Liquid tights on aliexpress

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The article will tell you about such a beauty trend as "liquid tights" and how to buy them in Aliexpress.

Liquid tights - what is it? Why do we need liquid tights? How to use? How to buy liquid tights on Aliexpress?

Liquid pantyhose - A completely new and very popular trend in cosmetology and care for yourself. These are not at all stockings and not familiar pantyhose, it is a cosmetic to fight the imperfection of the skin.

Liquid pantyhose There are several forms of release: spray, lotion (cream) or napkins by type of wet handkerchiefs for fast use. All these funds can be ordered on AliexpressAfter all, the assortment of the store is very big and you can always choose the shade you need, as well as the brand of such tights.

Many people do not know how to use the store site, and therefore, beginners will be very useful to take advantage buyer's guide and read information about how to make your first order for aliexpress (link can be found here) and step-by-step instructions for registration and making your purchases.

How to use pantyhose purchased for Aliexpress:

  • Depending on the form of release, liquid tights have several rules of use.
  • Spray should be sprayed on clean legs evenly and so that the tool is applied to the entire surface not spots, but a thin layer.
  • Lotion or cream is applied manually, rubbing on all legs so that the layer is smooth and beautiful.
  • Napkins should also rub their legs along the entire length, without concentrating attention in individual areas so that no stains remain.

IMPORTANT: Remember that "liquid tights" are not real tights and therefore they do not warm their legs and will not hide large drawbacks on them (cellulite, bruises, mosquito bites). This tool will help you to align the skin of the skin and that is why it is not rarely called the auto market engine and even the "Photoshop for the legs". In addition, the tool has reflective particles, which makes a little bit like the real stockings.

What is liquid tights and how can they buy them on Ali Spress?

What is liquid tights and how can they buy them on Ali Spress?

How to buy spray liquid tights on Aliexpress: directory, price

The most comfortable form of liquid pantyhose is a spray, it is easy to apply it, evenly distributing the remedy for all legs so that there are no dark traces and stains. Just shake the bottle and pressing the button on the button. Start applying tights to your feet at all of their length. Additionally, it should not be squeezed with hands, it is desirable to wait 1-2 minute without movement until the funds are completely absorbed.

What spray tights can be bought in the store:

  • Liquid tights with auto market - this remedy disperses the shade of the skin several times and makes it more attractive warm color. Knives seem well-groomed and smooth. Such "liquid tights" is perfect for hot and sunny year, as well as dark women in any season. "Pantyhose" if necessary, it is easy to wash off with the help of water.
  • Liquid tights with a matting effect - special powdered particles as part of such "liquid pantyhose" will help you to hide skin flaws, such as lossy and shiny legs in the heat. Apply the means to the usual way, spraying along the entire length of the legs. The matting effect of "pantyhose" is very useful in the summer season.
  • Liquid pantyhose with moisturizing effect - special tights not only for the aesthetic beauty of the legs, but also for care about their beauty. The tool has particles of vitamins and oils that moisturize and nourish the skin of the legs.
  • Liquid tights with a flicker effect - such spray will help you not only hide the flaws of the legs and align their color, but also create a special style. "Tights" are very relevant for the evening image if the legs are open (skirt, short dress) and the main accent should be made on them.
The effect of liquid pantyhose in the form of a spray: How is it?

The effect of "liquid pantyhose" in the form of a spray: How is it?

Liquid tights in the store catalog

"Liquid tights" in the store catalog

How to buy cream, lotion Liquid tights for AliacPress: Catalog, Price

Another form of release of "liquid pantyhose" in Aliexpress - This is a cream or lotion. It is easy to apply it on the skin, it is enough to squeeze a small amount of the tube (or take from the jar) to smear along the entire length of the legs (rubbing and waiting for full absorption).

What cream tights can be bought in Aliexpress:

  • Lotion "Liquid tights" The remedy in the tube that should be squeezed and evenly rub into the legs. It is advisable to wait a few minutes so that the lotion is completely absorbed. On the site you can choose "pantyhose" with the effect of auto stock, matting or shimmering effect.
  • Cream "Liquid Tights" Cream in jars with different effects (sketching, matting, flickering) for applying to the feet, has a denser structure than a lotion. After applying, a complete absorption of funds should be waited.
Cream liquid tights: large selection in the store

Cream "Liquid tights": a large selection in the store

Cream liquid tights in Aliexpress

Cream "Liquid pantyhose" in Aliexpress

How to buy napkins Liquid tights on Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

Napkins with the effect of "liquid pantyhose" or auto market is an express agent for rapidly aligning the skin tone and reducing disadvantages (pallor, pigment spots, shine).

There is a large selection of such napkins in Aliexpress:

Means for leaning tone leather

Means for leaning tone leather

Aliexpress - Liquid tights: Best sellers and shops

Aliexpress - a store that helps you save. The advantage of the site is that he is constantly satisfied with the sale and gives its buyers a lot of discounts.

Most popular stocks:

  • Last Minutes— catalogs of goods, where the entire range of the store is assembled, including "liquid tights". This promotion allows you to purchase any thing in two, three and even 4 times cheaper than your initial price.
  • Almost don — the most popular heading of the store, which provides customers with huge discounts on all categories of goods. Interestingly, the cost of "liquid tights" in this category may be lower than 90% of its original price.
  • Seasonal sales — each season shop suits the sale of current goods, allowing customers to take them at ridiculous prices.

The most popular brands of "liquid pantyhose":

Profitable purchase of liquid pantyhose on Aliexpress

Favorable purchase of "liquid pantyhose" on Aliexpress

Liquid tights for Aliexpress: customer reviews

Alyona:"I tried this tool, as it was for me some kind of novelty, something unusual and even strange. As for me, such "tights" are needed only in the warm season and only to those who have some imperfections on the skin: stains, excessive pallor. I use them, but not often. Only when you need to look 100%, as they say. "

Olga:"I like the spray pantyhose more than cream. It is more convenient to apply it and how it seems to me it will dry faster, lies evenly. You can pick up your shade, there are not much of them, but nevertheless there is a choice - and it is already good. I like spray, as it is not imprinted on clothes, leaves no traces. "

Oksana:"I love to experiment with beauty-trends and this I liked it. It is nice to look good and know that no imperfections will spoil your appearance. I love to use "liquid pantyhose" when putting on a short dress or shorts. My legs are always sexy. "

Video: "Liquid tights: what is it?"

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