How to get a product for review with Aliexpress for free? How to order a product for free to aliexpress?

User's Manual

Not many users Aliexpress They know that you can receive goods for free and make reviews on them. How to do it? Our article will tell.

Before making the first purchase on AliexpressMany people are looking for reviews of other users who constantly buy products on this site. It is not difficult to find such information, since the Internet bloggers and social network users constantly place detailed reviews of a wide variety of things. But here few people know that all these things come absolutely free. Why is Aliexpress distribute purchases for free? How to get the goods for a video review, but do not pay anything?

How to get a product for review with Aliexpress for free?

Blog reviews on ITAO

Blog reviews on ITAO

Modern marketing implies the use of all available methods to increase the sales store or enterprise, as well as promoting a new brand so that it becomes recognizable. Just one of the similar advertising moves are advertising reviews of real people with their impression from the goods.

To carry out a promotion, a limited number of goods are allocated, which are distributed free of charge to certain bloggers. Of course, this will attract additional costs, but the payback is worth it, since the buyer, having learned a lot of interesting things about the goods, for sure, will want to buy it.

Aliexpress also keeps up with the times and does not lag behind modern technologies. Relatively recently, a project with title was launched on the site. "ITAO bloggers". Although the clear work is not fully established, but those who want to receive free things do not become less.

What criteria should blogger answer?

To approve your candidacy, you need to approach a number of requirements, which, I have to say, rather rigid:

  • You must have a popular resource, for example, a channel on YouTube., own blog, page on Facebook, Instagram. or another social network. In addition, each page should be at least 300 subscribers and high attendance.
  • You must be able to accommodate banners with shares itao. on the main page on its resource.
  • Placing unique feedback on your page in the social network and on itao..

If you do not fall under the data of the criteria, then you will be denied cooperation. Therefore, first check that your site is popular, as someone needs to read your information and evaluate it.

How to apply for participation in the program?

If you are an excellent blogger and think that such work is for you:

  • Open Site itao.
  • Select a key "Registration"
Registration on Itao.

Registration on Itao.

  • Further will the warning will be displayed that your data will be used and will be offered to enter through In contact with
Registration through VKontakte.

Registration through VKontakte.

You can do it even easier.

  • Choose "Entrance"
  • Next click "Log in through Aliexpress"
  • You will transfer to Alicatch for registration or entry
  • How to register on the site correctly, read here
  • After entering the page, go through linkand fill out the registration form
Completion of registration

Completion of registration

  • Information about yourself is necessary in English
  • At the very end of the page, put the mark opposite the phrase "I agree"
Filing an application

Filing an application

Then you will see the questionnaire, where it is indicated:

Registration form

Registration form

  • Surname and name
  • Permanent place of residence
  • Account that you plan to use to publish reviews
  • Purpose of participation in the program (receiving free goods, testing and receiving discounts)
  • Also tell a little about yourself

It is worth warming that there is no permanent set in the project. This happens not so often. Just track when the set is open.

The application can be considered up to several months, so you should not hope for rapid acceptance of you in the blogger community. Therefore, it is necessary to gain patience. If you are taken to the community, the administration will contact you and instruct what to do next.

Requirements for the Review Text

How to check out for ITAO

How to check out for ITAO

So, you took. How to write your first review?

  • First of all, the text is written concisely, but in detail so that the person can get a real grade
  • Be creative
  • Write easy to read text and without errors
  • If you write confused and long, then no one else is interested in feedback
Review of things

Review of things

When describing, for example, clothes, describe all the parameters (weight, growth, girth) and dimensions. In addition, it is worth specifying how the latter parameter corresponds to the table provided by the seller. Write if it sits well, whether it is convenient to walk in it and what quality it is. Such information and looking for users.

What should be a photo in a review for Aliexpress?

Photo for review on Aliexpress

Photo for review on Aliexpress

  • Photos must be copyright and good quality
  • To evaluate the goods in more detail, remove it from several angles
  • Under each snapshot add a comment
  • Photos should not be placed in one place of text
  • Watch the pictures to be one value
  • Full review with photo needs to be placed on itao. and his blog

Remember! After receiving the goods, 14 days are given to write a review. If you do not meet on time, then you will be automatically added to the blacklist without the possibility of re-registration.

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