Aliexpress - Portable Dictionary of Russian, English, German, Japanese and Translation Systems for 5 - 17 languages: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will discuss how to properly use the electronic dictionary and which models can be purchased on Aliexpress.

We all periodically use the dictionary from the computer. But how to be if it is required on the road? In such a situation, a portable electronic dictionary is able to help, which has a whole library with dictionaries in the database. On the Aliexpress you can buy a suitable high-quality model that will facilitate life and communication with foreigners.

If you have not had to buy on Aliexpress, then we recommend learn our article "How to arrange the first purchase for Aliexpress?".

Electronic Dictionaries on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

How to use electronic dictionary?

How to use electronic dictionary?

Main destination  anyone portable drug is an translation words and even whole texts. IN dependencies from selected device, words maybe perceive device with vote or keyboard.

  • Cope with with such a gadget can even child. TO to each device in complete supplied instruction, where clearly shown, which button and what means.
  • Process work device looks like an online translator. To you necessary choose suitable language, enter words in window and get translation.
  • Some models are able transfer phrases or phrases, but more perfectwhole texts.
  • At acquisition electronic drug look, how much fishing included in vocabulary, but same them Topic.
  • W. many models available option exhaust words. This is especially healthy for studies languages, so how not have to everyone once search need word. New words device remembers for a long time, but because you you can them in anyone time repeat.
  • More one useful functionprophoving words and proposals aloud. Voice function useful, if you not know, how right pronounced word.
  • except these functions, in electronic dictionaries have additional options in the form of alarm clock, organizer, clock, radio, and so on.

Thus way, electronic dictionaries are fine assistants for travelers and schoolchildren, which want fast learn languages.

See catalog

Electronic Dictionaries on Aliexpress: Models, Review, Catalog

On the Aliexpressthere are many different models of electronic dictionaries. Let's discuss what you can find:

Talkdict IDICT Q2 Plus E

Talkdict IDICT Q2 Plus E

  • Works device with two finger batteries
  • Memory received volume 2 GB
  • LCD-Dyspals black and white has the size 4 inches
  • The columns received power 0.5 B.
  • Support 12 languages
  • Sounded 7 languages
  • In the dictionaries contain 12 Topics and 152 scenes

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  • Works device on two batteries
  • Internal storage has a volume 2 GB
  • Display not color but LCD
  • The dictionary has in memory five languages
  • Every language has sound Human voice

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Franklin EST-7117

Franklin EST-7117

  • In the arsenal of the dictionary 17 languages
  • The verbal base is more 20 thousand words for each language and additionally 3000 phrases
  • All the words are divided into different topics
  • All words have high quality voice
  • There is also a fix option - if you write a word with an error, it will automatically be fixed
  • It is possible to create your lists of words and phrases for learning a language

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  • Support russian, chinese and english language
  • In the memory of Device  saved more 1 million Valid words and phrases
  • More 40 thousand words got Voice voice acting
  • Internal drive device has volume 1 GB
  • Working vocabulary on the two batteries
  • Words distributed on the various themes
  • There is an additional section o China

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  • Gadget supported 16 languages
  • Side available two keys for adjustments Volume
  • except ordinary drug there is more separate, consisting from 1100 most often meaning expressions
  • Device it has other useful functions, to example, radio, torch, clock and other

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Electronic Dictionaries for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

The electronic dictionary is a fairly expensive device, and therefore I want to immediately get from a reliable seller and buy a quality product. How to choose the sellers we wrote in the article "How to choose the seller to aliekspress?".

We also present several stores that sell high-quality dictionaries and enjoy confidence from buyers:

Electronic Dictionaries on Aliexpress: Reviews

Irina: Very useful thing. I bought Chinese from Talking. It has 12 languages, although I have enough German and English. Many of the words have voice acting, which is quite convenient. There are still examples of consumption. I am satisfied. Thank you!

Raisa: This year I decided to start learning languages. They advised to buy an electronic dictionary, since with them the learning process is more convenient. I ordered an aliexpress. The goods came reliably packed, all the whole. I really like the dictionary itself, it transfers quickly, also words voiced.

Leonid: Gathered on a trip to China. This language is not impaired for many, including for me. I decided to buy an electronic dictionary. With her duties, he coped well, I didn't even have language problems. I pleased a very dictation function by voice.

Video: 15 awesome and useful products for school with Aliexpress / Best with Aliexpress

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