Oral care products for Aliexpress - pastes, strips for teeth whitening, children's and adults Simple and electric dental, intersuban brushes and heads to them, threads, pasta, disinfection of toothbrushes: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, links

Goods for health

In this article we will talk, what products for oral hygiene can be found on Aliexpress.

Everything we on morning go in bathroom room to wash and clean teeth. To provide cavities mouth due care not do well without special tools. Not many know, but them can buy on the Aliexpress. Here presented huge range goods, so what you find funds on the any happening.

If w. you more no experience work with site, then recommended explore to you article. «Decor first purchases on the Aliexpress«.

Goods - Paste, strips for whitening teeth on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Teeth whitening goods

Teeth whitening goods

Everything videli photos celebrities with beautiful snow-white smile. Sure, straightaway same i want to get such and think about o volume, to bleach teeth. Better trust this business professional, but if no possibilities go to specialist and pass expensive procedure, then can use funds for self whitening.

IN catalog site. you meet special paste, strips and much other.

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Electric tooth brushes on the Aliexpress: models, catalog, photo

Electric toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes

Popularity electric brushes with eachdy day only growing. Many prefer exactly them, so how counts, what not w. eVERY it turns out right clean teeth, but because in rTU remain bacteria. WITH electric brush can not think o reliable action, what and liked consumers, so how vile made so, to teeth cleared how can more efficient Exist various types data electric devices and all them can meet on the Aliexpress:

  • Models with electric drive. These devices enough economy, great cool sO his work and have low price. They are meet most often among all types brushes.
Electric drive brush

Electric drive brush

  • Sound and ultrasound brushes. They are consider sAME dear from all, though and work for sure same. Quality cleaning in dann case depends from quality village and from togo, which frequency work w. samoa brushes. On the Aliexpress can to find original from brand Oral B. and his inexpensive analogs, which too good perform their functions.
Ultrasonic brush

Ultrasonic brush

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Heads for dental brushes on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Toothbrush Heads

Toothbrush Heads

Periodically heads w. dental brushes require replace. Not costs straightaway go in shop per new brush, enough simply acquire head. On the Aliexpress represented heads for anyone type electric brushes with difficult softness and form. How rule, in one lot sold sets from two things.

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Tooth brushes on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo



Simple tooth brushes too represented in assortment. Everything they different stiffness, form and dimensions. except togo pen maybe to be made from tree, so and rubberic. Especially popular among users bamboo models. They are different middle stiffness schedule, pen little flexible, what gives opportunity better clean teeth, but itself pen it has rubberized places.

Before how buy product, note attention on the information in description. IN her should to be specified material village, but same design brushes and her dimensions. On the Aliexpress catalog divided on the three parts: adults, children's and for self little.

Children's brushes

Children's brushes

Children's models different dimensions and external design. On the handle, how rule, applied pictures, or she it has form animal, hero cartoon or simply made on the children's topic.

Brushes for kids

Brushes for kids

For kids there is rodzunas in form banana, on the end whom made small brush from silicone. When w. child start bump into teeth, then such. brush will be fine assistant.

Children's brush on finger

Children's brush on finger

Clean teeth necessary with togo moment, how spruce most first tooth. clear, what while child not will be able do this myself, so were invented special brushes, washing on the finger.

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Tooth a thread on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo



TO regret, sometimes not enough simply on clean teeth brush, so how between teeth there is gaps, where brush simply not reaching. IN such. case cuts out tooth a thread. It happens two type such products:

  • Waxes. Suitable for newbies, which more n. once imi not used. Sold they small coils sO special holders for facilities.
  • Lost. This is already more professional options.

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Tooth paste on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo



Tooth paste on the site. represented in two speciesfor adults and for children. Chinese very love grass, but because many product made from natural grass. except togo in selling there is «black» paste. They are possess effect whitening, and not bad. More except paste in tubes can acquire her in jar.

Additionally can acquire clip for pulling. Agree, many he very even useful.

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Interdental brushes on the Aliexpress: catalog, Photo

Interdental brushes

Interdental brushes

More one auxiliary method cleaning space between teeth are special brushes. They are much more convenient, how thread. More togo, they reusable , what counts big plus. Acquire interdental brushes can and on the Aliexpress.

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Goods for disinfection dental brushes on the Aliexpress: catalog, Photo

Disinfection of toothbrushes

Disinfection of toothbrushes

How rule, after cleaning teeth we simply rinse brush and remove on the a place, but at it is nobody not thinks out, what there remain bacteria and microbes. Exactly because bricks, how and teeth, need daily cleaning. On the Aliexpress in special section can acquire special sterilization materials.

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Goods for hygienes cavities mouth on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops

To each seller on the playground i want to get how can more orders, to more earn. So how Aliexpress oriented on the buyers in all world, then on the site. was created rating sellers. Respectively, how he higher, top better. except togo, this index reliability.

If you more newbie on the site., then to you costs read article. «W. some seller better buy on the Aliexpress. We same in this theme deepen not stan. To to you ease search goods for hygienes cavities mouth present some shops, where can do purchases without risk:

Goods for hygienes cavities mouth on the Aliexpress: reviews

Reviews o bambouk brushes:

Bamboo brushes

Bamboo brushes

Ivan.: Brushes to me like. They are have soft bristle, chase, but ends not sharp. On the handle there is insert from silicone, nic strange smell no. Plastic bend in necessary mesal, but because clean teeth more convenient. Cleaning very soft, so what not all like it. to me self like soft schedules, but these more softer.

Peter: Order waited more month. Brushes decent. For teeth with problems most best option. Buy already second once. One set keeps 4 month. Front use brushes necessarily necessary rinse. Across month use hair start fall out, what speaks o necessity shim brushes. But abuse imi not have to, what too good.

Sergei: Brushes i use already almost two of the year. Brall w. different sellers. Everything very satisfied. Flap sidden good, but itself cleaning neat.

Reviews o dental paste:



Victor: Product beautiful! Delivery, certainly, not sAMI fast, but all reached. Package not very reliable, but inside all left integer. Paste good cleans. Across three weeks use smile strongly changed and teeth bleached. If would more it was fresh breath, then all it was would ideally.

novel: Delivery too slow. Package bad, but paste inside stayed whole. Cleans not bad, to me liked. Will buy more, but not w. of this seller for sure.

Reviews about electric dental brush:

Electric Toothbrush

Electric Toothbrush

Irina: Brush good. One nozzle little noisy, but other normal. Although this not fearfully. Before Udmurtia reached per 16 days. Package tracking. I recommend!

Maxim: Buying brush across group procurement 4 colors. Pink working fine, but purple and green unknown how. At inclusion brushes not working, but if take off nazadku, then hear, what alltaki working. AND nozzles put other and batteries changed nothing not helped. IN total money spent in vain.

Eugene.: Order shel month. Salesman very economy on the packing, so how no no protection, although would from falls. But all same product came integer. On the packing posted, what in complete go batteries, but them no. IN principle this not problem, the main thing itself brush working.

Video: Electric Toothbrush Azdent Caliexpress

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