Neodymium magnet on Aliexpress: characteristics, price, catalog, sizes, reviews, photos. Why do neodymium magnets need?

Household products

In this article we will talk about neodymium magnets presented on Aliexpress.

O neodyymova magnets i heard almost everyone, but not all known, what this that. Costs say, what this rare-earth magnet, but because and price he it has higher, how w. others goods. IN compound product included boron, iron, well and, certainly, neodymium. Why costs buy exactly his? The main thing dignity is an high power magnetization, but same small chance magnetization. Acquire such product can on the Aliexpress.

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For what need neodymium magnets?

Why do neodymium magnets need?

Why do neodymium magnets need?

Today such magnets applied in self different spheres. Begins all with medicine and ends electronics. IN homemade conditions similar thing too not will be useless.

You same know, what that hard disk computer? BUT known lie to you, what he done how once with use neodyymova magnets? Generally, in each powerful generator used exactly such magnet, so how he strongly namagnichen and poorly moismagged.

More togo, neodymium magnets are used in metaldetectors and at manufacturing oil filters.

Tomography same held with use magnetic apparators.

IN homemade conditions such product too very useful in many spheres.

Neodymium magnet on the Aliexpress: characteristics, price, catalog, dimensions, photo

Neodymium magnets on Aliexpress

Neodymium magnets on Aliexpress

Hurry buy on the Aliexpress magnet not costs, although buy then necessary exactly here, so how in ordinary stores such magnet costs terrible expensive. Before total, decide with size magnet and his form. Basic same criteria choice must to be number finite magnetization. This parameter always specified vendors in description to product.

Forms magnet maybe to be variouscylinder, cubic, sphere and so further. Although from of this price not change. Minimal value product is an 1 centimeter.
Not costs buy magnet, if you not know, on the what kind classes he shares. You must understand with his maximum energy and coercivity. These terms maybe seem complicated, but spending little of time on the study, you fast learn in them disagree.

except togo, to you need special table parametersneodyymova magnets depending on the class:

Table of neodymium magnets

Table of neodymium magnets

Look catalog

Best sellers and the shops neodyymova magnets

Present to you some reliable shops, where can acquire neodymium magnet:

Neodymium magnet on the Aliexpress: reviews

Maxim: Ordered product with Russian warehouse. I had to wait, while appear. Although itself delivery amounted to total 7 days. Magnets excellent, cool sO his task. I recommend!

Tatyana: Order received fast. Bought i two stits. Very upset, what came they in one packing with rustic between nimi. At attempt them disconnect she fallen and magnets figured out teeth. Bye even w. muga not it turns out dissolve them. Not i advise order two straightaway, better on one.

Oleg: Magnets enough strong, in peculiarities for togo, for what i them buying. Salesman attentive and communicative.

Video: Magnet that stops counters - parcel from China - Aliexpress - Neodya

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