, the umbrella went for two weeks. I liked that he has small sizes and aluminum knitting needles. If you do not like the ease and flexibility in the wind, then do not take, since the umbrella format does not allow him to be different. I have no complaints about the goods. It is made quite efficiently and is inexpensive.

Valeria: Wonderful umbrella! Already for a long time I wanted and finally bought! It makes up somehow unusual inward, I liked it. Of course, the cosmic drawing is also something, it looks incredibly beautiful. Although quality print And not very, but still I really like.

Video: Umbrella with Aliexpress Brand Daiwenwo Wind-resistant high-quality Umbrella

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