How to get a cachek in Molla to Aliexpress?


In this article we will discuss how you can get cachek in the section Mall on Aliexpress.

Today, many know what Cashbek is on Aliexpress. And I use it every second buyer of the site. Especially dodgy managed to get a double cachek, for example, using a gift certificate. Maybe this will seem strange, but this method works for a long time and did not remove it. Let's discuss with you how you can get cachek in Molla on the Aliexpress, After all, according to the rules of the site, it is not provided for purchases in this section.

In part, it is true, but in everything there are our nuances, in which it is only a little to figure out and you can benefit and other advantages of the order of goods on Aliexpress with delivery from Russia.

For those who have not had time to register on the site, we recommend to read the article "How to make the first order for Aliexpress?".

How to get cachek in Molla on Aliexpress?

Dignity MOLLA the site is quite understandable, but the most important thing is to delivery from Russia. If you do not want to wait for the product from China for a whole month, or you want to receive quick answers to your questions in Russian and the official guarantee in the country's service centers, then all you will find in Molla.

Getting Cacheback in Mall

Getting Cacheback in Mall

First you should figure out what is MollSo that in the future you did not appear about the receipt of cachek. Moll - This is part Aliexpresswhich is directed exclusively on Russian buyers. Accordingly, the purchase of goods in this section does not differ with other purchases on the site.

Although, B. Molla there are Chinese sellers who also offer to deliver goods from Russia and sometimes it may seem that they are even more. In other words, to get cachek, the store should not be Russian and even no matter, there are its goods in Molla or not.

Find out which country is easy to store. On the page describing any product on the left upstairs indicates the name of the store. Mouse over it the mouse cursor and you will display information about the country and date of registration, as well as ranking and room.

Chinese seller in Mall

Chinese seller in Mall

If under the store number it is written "China (Mainland)"You can easily use Cashbek and make an order. If you see the inscription "Russian Federation", then cachek will not act and you will not receive a discount.

Russian seller on Aliexpress

Russian seller on Aliexpress

Of course, this is your decision, use cachek or not. Someone and without him perfectly costs. But if you want to save on orders and receive goods quickly from Russian warehouses, the use of cachek is the most optimal option. Although, this is not the only opportunity to save. There is another no less interesting.

Getting discount with Tinkoff Aliexpress map and gift certificates

As we have already spoken above, you can get a double cachek thanks to the use of the card. Tinkoff Aliexpress and gift certificates. How does this all work?

Map Tinkoff Aliexpress

Map Tinkoff Aliexpress

  • First you need to register in one of the cachek services. For example, one of the most popular is ePN..
  • Now you need to find in Molla chinese seller.
  • Further everything is simple. Find a special promo code on the Internet, which allows you to make a discount on all goods 14-20% and purchase a gift certificate.

So you will save twice.

Cachebek with map Tinkoff Aliexpress

Cachebek with map Tinkoff Aliexpress

In addition to this, you can still use the map Tinkoff Aliexpress. It is usually returned to 5% of purchases, but sometimes the bank is held an action, where the refund can even be 50%.

Finally, it is still worth reminding discounts in a mobile application. If the purchase in you is not the first, then you have probably noticed that the difference in price is decent, up to 10%.

Thus, using several methods at once, you can receive discounts up to 80%!

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