Products for drawing Aliexpress - Paints, brushes, colored pencils, easels, markers, markers, sets, crayons, boards, for calligraphy, palette, oil pastel: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk, which products for drawing and creativity can be purchased on Aliexpress.

For many it seems oddity that people buy penny little things on AliexpressYes, and are still waiting for months. No one argues that you can make a purchase and in the store, but the cost will be an order of magnitude higher, and the quality is not always better. In this case, a logical question appears - what to overpay? If you do not chase at the cheapest goods and pay a little, then you buy very high-quality products and in any case will remain in the plus. In this article we will talk about drawing goods. They are represented by Aliexpress in a huge assortment.

If you just plan to register on this site, we recommend that you read the article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

Feltolsters, Markers on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Feltolsters on Aliexpress

Feltolsters on Aliexpress

If you need markers for drawing a child or highlight important places in the abstract, then for such goods, of course, it is better to go to stationery. But for professionals there is really a paradise place. Many buyers remain satisfied and say that all markers are drawn bright and beautifully. There are one-color sets and a large color gamut in the catalog. The largest set has a total of 772 colors.

Huge set of markers

Huge set of markers

See catalog

Colored pencils for drawing on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Huge selection of on Aliexpress Color pencils. The largest set of color pencils of 120 pieces of different colors and shades.

Colored pencils for drawing on Aliexpress

Colored pencils for drawing on Aliexpress


See catalog

Brushes and paints Artistic on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Tassels are very popular on Aliexpress. They differ in the type and material of the pile.

Depending on the type, you can buy the following brushes:

  • Oil
Oil brushes

Oil brushes

See catalog

  • Watercolor
Watercolor brushes

Watercolor brushes

See catalog

  • Calligraphic
Brushes for calligraphy

Brushes for calligraphy

See catalog

According to the material, the Village distinguish:

  • Nylon
Nylon brushes

Nylon brushes

See catalog

  • From horse hair
Horse-hair brushes

Horse-hair brushes

See catalog

  • Woolen
Woolen brushes

Woolen brushes

See catalog

  • Bristy
Brushless brushes

Brushless brushes

See catalog

  • From mixed hair
Mixed hair brushes

Mixed hair brushes

See catalog

  • Rabbit
Rabbit wool brushes

Rabbit wool brushes

See catalog

In addition, it is impossible to do without paints during drawing. On the Aliexpressyou will find the following paints:

  • Acrylic
Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints

See catalog

  • Watercolor
Watercolor paints

Watercolor paints

See catalog

  • Oil
Oil paints

Oil paints

See catalog

Artistic sets on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Artistic sets for Aliexpress

Artistic sets for Aliexpress

Buying artistic sets is much more profitable, as you get important trivia at once, but pay less.

You can buy a set consisting of several tens of brushes.

Set of brushes for drawing

Set of brushes for drawing

There is a set of markers, paints, brushes, as well as pencils. There are 258 items in it.

Professional drawing set

Professional drawing set

In addition, you will enjoy the Mastichein set.

Set of Mastichin

Set of Mastichin

See catalog

Smalls on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Smalls for drawing to Aliexpress

Smalls for drawing to Aliexpress

We all painted small in the asphalt in childhood. Even adults love to do it. Today there are even special easels for such creativity. Therefore, merchants on Aliexpress offers acquire multi-colored chalks in the set.

Set of drawing bags

Set of drawing bags

See catalog

Drawing Boards for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Plaques for drawing

Plaques for drawing

Drawing boards are distinguished by their diversity, and on Aliexpress they are divided into several categories:

  • Paper for drawing
Paper for drawing

Paper for drawing

See catalog

  • Canvas for drawing
Canvas for drawing

Canvas for drawing

See catalog

  • Rice paper
Rice paper

Rice paper

See catalog

  • Hawns


See catalog

Moreover, the boards for drawing according to Chinese are also water boards. Such products are suitable for small children who only know creativity. Especially such a way will save your walls clean.

Water board for drawing

Water board for drawing

See catalog

Brushes for calligraphy on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Brushes for calligraphy

Brushes for calligraphy

Such brushes are made only from natural materials - horse, goat, badger hair, and so on. The site presents not only individual brushes for calligraphy, but also kits, as well as special cases.

See catalog

Easels for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Any artist needs an easel. You can purchase a special stand on Aliexpress. Assortment you will love. Moreover, you can choose the appropriate option according to the material, price and sizes.

Easels on Aliexpress

Easels on Aliexpress

For small creators, there is also a lot of interesting things. The child can buy a special easel, where you can draw marker, shallow or attach magnets. Be sure to learn the instructions before use.

Children's Molbert.

Children's Molbert.

See catalog

Palettes on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Palettes on Aliexpress

Palettes on Aliexpress

The palette is also an important part for the work of any artist. The site presents wooden, plastic and metal models. You can choose a model with a finger opening, rectangular or with cups for paints.

See catalog

Oil pastel on Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Oil pastel on Aliexpress

Oil pastel on Aliexpress

In the past few years, oil pastel has become very popular. Unlike dry options, oil is not so saturated. Although at the moment the manufacturers try to take into account all the wishes and gradually the color gamma is expanding. Therefore, on Aliexpress you will definitely find many bright and fresh paints.

Oil pastel in the set

Oil pastel in the set

See catalog

Products for drawing to Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Making purchases on Aliexpress, newcomers do not always look at the store rating. And in vain. It largely depends on the quality of the product obtained, since the higher the rating of the seller, the better it works. How to choose the right store we talked in the article "Seller's rating for Aliexpress"So if you are a novice on the site, then we recommend that you explore it. We also present you some reliable vendors who trust buyers and administration Aliexpress:

Products for drawing on Aliexpress: reviews

Reviews about the brushes:



Tamara: Great brushes! In the art school they said that they are directly what is needed. Although the delivery took a lot of time, but still I am glad that everything came. Many thanks to the seller!

Irina: I liked the brushes. I just like this and wanted. Two sets came - one with a fluffy brush, and in the second there are already another. In action, so far did not have time to try, but I hope everything is fine.

Natalia: I ordered the first time, the brushes did not reach, but the seller returned the money. After re-order received the goods in 20 days. Brushes are not bad, albeit synthetic. In the store, these are much more expensive.

Reviews of acrylic paints:

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints

Arthur: I bought paints for nail to my wife. She likes. Quickly dry - just have time to make the desired color and apply. There is a brush in the kit. By the way, she said that it is even more convenient for those designed for drawing. Tubes are small, but for nails is enough.

Inna: The paints are very bright, although the tubes are small. The consistency is not very thick. I am pleased with the order. The packaging consists of a package without puffers, but it is strange that nothing is clear. Delivered in a couple of weeks without tracking.

Reviews about markers:



Eugene: Markers are good, but the goods have already ended. I asked to put the color "0" and put! After a month of active drawing began to push, but they still stand their money.

Natalia: Feltolsters walked a month and a half. Good markers, but if you take from to highlight text, they will not fit. And so everything is fine!

Video: Art Brushes from China - Drawing Tassels with Aliexpress

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