Fingerprint readers for Aliexpress - biometric reader, scanner and fingerprint controller: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will talk about what biometric readers are and which of them are represented on Aliexpress.

The modern world makes defend itself and its property due to increased fraud. Today, the market shows a mass of protective devices, but the most interesting of all are systems that are reading fingerprints. Similar products can be found and buy on Aliexpress.

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What is biometric reader?

This device allows you to provide an object with additional protection and protect third-party access. Recently, they have become actively used in enterprises for accounting of time. The user identification is made by its physiological features.

A fingerprint, retina, voice and so on can be made as an identifier.

The most popular are models, reading fingerprints. The computer reads the imprint and compares the database. If there is a coincidence, the system gives access, and in its absence, respectively, does not give. It is worth saying that the editor's database needs to be created in advance so that there are no linings.

Video: Biometric Reader

Biometric readers, scanners on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

On the site you will find many models of devices for reading prints. Let's discuss some models.

  • Autonomous reader
Autonomous reader

Autonomous reader

This is a compact apparatus that has a scanner directly and an additionally keyboard. It looks more like a doorbell. Its capacity is enough for 500 prints and 8 groups with passwords. This is an excellent solution for the home or small company. It is very easy to use the machine - you need to specify a special code and attach a finger to the window at the bottom. When the parameters are coincided, you will get access to the room.

  • FR1200 scanner
FR1200 scanner

FR1200 scanner

This model is characterized by compact sizes. The sensor is simple, he has nothing superfluous. Just bring the finger to the window and the imprint is considered. Such devices are successfully applied in production to monitor working time and labor efficiency.

  • REALAND M-F131


This model already counts professional. She has a small color display. Work is carried out online with the possibility of connecting to a PC. The device can remember up to two thousand fingerprints and log. It is made in accordance with the rules and reads prints even with a wet finger. In critical situations, the device gives an alarm.

Such a device will allow to maintain the territory in safety and monitor the time of visiting the object.

See catalog

Fingerprint readers and controllers on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Even in the site catalog there are models that can read not only fingerprints, but also cards. For instance, X8-BT.. The design of the model is modest, but stylish. The housing is located a device for reading and keyboard.


Weigh the device 700 grams. It is easy to handle - you need to bring a finger or card to the window. The memory of the device accommodates up to 500 indicators.

Another multifunctional system is presented in the catalog:

Multifunctional system

Multifunctional system

It includes a block for scanning prints, a button for opening doors, castle, electronic block, cards and keys.

Memory device Enough to memorize all your employees. And the program provides complete data About man and records time mark. Thus, the employer is easier to trace over the time of work, hospital and schedule. These devices Also useful in the security system.

See catalog

Biometric readers on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Pledge successful online shopping is the right choice of store. This rule concerns and Aliexpress. How right Select the seller on the site we talked in the article "How to choose the seller on Aliexpress. We present you several stores where you can purchase high-quality biometric readers:

Biometric readers on Aliexpress: reviews

Nikolay: I have a small company with staff. I try to make all the work to the smallest detail, but all the little things impossible to take into account, and it will not protect the territory excess. I learned that there are systems reading fingerprint. I looked through the appropriate model and bought. The goods came in reliable packaging, so nothing was damaged. Works device without failures and quickly. I advise everyone!

Sergei: I decided to buy an electronic castle instead of the old. But, considering where I live, he should be frost-resistant. Friends recommended to make a purchase on Aliexpress. Found an interesting model 3 in 1 - lock, keyboard, print scanner. The package went about three weeks. Externally, everything is quite decent, as in work while i do not knowBut friends praise.

Video: Biometric scanner Suprema Biomini Slim

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