Culinary Openers: Can Sunk, Bottle Key, Corkscrews, Polaris Electrical Cruising with Aliexpress

Household products

In this article we will talk, what culinary discovered can be purchased on Aliexpress.

The most primitive can opener is available in any kitchen. Single curved crescents with wooden handmade can not only open home blanks, but also factory canned food. If you and now it seems that it is more convenient to not find such a device, then look at Aliexpressand you will be pleasantly amazed how much the product range is presented here.

If you still do not have experience with this area, we recommend to study you an article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

Canned knives for Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Conducting products technologies are constantly developing, and therefore is made of different kinds of fixtures for quickly opening such cans. Simple Soviet knives are, of course, reliable and durable, but they do not shine safety. In addition, they use them, still need to learn. A man will easily open the canned even with a simple knife, but for girls it requires a tool more comfortable.

Of course, today there are many such cans that have a special ring and many of this are pleased. But every girl can also cope with him too. An excellent solution to this problem is a special hook, protecting hands and providing the desired emphasis.



When the banks have no rings, you can open it using a cutting wheel opener. On the Aliexpressthese tools are presented in different variations, but the meaning of all one is the opening of any cans without risk to fit.

Cutter Opener

Cutter Opener

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Corkscrews for wine bottles on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

If canned food can be opened even with a simple knife, then in the absence of a wine cutter, you can spoil yourself from a feast. On the Aliexpress corkscrews are presented in a large assortment. Some models look so beautiful that they can even be presented as a gift. Undoubtedly, you can sort the goods by different parameters, but it is better to do it by appointment:

  • Pocket. If you go to visit and decided to grab a bottle of wine, but we are not sure that the owners have a corkscrew, then just take with you such a small opening and you will not find yourself in a difficult situation:
Pocket corkscrew

Pocket corkscrew

  • Mechanical. These are safe stainless steel devices must be in any house:
Mechanical corkscrew

Mechanical corkscrew

  • Automatic. If a professional sommelier will open each bottle manually, then after a few successful attempts, his enthusiasm can abyss. The electric corkscrew model is capable of scoring any bottle in a couple of seconds. If the battery is fully charged, then it is enough for as many as 80 bottles.
Automatic corkscrew

Automatic corkscrew

  • Retro. Brass corkscrew can quickly remove the cork with wine in a classic way. This tool has a presentable box, so you can give it and be sure that it will be used for special occasions.


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Beer Openers on Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Even if you are not the biggest lover of beer, it still, for sure, was in situations when it was necessary to boost a bottle, for example, with a cola. Extreme methods like the opening of the eye or teeth, of course, have a place to be, but safer and more convenient to use a special opening. Especially it can be stylish and elegant. Despite the large variety, such openers are divided into mobile and embedded.

The opener in the form of a ring is put on the finger and is always able to help out at the right moment.

Beer Opener - Ring

Beer Opener - Ring

The opener map is the most popular device for opening bottles.

Opener Map

Opener Map

The opener in the form of a keychain will not only be functional, but also a beautiful decoration for bundling keys. Funny models are sold in different versions. There are even 2 in 1 openers, which combines a corkscrew in itself.

Opener keychain

Opener keychain

Stylish, practically designer models of openers often put in beer and sports bars, but they can be used at home.

Large wall opener

Large wall opener

The devices are simpler, and and a little cheaper with an identical principle of work, perfectly fit into the interior of any kitchen.

Simple wall opener

Simple wall opener

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Openers for cans for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Banks having twisted caps are undoubtedly very useful in the manufacture of home billets, but during opening may be unpredictable. Each hostess uses his tricks to open a bottle when there are no men near, but only some can spoil the lid, and it is usually used several times. The necessary openers can be found on Aliexpress.

Some models can only be used for one type of covers, but it is better to purchase a multifunctional, which can cope with different sizes of covers. By the way, such a device can also be twisted banks.

