Aliexpress - Tools for sushi and rolls, algae nori, sets, molds, bamboo mats, mats, dishes, boards, sticks, rice blades, stands: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops

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In this article we will discuss how to find and buy sushi cooking tools on Aliexpress.

Although sushi came to us from Japan, but they are very popular all over the world. This delicacy fell in love with his beautiful and unusual taste. Aliexpress it is a Chinese playground, and therefore it would be strange if there were no tools for the preparation of sushi. Here you will find many different tools for making your favorite delicacy.

If you have never made purchases on this site, we recommend reading you an article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

Algae Nori on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Algae Nori.

Algae Nori.

This type of algae is very popular, as people love sushi very much. It is difficult to imagine delicious rolls and without nori. On the Aliexpressnori A class, which are not sold at such a value in our online stores. Moreover, Nori is very useful, due to the fact that they have a lot of iron. Also in them enough calcium and iodine.

Scientists noted that with a frequent use of Nori, the work of the cardiovascular system becomes better. These algae are still used for salads and first dishes. In general, where your fantasy will allow. Therefore, if you like this product, then you should not postpone the purchase.

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Forming for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Forming for sushi.

Forming for sushi.

Prepare beautiful rolls are not so easy. Many try to prepare them on their own, but the appearance often upset. The masters learn to prepare the perfect sushi not one year, but you want everything immediately.

Molding for sushi in the form of animals

Molding for sushi in the form of animals

Therefore, special forms for molding were invented to help beginners. You can buy on Aliexpress wooden, silicone, plastic or metal models. If you prefer to use only eco-friendly materials, then there are suitable options for you.

Molding in the form of a pandochki

Molding in the form of a pandochki

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Bamboo mats, mats for Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Bamboo mats

Bamboo mats

It is impossible to cook sushi without a special bamboo rug. They are made of pure bamboo. They can be used even allergies. Moreover, they are very durable, and therefore bought one, you will get a working surface for a long time. In addition to rugs from bamboo, you can find both silicone models with different sizes and colors.

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Tableware - Boats for Sushi and Rolls on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Dishes boats for sushi on Aliexpress

Dishes boats for sushi on Aliexpress

Make beautiful sushi is not all. They need to be right. It's nice to eat from a beautiful dish. The most striking example is the feeding of dishes on a special dish-tray. Many visitors buy these products not only for home use, but also small cafes. There are dishes with a pattern in the form of hieroglyphs with different values.

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Boards for sushi and rolls to Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Sushi boards for Aliexpress

Sushi boards for Aliexpress

Another good option to feed sushi and rolls is the board. On the Aliexpress they are presented in different forms, with recesses under the sticks. Either they can be moisture collectors or with the steps. On some models you can cook rolls.

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Sets for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Sets for sushi and rolls will help make their perfect shape and put on a table with all the details of the ceremony.

Sets for sushi and rolls to Aliexpress

Sets for sushi and rolls to Aliexpress

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Rice blades for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Rice blades for Aliexpress

Rice blades for Aliexpress

For the Japanese rice is the main garnish, with him hostess and began to invent different dishes, including rolls. Many like other rice dishes. Often there are Pandask and rice, hearts, and so on. To make them, special forms will be required. They are useful for making meals to small children, to make it more interesting to eat.

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Stands for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Stands for sushi on Aliexpress

Stands for sushi on Aliexpress

In the catalog with deliveries under sushi, you will find different offers with tables from the tree! There are also forms of several departments for different products.

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Sticks for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

And of course how can there be sushi and rolls without chopsticks? On the site Aliexpress A huge selection of bamboo, stainless steel, Chinese, Japanese, Korean chopsticks is presented.

Sticks for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress

Sticks for sushi and rolls on Aliexpress

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Sushi tools for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Buying goods by Aliexpress it may not always be successful, although it happens rarely. The thing is that the key to a successful purchase is not only compliance with the description, but also the right choice of the seller. Fraudsters are everywhere, even Aliexpress they cannot completely get rid of them, as they will always find loopholes. Therefore, in order not to worry about the money spent, you must learn to choose suitable shopping stores. How to do it right we talked in the article "How to choose the seller to aliekspress?". We offer you several shops that trust the site administration and buyers:

Sushi tools for Aliexpress: reviews

Forming for sushi

Forming for sushi

Matvey: Thank you so much! It was very happy to receive the goods. The packaging is neat out of tissue bonded by scotch. A plastic product was collected, the piston with ease moves. There are no defects, so I am satisfied.

Maria: Finally got his purchase. Although she walked for a very long time - as many as 3 months. In Russia, the track could not be tracked. The goods have an excellent packaging, there was no damage. Rolls are spinning with such a device quickly and easily! Thank you!

Tool kit for sushi

Tool kit for sushi

Tatyana: The knife came in a month, the box was a bit damaged during transportation. Plastic is very cheap, but a knife looks like a toy. As for me, the price is overestimated, I found cheaper in our city, but it's too late.

Eugene: Although the seller and good, but I did not like the goods. First, the track gave the wrong, confused with someone. Secondly, the goods still reached, but he is clearly not worth his money. The box is generally embarrassed. Although the set is capable of performing your functions, but the price should definitely be less.

Algae Nori.

Algae Nori.

Hope: The taste of algae seems to be nothing, not very dense and with a strong smell of the sea and fish. They came slightly damaged in packing with hundreds of sheets.

Arthur: Lovely sheets! The aroma is pleasant, taste too. And they are very dense. If you wish rolls in the sheet, then the thick wrapper of two layers will be obtained. Such a sheet is hardly bung, and therefore it should be cut in pressure.

Video: Machine for sushi with Aliexpress \\ Make sushi \\ salad sushi or lazy sushi

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