Auto products for the car on Aliexpress - Puncharged devices, batteries and accessories to them, voltage regulators, generators, starters and spare parts for them with free shipping: Browse, catalog, price, reviews, photos, best sellers


In this article we will talk about the trips forces presented on Aliexpress.

The car is such a technique that requires proper care, both both outside and inside. So that your "horse" does not stand idle, you need to make some effort and time, well, and, of course, funds. Anyway happens on the road. Some situations can be solved on their own, and some without special means are insoluble. On the Aliexpress you will find high-quality useful tools at affordable prices.

If you have never made purchases on this site, we recommend learning to study you "How to arrange the first purchase for Aliexpress?".

Charger for the car battery on AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Charger for battery

Charger for battery

More semi-pious charging and starting devices you will meet in the site catalog. These electronic devices are used to charge the battery from an external power source. The process is the process of the AC network.

Aliexpress it offers to acquire many options in which everything you need has. And some models are equipped with additional tools. The kit with the ordinary device includes a transformer, voltage stabilizer, rectifier and an ammeter or voltmeter.

See catalog

Video: Car Battery Charger with Aliexpress

Accumulator meter on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Battery meter

Battery meter

If you want you to have a battery tank meter nearby, go to Aliexpress. Here the sellers offer more than a hundred different models. These are convenient compact devices and with LED lamps. Models have a higher price category there is a starter and generator check mode. Here are the terminals for batteries.

See catalog

Video: Car battery tester

Accumulators and accessories for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Batteries and accessories

Batteries and accessories

This category offers to purchase charging and starting devices, battery tank meters, terminals, clips and other interesting and useful fittings.

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Voltage regulators for aliexpress: catalog, photo

Voltage regulators

Voltage regulators

The voltage regulator is a device that supports the voltage in the automotive network within the normal range, regardless of the frequency of the rotor of the generator and what is the load of the external temperature. Moreover, it is able to protect the generator and its parts.

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Batteries, cables, connectors for AlExpress: Catalog, photo

Batteries, Cables, Connectors

Batteries, Cables, Connectors

The whole technique sometime breaks. It often happens that it is necessary to urgently cable or a small consumable item, but there is no one in stores, or there is, but the price is very high. Chapter "Batteries, cables, connectors"contains different useful trivia, and at low prices.

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Aliexpress generators: Catalog, photo



The car will not be able to work without many spare parts, including without a generator. At least the acquisition of this device is quite expensive, but many people are solved to do it on Aliexpress.

This electric machine is converted to the current in mechanical energy. It is used to power the electrical appliances and, above all, to charge the battery. On the site you will meet both traditional models and small.

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Generators and spare parts for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Generators and spare parts

Generators and spare parts

The acquisition of the generator hits the pocket significantly, but if you disassemble because of its breakdown, then it is quite possible, it will turn out that it can still be fixed. The site contains all components, details, smallest and consumables for different types of generators.

See catalog

Catalog of generators

Starters on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo



In category with starters, you are invited to purchase headlight control units, starter keys that have backlight, switches, spark plugs and so on.

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Battery trays for aliexpress: catalog, photo

Battery trays

Battery trays

If you care about your battery work as long as possible, then pay attention to special boxes in which it can be stored. You can purchase a box completely or its some parts. And to do it on other sites is unlikely to succeed.

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Products for charging and launching a car for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

The purchase of goods on the Internet is always risky. Did not go around the party and Aliexpress. Although the administration is actively trying to eradicate scammers, but they find ways to work, although not long. In order not to get into the paws to such sellers, you need to carefully approach the selection of the store. We present you several stores that have a good rating and a lot of positive feedback:

Goods for charging and launching a car on AliExpress: reviews

Charger battery

Charger battery

Konstantin: The device works. It has enough capacity and power to start a passenger machine with an engine to 2.5 liters. In the work showed itself well, worked the first time.

Dmitriy: I received a charger for a long time, but everything could not wait for a convenient point to leave a review. And yesterday at night, frosts came and sutra the car was not given. And then the moment came to try the new gadget. I threw the miracle of technology on the terminals, and he did not work. Therefore, I had to push. As I do not know, but for me the gadget was useless.



Leonid: The parcel reached three weeks. Track on the whole of the way could be tracking without problems. On the type of Termina, good and inspire confidence. Everything has come to the whole.

Ivan: Delivery turned out to be very long. Although the seller's guilt here. The terminals are decent, in the work has not yet tried.

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