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In this article we will talk, what juicer you can buy on Aliexpress.

Each fan of juice from fresh fruits and vegetables will be useful to purchase a juicer. They differ in their own principle of work, cost, and even design. But ultimately, you will receive a result that depends on which principle of operation and the mechanism has a device. Choose a suitable model you can on Aliexpress.

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Augene, manual juicers for AlExpress: Catalog, Price, Photo

The quality of juice that produces this juicer is much higher and better than in its production by another method. Although one of the minuses is the fact that the processing of not all fruits of fruits and vegetables is possible. All devices of this type are divided into:

  • Manual
  • Single-screw horizontal
  • Two-noise horizontal
  • Vertical
Manual screw juicer

Manual screw juicer

The advantages of manual screw juicers include ease of use, compact dimensions and lack of need for electrical power. It can process it many solid vegetables and fruits. Moreover, even the nuts, growing grains and greens die. This option will be an excellent solution for use in nature, where there is no possibility of connecting to the network.

Electric screw juicer

Electric screw juicer

But for home use it is better to prefer electrical models. This will make the process easier and fast. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the volume of tanks for the finished juice, since for a large family the volume should be appropriate.

Single horizontal juicer

Single horizontal juicer

Single horizontal juicers are processed by a variety of vegetables and fruits, as well as the greens are well pressed. On such devices, you can even cook the vermicellier and polish the coffee beans. But here are soft fruits and vegetables turn into a puree, so it will have to pass through the sieve to get rid of the pulp. And this is not entirely convenient.

Two-screw horizontal juicer

Two-screw horizontal juicer

Two-screw horizontal models have two auger and are considered the most efficient and perfect. It processes products much faster and better. As a result, finished products will be 95% without pulp. It can squeeze the juice from the product or simply recycle. From the disadvantages there is noisy work, but it is not so important, because in the end you will get a quality product.

Vertical screw juicer

Vertical screw juicer

Vertical screw juicers can be considered the most delicate and careful. They work on small revolutions, but the greens are processed bad. Of the advantages you can select a wide neck capable of taking large products without preprocessing.

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Citrus Juicer for Aliexpress: Catalog, Price, Photo

Juicer for citrus

Juicer for citrus

If you prefer juice exclusively citrus, then you better pay your attention to these juicers. Before making a choice, pay attention to the characteristic, namely to power, the volume of tanks for the finished juice, as well as the level of filtration. To use the house it is better to choose electrical models.

Citrus juicers are divided into the following types:

  • Electric
Electric juicer for citrus

Electric juicer for citrus

  • Manual
Manual juicer for citrus

Manual juicer for citrus

  • Manual screws
Manual screw juicer for citrus

Manual screw juicer for citrus

  • Professional
Professional juicer for citrus

Professional juicer for citrus

Before choosing a particular model, the power is the main parameter, since the speed of preparation of juice depends on it. The dimensions of the device are also important. Drinking juice should be immediately and large does not indicate the quality of the model. Accordingly, you should choose based on your needs,

If the spout of the device has an additional filter, then it is only in plus. But if the model has a reverse function, then you can squeeze the maximum amount of juice.

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Juicer for Vegetables on Ali Spress: Catalog, Price, Photo

Juicer for vegetables

Juicer for vegetables

Among the models of juicers for vegetables are allocated as follows:

  • Centrifugal
  • Universal
  • Screw

Centrifugal models work like chock and are intended for solid vegetables. Loading inside fruits with a bone is not worth it. Initially, the products are shared in Cashitz and are then processed to produce juice.

Universal models can process not only solid, but also soft varieties of vegetables and fruits. Although, if there are exceptions, then they will be indicated in the instructions for the device.

But among the auger devices there are exclusively manual models, they work on the type of habitual meat grinder. Here you can recycle any fruit, even with bones. Although, despite this, such devices have a lot longer service life than electric models.

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Press for juice for Aliexpress: Catalog, Price, Photo

Press for juice

Press for juice

The press for the juice is mainly called mechanical juicers. But to work with him you need very great efforts. This method of processing remains popular over the years and is characterized by simplicity. Often, these devices are used in everyday life for the preparation of a large amount of juice and even for wine.

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Juicers on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

We present you some reliable stores where you can buy the juicer without risk:

How to buy juicer in online store AlExpress: reviews

Lily: I really liked the seller, I answered each question, the juicer itself is excellent. I make a puree for a child in it. Before Bryansk, the goods reached two weeks. Everything was tracked. Packaging is reliable, so nothing has been damaged.

Anastasia: The juicer works well. When unpacking and the first turn on the smell was terrible, but after a couple of use disappeared. For the month of use, nothing broke. Squeezes normally. I tried oranges, apples, carrots and beets.

Maria: It works well, perhaps the original. Delivery was at home by courier. If you load apples with bones, it will stop and if you do with small sieve too. With two apples it turns out a large mug of juice. It turned out to even prepare soy milk.

Video: SKG screw 1376 screw

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