Aliexpress - 3D handles, 3D printers, 3D scanners, 3D-print materials, holographic projectors 3D: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will talk, which scanners and printers can be found on Aliexpress.

High technologies are firmly settled in our lives. If movies, wallpapers and cosmetics "3D" You just tribute fashion, then three-dimensional modeling devices are able to make magic immediately in your eyes. Gadgets capable of making a drawing not on paper, but in space, completely turned the concept of creativity and visual art. To get such a device, you do not need to have millions. You just look at Aliexpress and choose a suitable device at an acceptable value.

If you do not have any experience in making purchases on this site, we recommend learning you an article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

3D printers for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

3D printer

3D printer

Today, everyone can make a real even the most insane fantasy. 3D printers Today, more and more conquer the mass market, even on Aliexpress a whole separate section appeared for them. Acquisition of such a device will not only give you a good hobby for a long time, but will allow business. You can make plastic spare parts, for example.

On the Aliexpress more than three thousand different models of printers are available, and it can be devices from well-known manufacturers - Wanhao., Hory., Hueway. or even "Noname".

3D printer Wanhao.

3D printer Wanhao.

Although modern 3D printers Could print with the help of various technologies, Chinese devices for the most part work on the principle of layer printing. DFM. Technology in these devices has become available for simplicity of setting and cheapness of materials - opaque plastic threads of different colors.

Modern printer with DFM technology

Modern printer with DFM technology

Printers from Russia are very popular in Russia Wanhao.which are also called "Vanki", as they are very easy to use even a newcomer in modern technologies. For example, the model Wanhao Duplicator 6. Delivered from Russian warehouses, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of delivery and customs clearance, since such devices at customs always cause questions.

Wanhao Duplicator 6.

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Spare parts and accessories for 3D printers for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Spare parts and accessories for 3D printers

Spare parts and accessories for 3D printers

Thanks to 3D printer You can create almost any thing and even spare parts for the apparatus itself, but only taking care of it in advance. No one thinks that at one moment the spare part may break, but the Chinese think. Therefore, on Aliexpressthere is a separate section for assembly 3D designer With your own hands or to repair the working model. Although it sounds nice, but to look for suitable parts will have to be independently without any filters.

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3D Handles on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

3D handle

3D handle

In the distant past we could only dream of fantastic things, and modern children surprise autumn is difficult. And try creating magic for them available for everyone. 3D handle Allows you to draw directly in the air, creating quite tangible items. If in a simple store such a handle is very expensive, then on Aliexpress the simplest model with a heating indicator, the possibility of temperature adjustment and plastic threads in the kit will cost you only $ 15.

When choosing a suitable handle, be sure to pay attention not only to the price, but also the type of supply of consumables. It can be cold or hot.

  • Hot feed
3D handle with hot feed

3D handle with hot feed

These are the most popular pens that use simple polymer threads to draw for drawing, which will refuel the layer-by-layer printers. They are placed inside through the upper part of the case and through a preheated tip is output to create interesting forms. Even despite the fact that the handle has a special cooling system, with a negligent handling you can burn it. Moreover, ABS plastic during its heating is distinguished by an unpleasant smell, so it is better to pay attention to the handles refilled by PLA-alloys. Typically, this information is indicated in the description of the product.

  • Cold feed
3D Handle With Cold Feed

3D Handle With Cold Feed

This type of models is refilled with a photopolymer resin and is absolutely safe to use. Undoubtedly, the cost of these handles is higher, but it is allowed to use them even to children. Moreover, the material for notes there is no unpleasant odors and it is biodegradable.

Chinese in production 3D handles Significantly succeeded and even popular brands bypass, as they learned how to make good products from high-quality material and at the same time not to overestimate the cost.

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3D printing materials for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

3D materials

3D materials

In the ordinary handles and ink are needed ink and paint, so for 3D technologies need a "refueling". Usually, an additional several coils of polymer threads are included in the kit for three-dimensional printing, but they are spent immediately after receiving the parcel. Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in such unusual creativity, you will need consumables.

On the Aliexpress you can buy polymer threads in both the set and individual coils. The simplest set of 10 threads of different colors costs $ 10. If you need something unusual, please pay attention to other materials:

  • Luminescent PLA NITI
Luminescent PLA NITI

Luminescent PLA NITI

  • Reusable PLC thread
Reusable PLC thread

Reusable PLC thread

  • Metal threads
Metal thread

Metal thread

  • Carbon Nights
Carbon Nights

Carbon Nights

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3D Scanners for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

3D scanners

3D scanners

These devices are not so popular as printers, but they affect all spheres of our life. Scanners are useful in the cinema industry, medicine, design, and so on. On the Aliexpress little models are presented, but you can still buy both amateur and professional models.

Now it is not necessary to select a virtual model for future products in programs. It is enough to buy a contactless optical scanner with configured software and create three-dimensional models of moving objects.

Contactless optical scanner

Contactless optical scanner

In the sciences where accuracy is needed, for example in medicine, an error even by 1 mm can become failed. Specially g for such cases were invented contact 3D scanners with calibration plates. These are high-precision devices, but when removing the measure, the product can be damaged.

Contact 3D scanner

Contact 3D scanner

By the way, they are immediately sold 3D holographic projectors To create three-dimensional images directly from the smartphone. This is a great opportunity to feel like a fantastic hero.

3D holographic projector

3D holographic projector

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3D printers and scanners for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Apparatus with technology 3D print They are specific and pair photos and descriptions cannot be said about the quality of possible problems with the device. When purchasing goods, it is important to look at the seller rating and reviews. More about the seller's choice, we were told in the article. "How to choose a seller for aliexpress?". We present you several stores to make purchases that users trust you. Aliexpress:

3D printers and scanners on Aliexpress: reviews

The seller may infinite talk about the technical characteristics of the goods, but the most important quality indicator are feedback from real people. If you explore the reviews for a particular thing, you can learn about the true attachment of cases. Chinese 3D equipment is a real possibility of obtaining decent goods and savings.

Classic printer model TEVO. for 11 thousand ordered more than 2.5 thousand times. But not all buyers were satisfied with the quality. Complex instruction and missing parts are upset, but everyone solves the problem in its own way. Some collect printers using the Internet, while others buy screws and customize to the desired format. If you have time to assemble this complex designer, you can safely order such a printer.

TEVO scanner reviews

TEVO scanner reviews

Inexpensive 3D handle Myriwell more often bought as a toy for children. It has high performance, and accordingly cost from $ 20. At the same time, it fully justifies all expectations. The only thing that do not like customers is the rapid flow rate of plastic.

Reviews about 3D handle MYRIWELL

Reviews about 3D handle MYRIWELL

Scanner ciclop. on average, the Internet has costs three times more than on Aliexpress. You can buy it safely in the official store and even with a guarantee, so it makes no sense to overpay and access another store. The quality and assembly of the buyers of the negative does not cause, but the absence of Russian instructions is upset. Although the supplier reacts to it and sends everything you need.

Scanner ciclop.

Scanner ciclop.

Video: The cheapest 3D printer from China Aliexpress Verified Seller Prusa i3 3D

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