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What is an irrigator? How to order an irrigator to Aliexpress?

The irrigator is a modern cleaning device for the oral cavity and teeth inclusive. It can be a professional station or a manual portable device. Each irrigator has a number of nozzles with different surfaces that are necessary to clean the language, gum or dental enamel.

You can buy an irrigator in pharmacies or household appliances stores, but much cheaper to order a device on the site AliexpressWhere prices are happy with democraticness, and the assortment of the choice. Make your first order in Aliexpress You will help guide to buyers or special information about the work of the site here.

Important: Order an irrigator on Aliexpress Very simple, look at the directories with devices of different types of action and send a purchase to the basket. The field of this you can place a purchase by paying it, or ask the seller all your questions.

How to buy an irrigator to Aliexpress and why is it needed?

How to buy an irrigator to Aliexpress and why is it needed?

Professional irrigators for Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

Professional irrigaters are used in dental offices, where doctors are trying to clean the teeth from the laid, remove the residues of the food from the interdental space, refresh the breath and remove the contents of the gum pockets.

What can be found on the site:

  • Irrigators for Dental Cabinets -professional stations capable of working in high voltage and supply a strengthen water strength for high-quality mouth and teeth. Such irrigaters are distinguished by the presence of a large container for the purification fluid.
  • Irrigators with lots of nozzles - the device has many nozzles for different cleaning of teeth and mouth: with a bristle, rubberized surface, drying and others.
  • Irrigators for cleaning teeth and oral cavity - Devices that can clean not only teeth, but also the language, gums and the opposite side of the cheek.
Selection of devices for Aliexpress

Selection of devices for Aliexpress

Portable Home Irrigator on Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

The portable device is primarily characterized by the size and capacity of the tank for the cleaning fluid. Such a device is very convenient to use at home. IN Aliexpress There is a large catalog of similar devices of different manufacturers, little-known and popular brands. Here you can purchase an irrigator. with one or multiple nozzles.

Portable device: Selection in Aliexpress

Portable device: Selection in Aliexpress

Irrigators Philips, Aquapulsar for Aliexpress: Catalog, price

The most popular brand manufacturers of irrontizers in Aliexpress is:

  • Philips. - Large selection of home irrigate for daily use. You can purchase a device, both with one and several nozzles.
  • Aquapulsar - Professional devices for high-quality cleaning of teeth and mouth with a plurality of nozzles, high power, a large volume of tanks for the cleaning fluid.
Brand irrigators in the store

Brand irrigators in the store

Irrrigatory nozzles in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

The nozzle on the irrigator is of great importance, since it is capable of cleaning different surfaces: mucous membrane, dental enamel, the surface of the tongue.

Nozzles in Aliexpress:

  • For language - head, effectively cleansing the soft surface of the tongue from food residues. If you use a special medical fluid, you can also kill pathogenic bacteria.
  • For interdental space and gum pockets - head with a thin hole for water supply, which can penetrate even in the most difficult-reaching places at high pressure.
  • For teeth - to remove the prickly plaque, food residues and even a dental stone.
  • For metal structures — those people who have designs in the mouth, such a device will help qualitatively take care of the mouth hygiene.
Selection of nozzles for irrigator in the store

Selection of nozzles for irrigator in the store

Irrigators for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops, brands

The best brands of irrigator on the site:

The best shares on the website for shopping:

  • Seasonal sales - Periodic sales from all sellers and shops in any category of goods.
  • Last Minutes - The most popular irrigate and accessories for the care of the oral cavity with big discounts.
  • Almost don - Sale of irrigators and accessories for the care of the oral cavity with large discounts up to -90%.

Irrigators on Aliexpress: reviews

Irina:"Excellent irrigaters are sold on the site. I bought one portable for home use for a ridiculous price and insanely glad to it. It cleans it perfectly, it works quietly and efficiently and quickly. "

Svetlana:"The range of Aliexpress pleases diversity and low prices. Here you can buy literally everything: from the nozzles to the professional station. The quality pleases with an excellent assembly and long work. "

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