Multifunctional can

Multifunctional can

If you do not like openers and plastics or silicone, then Chinese sellers are offered more reliable models. For example, a knife and stainless steel will easily open a jar with a lid of 1.2-3.7 cm. It does not need any special efforts - the handle will do it yourself.

Metal bottle opener

Metal bottle opener

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Corkscrews for bottles on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

Usually, when we hear about the corkscrew, we present an object with a wooden handle and a twisted metal pin. But the Chinese went further and invented unusual devices that allow removing traffic jams from any bottles.

Open a drinking water bottle will help this silicone opener:

Silicone Bottle Opener

Silicone Bottle Opener

This corkscrew opens the wine bottles with a vacuum way:

Corkscrew Vacuum Bottles

Corkscrew Vacuum Bottles

Opener for soda, trance formed in a comfortable fountain:

Opener with crane

Opener with crane

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Multifunctional openers on Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

If you do not want to search for each type of covers, you can purchase devices that are different from multifunctionality. The simplest device is that which combines knives, corkscrew and hook.

Metal opener

Metal opener

Multifunctional vegetable appeal will not only easily remove any plug, but also removes skin with fruits or vegetables.



The steel bank card, combining 11 functions, is easy to fit into the wallet and will help out at any time. The Chinese made it really functional. It is a knife for canned food, and a opener, and a wrench and so on.

Steel Cardboard Opener

Steel Cardboard Opener

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Polaris Electrical Drives for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

Particularly popular kitchen openers from Polaris..

Electrical burst Polaris.

Electrical burst Polaris

They will enjoy everyone who is used to the full use of functionality of kitchen appliances. Automatic canned knives from Polaris easily cope with banks, in which the lid diameter is up to 10 cm and its independently turns off after use. On the sides of the device there are two control buttons, and a special magnet holds the cover after its opening.

Such properties are observed at the instrument from Boulle. By the way, the company produces electrical corkscrews with automatic control.

Electrical burst Boulle

Electrical burst Boulle

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Red Wine Openers for Aliexpress: Catalog, Photo

If you are a connoisseur of red or any other wine, then in a special section you will meet many devices for opening and storing bottles.

A fixture in the form of a durable plastic bow allows not only to keep the freshness of the open bottle, but also open it with a corkscrew or you can use a special hook to open canned food.

Bottle Bottle Bottle

Bottle Bottle Bottle

If you like to amaze, then on Aliexpress you can find openers in the form of men with several nozzles.

Funny corkscrew

Funny corkscrew

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Aliexpress openers: Best sellers and shops

Chinese opener models have a simple device, but still this high risk product on Aliexpress. Although they are inexpensive, but you will agree, it will be unpleasant if, after the first use, the product will become unsuitable. Therefore, choosing the seller should be responsible, as well as the goods itself. To accurately be confident in quality, use under the stitching of the name of brands or visitors one of the presented stores:

Aliexpress openers: reviews

Not always a beautiful description and bright pictures correspond to reality. Several million people today buy goods in China and willingly talk about their purchases. Therefore, before checking out the purchase, learn what they write about the goods that have already bought it.

The universal opener 4 in 1 has more than four thousand orders. Many buyers are satisfied with the quality, since all functions performs the device. It is able to unscrew and twist the lids. Although some say that it is not always possible to use only one hand and the opener can lean the edge of the lid, since the sizes of the holes differ from those that are presented in the description.

Reviews. Photo 1.

Reviews. Photo 1.

Professional opener FindKind. Also very popular. It has only 1% of bad reviews. Although it is better to use such a knife with modern banks, but the old Soviet, having high edges he will not be able to open.

Reviews. Photo 2.

Reviews. Photo 2.

The wall opener is made by "under ancient" and deserved the highest marks from users. If the seller was still sending bolts for fastening, then everything would be perfect. Many buyers seem to be a problem, as it is difficult to choose the appropriate fastener style.

Reviews. Photo 3.

Reviews. Photo 3.

Video: Opener for cans Aliexpress

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