How to buy discount coupons for Aliexpress for any product?


In this article we will analyze how to Aliexpress Buy coupons.

Discounts love all and buyers Aliexpressnot an exception. One method of obtaining it is the acquisition of coupons. Let's wonder how to do it.

If you have not yet oriented on the site, we recommend learning to study you "How to buy on Aliexpress: step-by-step instruction".

Types of coupons for Aliexpress

On the Aliexpresstwo types of coupons are used:

  • From the seller

This type of coupons is used only on the conditions that the seller itself exhibits in its store. Basically, the main condition is the purchase of things for a certain amount. For example, if you order a $ 100 product, then you will give a coupon by $ 10.
And do it you need to within one store. All shares held by the seller are displayed on a page with a detailed description of the product.

Coupon from the seller on Aliexpress

Coupon from the seller on Aliexpress

You need to click on "Getting a coupon" And you will start participation in stock.

Remember that you can use the coupon when designing a re-order, and not immediately.

At the same time, you can purchase several different products, but only in one store.
By the way, the coupons have a limited validity period, so carefully keep track of it in the section "My coupons".

Section My Coupons

Section "My Coupons"

  • Coupons from Aliexpress
Coupon from aliexpress

Coupon from aliexpress

Such coupons are available only in the period of large saleand when registering. To get the first type, you need to perform a definite "task" a few days before the start of the action.
It may be need to play the game And get enough glasses for exchange for discounts, or traveling through the site and much more.
Such coupons act as well as the sellers, but the difference is that they act in all stores.
It also needs to be purchased to a certain amount, but it can be any product from the site. These coupons act within 30 days.

How to buy a discount coupons for Aliexpress on all goods: Instruction

To obtain a coupon on Aliexpress you need to do the following:

Main page with coupons

Main page with coupons

  • Find an interesting category of goods
  • Click on any dick liked
  • You will find yourself on the store page that provides a discount
  • Next, select "Get a coupon" and confirm the action by clicking on "Use now"
Get a coupon

Get a coupon

Use now

Use now

  • After that click "To the store" and proceed to choose shopping
Go to the store

Go to the store

  • Choose suitable products and place the order.

Video: Lifehak: How to get free Coupons on Aliexpress?


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