I can not apply the seller's coupon on AlExpress: what to do, how to activate? Why does not the seller's coupon affair on Aliexpress?


In this article we will discuss why coupons do not work on Aliexpress.

Aliexpress it is a huge site for the sale of goods from China. Of course, shopping has their own features. To provide discounts, various methods are used - these are sales, coupons and so on. Unfortunately, not always everything goes smoothly and happens that coupons do not work. Let's wonder why.

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Types of coupons for Aliexpress

Coupons Aliexpress

Coupons Aliexpress

To begin with, it is worth telling what types of coupons are used on Aliexpress:

  • From sellers
  • From administration

Each view has certain features of use. They are used differently and activated, and also apply to different types of goods.

To use the coupon, it is enough when placing an order to choose it and the amount of discount will be deducted from the order value.

In more detail about what coupons, as well as about the features of their use, read here.

Why I can not apply, activate the coupon for Aliexpress: what to do?

Coupon for Aliexpress does not work

Coupon for Aliexpress does not work

  • If you see that the seller gives a coupon, for example, for a purchase by $ 5, then do not expect it to work immediately. The system of the site is such that the discount is provided to the second order. That is, pay the first, and when the second seller is clearance, you can use a discount.

Moreover, the reasons can be in the other.

  • Each coupon has a certain period of validity and if it has expired, you will not be able to use it. You still have a coupon before the sale, but you can't take advantage of them. The fact is that some discounts begin to act from a certain date.
  • If you acquire goods less than the Coupon Conditions require, you cannot receive it, respectively.
  • Also be careful if you received a discount from one seller and make an order in several stores, then you will not get a discount.

Video: Aliexpress How to use coupons?

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