Aliexpress - satellite antennas, receivers, signal amplifiers and splitters: review, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops


In this article we will talk how to buy a satellite plate on Aliexpress and accessories for her.

Satellite antennas are television receivers that are used for receiving and transferring satellite or broadcasting programs. In addition, such an antenna can serve as an Internet connection, but for this requires expensive equipment and it is not profitability.

Satellite plates are installed outside the house - on the wall or roof and have a definite direction toward the desired satellite.

Purchase satellite plates and additional equipment for them Aliexpress. Here the cost of goods is below the shop. Moreover, often held shares and saleswhen the goods cost more cheaper.

If you still do not have experience with this area, we recommend to study you an article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

Satellite antennas for Aliexpress: price, catalog

Satellite antenna

Satellite antenna

Today satellite plates are presented on Aliexpress in assortment. Each model has its own dimensions and technical characteristics, which significantly affects the received signal. The more the antenna is a mirror, the more accurately it requires a setting, but the signal level will be better.

Although, except for the plate itself, special equipment is still required. The main components of each satellite dish are the receiver and converter.

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  • Next, go to the section "Consumer electronics"
  • Press "Home audio and video"
Homemade audio and video

Homemade audio and video

  • Left in the list "Related categories" Choose TV receivers
TV receivers

TV receivers

  • And finally, click "Satellite antennas"
Satellite antennas

Satellite antennas

  • You will open a catalog with all satellite equipment.

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Satellite receiver on Aliexpress: price, catalog

Satellite receiver

Satellite receiver

Satellite receivers are devices that convert and decoding the resulting signals. When a signal from a satellite came to a satellite plate on the satellite mirror, it will be transmitted to the receiver through a coaxial cable. Then the receiver converts it and displays on the screen.

An important detail of each such receiver is the processor. It is responsible for signal processing, and also affects image quality. In addition, it also writes a signal and converts it to video files.

It is important that a hard disk is in the receiver. Each model has its own volume. Since today the quality of the picture is constantly improved, and the resolution is especially popular. 4k.The files began to get a larger volume. Video can be recorded on the receiver disk and then view.

In addition, there is a distinction and in the slots located on the surface of the receiver. Some allow you to connect USB and SD cardsSo that the volume of the built-in memory is greater.

Some slots are placed special cards that give access to paid channels. Catalog Aliexpress there are many models of receivers.

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Satellite TV Antenna on Aliexpress: price, catalog

Satellite TV antenna

Satellite TV antenna

The satellite antenna is an important part of satellite equipment that the signal receiver role is assigned. The mirror itself can have a different diameter. With the right choice, you will always have a high-quality signal and a clear image.

As a rule, the selection of the device is carried out on the following parameters:

  • Place of accommodation
  • Number of necessary channels
  • Channel operating range
  • Satellite position height

As you know, satellites have different heights, as well as remoteness from end-use. The further satellite will be located, the worse there will be a reception signal. To receive a signal in the desired quality, you need to use antennas with a large diameter. But the setting must be accurate.

The task of the mirror at the plate is the reception of the signal and its transmission to the converter. After focusing the signal on the latter, it processes the waves into an electrical signal. The greater the mirror in the diameter, the less terrible weather conditions and other factors affecting the quality of the signal. Such plates are very big, and therefore professionals should be installed, as they will do it much better.

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HD Receiver on Aliexpress: price, catalog

HD Receiver

HD Receiver

The best satellite receiver on Aliexpress it is difficult to choose, since each model satisfies different needs. Some important price is important, and someone is the possibility of showing the highest quality video.

The most popular are HD. Receivers. Format HD. is widescreen and has the size 1720x720. pixels.

To buy a receiver with a high-quality image, you can use a special filter to the left on the site. In category "A high resolution" Put the mark on the word "Yes".

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Digital Receivers for Aliexpress: Price, Catalog

Digital receivers

Digital receivers

Modern television today has almost completely turned digitized. It is understandable, because the digital signal is much better and at the same time, only a decoder receiving a high-quality image and separating it on the channels is used to transmit the signal.

Today is very popular standard DVB-S2.who changed SVB-S.. This standard allows you to get widescreen HD. Quality and usual.

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GS Receivers for Aliexpress: Price, Catalog

GS Receivers

GS Receivers

Today GS. Receivers are one of the most popular. The company with the same name has developed many models, and the newest capable of working with 4k. resolution.

The main feature of these devices is that they use a powerful processor capable of working quickly and continuously. Also installed here Wi-Fi The module that translines the signal over long distances without wires. So each wishes can benefit from using such a system.

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Antenna Signal Amplifier for AlExpress: Price, Catalog

Antenna signal amplifier

Antenna signal amplifier

Many owners of satellite plates faced the fact that the image is not high quality. It affects many factors, for example, wind, snow, and so on.

The most often the cause becomes a low-quality cable - it may be damaged or originally bought in such a way. To correct the situation, it is worth using a special amplifier, well, the cable also does not interfere.

The amplifier between the receiver and the antenna is installed. Using the amplifier, the signal power increases to 23 dB.

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Signal splitter for aliexpress: price, catalog

Signal splitter

Signal splitter

Signal splitters can be useful, but they need to be used correctly. More splitters are called splitters and are needed to separate the signal into several channels. Installation is made after the converter using a coaxial cable. After that, the signal is divided into two, four, six or eight different channels.

The use of such a device is much cheaper than the more expensive converter. But when using it, there may be a problem with viewing different channels on several TVs and switching them.

The only condition is the inclusion of channels having equal polarization. In no means, the equipment will conflict and hang.

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Satellite equipment for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

Sellers on Aliexpress there are many, but unfortunately, not everyone work honestly. We present you some good shops where you can make purchases without risk:

Satellite equipment for Aliexpress: reviews

Rodion: Bought a model of the receiver instead of the old one. I took from the same seller, since in a couple of years there was never problems. The new model has a hard drive for 500 GB and there is still Wi-Fi. So I can watch satellite TV even on a laptop. Thanks a lot!

Valery: I didn't like the purchase, although I'm guilty here, because I wanted to save. I had a second receiver and I installed it to another room. I also bought a splitter, but now both are working, you have to watch the channels in turn.

Arthur: I purchased a plate of large diameter. They put themselves, had to do, of course, to join with the connection. But still we are satisfied. The picture became clearer and new channels appeared.

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