Office Electronics, Network Equipment for Aliexpress - Projectors, Scanners, Pens, Printers, 3D Printers, Plotters, Paperwear, Laminators, Dictionaries, Calculators, Audio Systems: Browse, Catalog, Price, Reviews, Photos, Links


In this article we will talk, which office equipment can be found on Aliexpress.

Office technique useful at work with documentation and her sending. except togo, she actively used students and schoolchildren for preparation reports and courses. On the today's day market offer so many options different devices, what even not necessary walk and specially conclude contracts o delivery. On the Aliexpress you find all, what to you necessary.

If you more not worked n. once with data site, then recommended read to you article. «How do first order on the Aliexpress.

Projectors and accessories on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

To spend qualitative presentation required special projector. He allows introduce obfin all, what you tell me. IN catalog there is excellent models on price before 10 thousand rubles. TO example, this simple model possessed HD.resolution:

Simple projector

Simple projector

From it opens bright light 1400 lumen. This is maybe per check built-in lED lamp. Self device it has rectangular form and made from white plastic. Looks like he beautiful and his easily use. IN set additionally included remote controller office and all necessary wires for settings.

except togo, you you can acquire 3D projectors. Cost they much more ordinary. They are successfully applied in construction firms for show new projects. Similar presentations will be obfin demonstrate all peculiarities project.

3D projector

3D projector

Presented on the photo device it has permission 1920x1080. pixel. Projector shows video in format 2k. and 4k.. More togo, device possessed built-in memory on the 16 GB and operative memory on the 3 GB. IN complete supplies available remote controller office and four points for view. More togo, them can enjoy and at home.

Sure, picture you you can project on the anyone comfortable surface, but better enjoy for these goals special screen. On the Aliexpress them too can acquire.

Projection screen

Projection screen

Screen easily collecting, if this required. Disassemble he same simply, enough hang his and pull per handle. This accessory costs acquire to projector necessarily.

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Scanners on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Scanners found wide application on the warehouses, in stores and offices. They are allow fast postpone document in digital format and work with nIM already across computer. except togo, scanners allow look characteristic product and his price. For example, for warehouse great suitable miniscanner for recognition hatch codes. Most large format possible for scanningA4.. This device allows with emergency news accounting and keep data o product. His memory designed on the thousand codes.

Scanner for reading barcodes

Scanner for reading barcodes

More there is little models for offices. They are allow fast scan the documents and not close down table. Device is different elongated rectangular form. Above w. it situated keys office and small display, where displays obtained data.

Small office scanner

Small office scanner

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Laser pens on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

In time presentations or on the lectures uncomfortable show important images hand. therefore can use laser handle. IN catalog site. represented various models. TO example, here this looks on the ordinary handle:

Laser hand

Laser hand

Although on the very business this multifunctional practical item, combining in to myself directly handle, laser pointer and torch. Tip capper made from rubber, but because them can enjoy even in quality stylus for tablet. To turn on laser ray enough press on the button.

More there is pens, which remind remote controller office:

Laser handle in the form of control panel

Laser handle in the form of control panel

W. this models ray red colors. More togo, w. pens available receiver and even wireless module for connections to computer. WITH her help you you can even play in video Game.

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Printers on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

For print documents necessarily need printer. TO example, in store he allows print overhead, chek., price tags and so further. This small model allows print chek.:

Printer for checks

Printer for checks

Her can to plug to computer with help cable USB. Everything necessary drivers go to him in complete on the disk. Working device from network. His successfully used in little shop and big supermarkets. useful maybe to be machine for print hatchcodes:

Machine for printing barcodes

Machine for printing barcodes

She performs blackwhite seal on the paper with adhesive the basis. More can exhibit manual setting for labels. Work devices produced from network, but connect he across USB cable. Drivers in complete absent, but they there is in free access in internet.

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Barcode. Printers. on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

IN it is section are located devices for print labels and chekov. TO example, this manual printer allows type ticket for bus or check o purchase:
Device it has compact dimensions, display and keyboard for writing information.

Barcode printer

Barcode printer

More meet printers, working on the Android system:

Printer android

Printer android

W. it sensory color display, on the which shows all information o shopping. He it has diagonal 7 inch and permission 1024x600. points. W. it additionally built in function reading hatchcodes.

