How to earn and get more coins on Aliexpress?


In this article we will discuss how to make more coins on Aliexpress And is it possible to wind them.

All users of a mobile application Aliexpress Not once noticed a yellow circle with Rhombic in the middle on the main page. Under this circle there is an inscription Mobile Bonuses.

If you do not use your mobile application yet, we recommend learn an article "How to install and use Aliexpress mobile application?".

If you go to this section, you will see that you are offered to get a bonus, play games and change the coins on a discount, product or coupon.

Mobile bonuses

Mobile bonuses

Coins is a kind of gaming currency within an application that can be spent. Change to real money, of course, it is impossible.

In more detail about what coins and mobile bonuses we told hereSo we will discuss more on how to earn more coins and wind them.

How to earn coins on Aliexpress?

If we talk about the period when large sales are not foreseen, then the only option of obtaining coins is a daily bonus collection in the application. For this:

  • On the main page, select Mobile Bonuses
  • And on the new page, click on the bright yellow circle, near which it is written - "Get bonus"
Getting a daily bonus

Getting a daily bonus

It is necessary to do it every day, because as you collect bonuses of them every time it becomes more and more. If you skip 1 day, then the count will begin again with one coin.

So, how many coins can be obtained for visiting the application?

  • First day - one coin
  • Second day - five coins
  • Third day - eight coins
  • Fourth day - ten coins
  • Fifth day - twelve coins
  • Sixth Day - Fourteen Coins
  • Seventh day - fifteen coins
  • Eighth day and follow-up - Sixteen coins

Thus, in a month you can accumulate 433 coins.

How to wind coins in Aliexpress in Russian?

Many users are interested, it is possible to wind coins using various programs. The disappointment of such people is currently no confirmed facts about successful manipulations. Therefore, we can safely say that cheating coins no more than a myth invented by dishonest people to attract users.

Thus, more coins than it is provided for by the rules of the site, you can hardly get.

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