How to buy an electric pump and a cold smoking smoke in the online store AlExpress: Catalog, price, review, reviews, photos


In this article we will talk how to purchase an electric power on Aliexpress.

All products have their own and memorable taste. Many people at home can find some smoked product. Well, if it is cooked independently with my own hands, as not everyone trusts products from the store.

Everyone knows that smoked food is far from dietary, and I want the product to be natural. Everyone loves your own cooking, but how to make the product smoked? In this you will help smoking with Aliexpress.

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How to buy hot-smoked electric pump for Aliexpress: Catalog, Price, Photo

Smoking hot smoked smoking

Smoking hot smoked smoking

Hot smoked smoked smoking It is an apparatus for cooking smoked fish, meat and other products. Its feature is that even a newcomer will be easy to deal with it.

The smokehouse is easy enough - this is a metal box with pallets in a set, lattices and other accessories necessary for smoking. The design can be the most of the different size - from small for domestic smoking, and to large used in enterprises.

With any way of smoking, you will get a good result - dishes are really delicious. Many people like the taste of smoked meat, and even more than any other. The most popular of all is hot smoking, since in that case the process takes not so much time and everything is done simply.

With hot smoked to the product, it acts hot smoke from smoldering chips, which exposes the product to heat treatment. On average, cooking takes 30 minutes.

So that meat goes from you, and not boiled, pay attention to the following points:

  • Capacity should have such a depth so that the lattice and the bottom were as far as possible from each other. This will allow placing there more chips
  • The lid must be hermetic
  • The more the scopeline volume, the better the result will be
  • For any small smokehouse in the kit there must be a pallet
  • It will not be superfluous and the presence of a hydraulic assemblance, as it allows you to make the lid and body more dense to each other.
  • The temperature sensor is also useful, as you can be confident in the readiness of the dish and achieve the desired results
  • A set of any smoke lid includes a lid, a pallet for fat and grille. For street models, removable knives are still provided

See catalog

Electric mini smokehouse on AlExpress: Catalog, Price, Photo

Electric mini smoke Aliexpress

Electric mini smoke Aliexpress

Hoping is three types - cold, half-ourselves and hot. On the Aliexpress You can find smokers that easily combine all these several types of processing.

Since we live in a rapid time, then hot smoking is more popular than other types due to its speed of preparation. Before buying smoking, calculate the work you need. If you do not need a lot, then you will be great for mini smoking.

For use at home, you can find gas and woodcuting stoves. Resistant strong smells are a feature of smoking. Therefore, when buying immediately decide where you want to use the device - inside the house or on the street.

See catalog

How to buy a smoked smoked smoke heat generator: Catalog, price

Dymogenerator for cold smoking on Aliexpress

dymogenerator for cold smoking on Aliexpress

Smoke generator He is the main element of each smokehouse. It provides a cold or hot smoking tank smoke. Usually, the device is configured automatically, which allows you to prepare foods with almost no person's participation.

This device is suitable for smokers processing any products. To work, you will not need special skills, just read the instructions.

Depending on the smoked technology used, smoke generators are divided into several types:

  • frictional
  • electric
  • split
  • ejector

You have to choose a smoke generator based on the smoking technology, the design of the smokehouse and the required power level.

See catalog

Electro-product with aliexpress: reviews

Evgeny: The device is excellent. Really costs your money. Already managed to try - the fish turns out excellent, much better than in the store. The seller fell good - helped with a choice. Delivery took about a month.

Artem: There was a parcel for almost two months, but there is already a silent mail, not the seller. The aggregate is pleased with both an elephant))) smoke perfectly. Tried to make meat. I must say that the property is really tastier. I recommend!

Dmitriy: Smokehouse fully complies with the declared description. The apparatus came high-quality and working. Take it up so far I did not have time, but at first glance everything seems to work. Seller sociable, price is adequate, so I advise.

Video: Electric smoke smoke smoker

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