Aliexpress - the most bored models of printers barcodes and labels: review, price catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will talk to which printers of the barcodes ( Barcode Printers.) You can find on Aliexpress.

Price tags and labels today are used everywhere. On the them specified price product and his price. except togo, on the them printed hatch code, without whom it is forbidden news automated accounting. Today his lead even self little the shops, so how this comfortable.

Undoubtedly, can contact to special companies, to they that engaged, but purchase special devices w. them stand up in greasy amount. Beautiful way acquire for business necessary techniquethis purchase her on the Aliexpress. Here presented large catalog printers for labels and hatchcodes.

If you more n. once not were on the this playground and only planning register, then recommended explore to you article. «How right do first order on the Aliexpress.

Printers hatch codes on the Aliexpress: overview, catalog, photo

Not costs refuse to myself in purchase fromper togo, what she made chinese., so how many manufacturers manufactured their devices exactly in China. Moreover on the Aliexpress they sold on procurement cost. therefore here became fashionable serve not only private entrepreneurs, but and big industries, after all supply found with plant., but because overpay not have to.

Large price range depends here even not from manufacturer, but from view purchased apparatus:

  • Printers initial level
Printer of the initial level

Printer of the initial level

This option suitable small shop and enterprises, but same he maybe release daily before five thousand labels. Despite on the low price functionality few in how inferior expensive apparators. Printers such type are able work not only with termobumagoy, but and adhesiveness ribbons.

Printers initial level maybe work only with term stamps, but because label saves mine colour on the length couple. months. If to you need more durable option, then for you fit models medium or industrial class, which work on technology thermotransfer print. How rule, similar models have large weight and USBinterface. therefore if to you necessary his constantly to transport, then to you better reverse attention on the portable printers.

  • Mobile printers

Portable terminals for a long time not surprise, but here printers started used relatively recently. There is very interesting model similar on the Kpk. with system Android 4.2:

Mobile printer

Mobile printer

If you want to more easy model, but with function remote print across Bluetooth and Wifi. IN such. case you can acquire printer with similar functional, which the except print maybe more and scan hatchcodes. She is different small dimensions, what comfortable for transportation.

  • Industrial printers
Industrial printer

Industrial printer

Similar devices are able fulfill large volume workfrom 20 thousand labels in flow day. Them in basic apply in large companies, but them metal frame allows use them in self heavy conditions. Printers industrial categories maybe work on technology term printing and thermotransfer, what does them universal.

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Portable printers hatch coda on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Though portable models printers and not very fast in work, all same they enjoy huge popularity. Chinese constantly improve their devices and embed self advanced technology, but at it is price all equals remains nevable. except togo, though range and not very large, but basic his part includes how once from portable printers. Some devices present by himself modern gadgets, but part generally looks on the senthers from 90nS year.

Mini thermo printer

Mini thermo printer

Small printer in durable corps made thus specially, to them can it was enjoy even in self hard conditions. Mobility devices provided USB cable, which the connect to mobile phone. Even despite on the his attractive description, for daily use have to his always set on the charging, so how battery it has volume total 2000 mach.

Touch Printer Barcode Codes

Touch Printer Barcode Codes

Everyone experienced shopper always tries to find such places, where purchases will be most profitable and comfortable. Owners shops in internet know this peculiarity and try provide best service. Some even allow pay goods at receipt. Aliexpress while not it has such possibilities, but all modern workers trade maybe ease my work and acquire mobile terminal with touch display, which the not only print check or hatchcode, but and will be held payment and fixes operation.

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Self purchased models printers hatch codes on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Ourselves on to myself printers hatch codes not are simple goods. Them it is forbidden buy spontaneously, how sweater or handbag. TO acquisition of this equipment follow suit very carefully, carefully looking through characteristic and reviews about device. Detail paint technical characteristic not it has meaning, so how she always on the high level. let's let's find out, what kind models devices consider most popular on the playground:

  • Zebra. gK888T.

Zebra GK888T.

This is one from best models, working on technology straight thermotransfer print. She costs in district two hundred dollars. IN this amount included more and paid expressdelivery. He good prints small labels on the glue based. except togo, to him can to plug additional auto film.

This printer is an more perfect model Zebra. TLP. 2824. He became little more on size, but but his price much decreased. This is beautiful option for offices and production.

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  • Zebra. zT410.

Zebra ZT410

This is best printer, oil to industrial class. He is different high level reliability and stability work. Device received whole frame from metal and maybe print more 20 thousand labels in day. Although such speed will cost in greasy amount. On the Aliexpress this printer costs 1000$.

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  • Xprinter. 370b.


This printer appeared thanks to companies Jepod. in 2016 year. He belong to middle class and counts best from all. Device is an fine by decision for print hatchcodes, QRcodes and labels on the termobumaga from two layers before 2 thousand in day. except low cost apparatus it has simple interfacefor replace printing heads necessary simply out off cover without necessity unscrew vitals.

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  • TSC TDP.225w


More one popular printer is an model from Xeumior.. She conduct print how simple stickers and labels, so and bangles on the dense paper and renta. More togo, to her connect keyboard and monitor, what allows create whatthen like small printed stations.

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Self cheap printers hatch coda on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Today all more popular become purchases on the Aliexpress, so how small range domestic shops not all arranges. SAMI simplest machine for print hatchcodes it has price 12$, although separately more have to pay delivery, but in anyone case will cost to you this device not expensive 30$. Per these money to you will come set, consisting from apparatus, USBcable, charger and disk with drivers.

Printer Noname.

Printer Noname.

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If you not trust unknown markam, then you you can acquire other decent devices from reliable sellers:

  • GP2120TU. from GPRINTER


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  • Portable QS5806. from manufacturer QS.


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  • Xp.360b. from Jepod.


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  • High-speed printer LPQ80 from HPRT.


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Printers hatch codes on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops

Not costs simply believe on the word seller, if in description they write, what w. product simply ideal characteristic per small money. To not get on the false sellers, recommended buy things only w. checked shops. How right choose seller and on the what treat attention we wrote in article «W. some seller costs buy on the Aliexpress.

Below we present to you list shops, where can do purchases without risk:

Printers hatch codes on the Aliexpress: reviews

Everything same the main thing indicator, what product qualitative, is an even not rating store, but reviews from those, who already committed purchase, saw thing burning and kept her in hands. Reviews let me to you to know about features delivery and work self printer. IN internet there is a bunch of reviews on the various models, but better all same to read reviews on the page with description.

Reviews. Photo 1.

Reviews. Photo 1.

Reviews. Photo 2.

Reviews. Photo 2.

Reviews. Photo 3.

Reviews. Photo 3.

Video: XP-58 Printer Print Checks with Aliexpress

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