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Credentials. Printers. on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

except trade, printers more need for designers and desurances. So on the Aliexpress represented colored printers. They are are able work how with paper format A4., so and with dense cards. Printer jet, then there is seal implemented with help liquid ink.

Credentials Printers.

This device will allow to you not only print snapshots, but and create original postcards.

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3D printers on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

3D printer

3D printer

3D printers today already nobody not surprise and on the Aliexpress can buy such goods. This is design, completed from aluminum sO table in nower parts. Not parallel jumper from metal located printing head. To you enough set need image and device on one's own create volumenny copy. There is apparators with opportunity print only one color, but there is and those, what print different flowers.

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Plotters on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Plotter is an top same printer, only long sizes. He designed not only for normal, but and widescreen print. TO example, there is model, that maybe cut out circuit:

Plotter for cutting circuit

Plotter for cutting circuit

This is excellent solution in combination with vinyl patch on the adhesive paper. So you will be able to on one's own do stickers with original design for at home or car.

Speed print devices depends from togo, aside complex drawing and how much in nem. used flowers. Up plotter on the lid are located keys office with display, showing, what kind parameters you specified. Device maybe work not only with simple paper, but and other materials.

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Paperwear cars on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

At work with documents, but especially at creation dIY from paper, necessary stick to defined sizes. If to you necessary undercut sheets, then manually this it turns out not always carefully and document maybe to be spoiled.

Tablet for cutting paper

Tablet for cutting paper

therefore follow enjoy special cutter for paper. This is device with plastic base, on the which located marking with dimensions paper and big blade with handle for cutting paper. To you necessary put sheet and fix his on the tablet, but then cut off necessary dimensions.

More in catalog represented cars for destruction documents.

Document destruction machine

Document destruction machine

This is plastic capacity with mounted knives in cover. Put paper in special hole and twist handle, after what paper will be grinding and popet in container.

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Laminators on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Sometimes i want to, to the documents or snapshots were saved. To avoid damage will allow lamination. Not necessarily go in photoeel. for of this. You you can do all on one's own. For of this to you required laminator.
Such device allows laminate sheets paper different formats before A4..



At first put sheet between two films, put all in special tray and turn on device. At passing across heating elements film will be put on and unite between by himself. Now document for sure will be saved for a long time. More can laminate pictures and so much other.

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Electronic dictionaries on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

If you want to explore foreign language or improve knowledge, then to you need electronic vocabulary. This is small apparatus, consisting from keyboard and display.

Electronic dictionary

Electronic dictionary

Enough enter phrase or word and to you here same display translation. except writing to you same will be specified right sound. IN instrument embedded a lot of dictionaries on the different languages. More togo, in nem. there is alphabets with pronunciation letters and grammar. This vocabulary will be useful for negotiators with foreign partners, so and for schoolchildren.

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Calculators on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

On the Aliexpress represented a lot of models calculators. TO example, here very simple model, caught fulfill not complicated operations:

Simple calculator

Simple calculator

She made in corps from plastic with big buttons oval forms.
More in selling represented serious accounts typewriters, for work sO complicated formulas, calculations, tables and charts.

Multifunctional calculator

Multifunctional calculator

This calculator come true in companies, where constantly have to work sO complicated formulas.

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Audio systems for conferences on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Audio systems for conferences

Audio systems for conferences

In time big conferences for broadcasts need qualitative and loud sound. For property necessary sound are used inputs for signals with microphones. W. presented models available 10 inputs. His mount on the equipment or general complex.

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Binding cars on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

For office work often are used binding cars. These devices allow do brochures and unite the documents in one folder. You you can acquire here such manual model:

Binding machine

Binding machine

WITH her help at first in paper made holes. Further to you necessary consolidate spring and connect leaves.

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Office electronics on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops

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Office electronics on the Aliexpress: reviews

Nikolai: Decided do at home homemade cinema. Projection screen i buying already for a long time, but here projector more while no. Decided explore model row Aliexpress. At watched nice option per small money. Product came fast, without defects. A little upset, what blurry focus, but all same his can tune. His necessary constantly clean from dust and working he enough noisy. therefore near myself his not put. I recommend!

Anna: To kid in school pretended buy multifunctional calculator. IN stores price such models begins from five hundred rubles. On the Aliexpress i his bought per 200 rubles. Calculator great, working wonderful. Child enjoy and him like.

Video: parcel from China. Aliexpress. Portable Handmade Scanner Skypix TSN415 + Hard Case + 8 GB TF

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