What password can be invented for Aliexpress: an example. What passwords are suitable for Aliexpress?

Buyer protection

In this article we will discuss how to make a reliable password on Aliexpress To protect your page.

Often, people, when registering on any resource on the Internet, are conceived, what to come up with a password for your personal account. The same applies to newcomers on Aliexpress. Let's wonder how to correctly come up with a password for the site so that no fraudster can hack him.

What passwords are suitable for Aliexpress?

How to come up with an aliexpress password?

How to come up with an aliexpress password?

There are several ways to make a password really complicated. The main thing is that it is easy for you, and for the other big mystery, which is difficult to solve.

Usually for hacking accounts, fraudsters use special computer programs that select codes in a few seconds. Therefore, there are several categories of passwords that do not accurately use:

  • Memorial dates. Undoubtedly, they are very easy to remember, but no normal website will miss a similar password today, so it must necessarily have letters - large, small or both.
  • Names, surnames, nicknames. Such combinations of the program are calculated in a few seconds.
  • You can not install passwords type 123 or qWERTY.Since they are also easy to hack. If you write, for example, 4kl8pg6., so such a password is hardly the program will be able to pick up.
  • If you use a password Letters, numbers and symbols, it will be considered the most reliable combination that it is impossible to hack.
  • Another feature of the creation of the password is its length. What he is longer, the better.

What password you can come up with and put for aliexpress: an example

Creating a password for Aliexpress

Creating a password for Aliexpress

At first it may seem that the complex password has no logic, but it is not. Many people choose the basis for better memorization and follow it. Let's discuss several options, which you can come up with passwords.

  • Children's belonging

You can take the basis of a completely any rhyme that is familiar with you. For example:

Turtle tail Passed

And behind the hare ran.

Turned out to be ahead

Who does not believe - come out!

Replace the letters "h", "s" and "o" on similar numbers. Each line begins with a capital letter, respectively, writes in the upper case. Plus to everything there are 4 punctuation signs. We write according to Russian words, but on the Latin layout, the first letters of words.

It turns out about this result:

4 [GB33G.0D, RYD-D!

Perhaps it looks not perfect, but but you will not call it simple.

  • Favorite phrases

The scheme is similar to reading. Only here as the basis, you can take a rhyme or a statement. For instance:

I found out that I have

There is a huge family:

River, field and fishing rods,

In the field - every spikelet ...

Replace the letter "h" to "8", and also remember the capital letters in the upper case and punctuation signs. We write down the first letters of each word on the English layout of the keyboard. It turns out like this:

Ze, 8EVTJC ^ H, G, BK, DG-RR ...

These methods for creating memorable passwords are effective and creating them at your discretion. It is enough just to come up with your ideal password once and you can easily use it before unauthorized.

How to make Aliexpress remember the password?

Saving a password in the browser

Saving a password in the browser

To memorize the password on the site you need to enable the corresponding function in the browser. For example B. Google Chrome. or Yandex browser This option is in the settings. Just check the box opposite the corresponding line.

Now that you will go to your page on AliexpressThe system will automatically prompt you to save the password. You can only click on "Preservation" And all! Now you do not need to constantly drive a password to enter.

Video: How come up with reliable password. OWASP PASSFAULT | COMPLANDIA

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