Children's products in the care and feeding for newborns on Aliexpress - bottles, nipples, dishes, breasts, teethers for teeth, nebulizers, rattles, toys, sets for sterilization and feeding: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, links

Accessories Toys Overview of goods Goods for kids Household products

The article offers you a large selection of children's goods and accessories that you can buy without problems on Aliexpress.

Children's nipples, pacifiers, nipples for bottles, bottle for feeding a child to Aliexpress

Every child, being at the breast, needs a number of necessary accessories that will help him develop and make it easier for some aspects of life. In particular, the nipple is an important subject, which, chance, is able to "replace" maternal breasts and reassure the child. The dummy allows the baby to develop a sucking reflex, teaches it well to capture the nipple of a mother or nipple on a bottle with milk.

On the pages of the store " Aliexpress»You can find any needed accessory (pacifier, nipples or nozzle on a bottle) to feed and calm your child. Here is presented large selection of high-quality goods at low prices And only from environmentally friendly materials. In addition, you can always pick up nipples of any size, for any age of a child, for large and small bottles.

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Explore the range of Aliexpress directories with children's goods:

  • Nipples and pacifiers for newborns and infants - The catalog offers you a large selection of products for different ages of a child: up to 3 months, until six months, up to a year and up to 2 years. Here you will meet a variety of color solutions, nipples with drawings, transparent, with row, with luminous hinges, silicone, latex, rubber, acrylic and other materials.
  • Nipples for bottles - The catalog offers you a large selection of bottled nozzles. Here you can find exactly that nipple, which will allow you to feed the baby from the bottle of milk, semolina or just drink water. The site presents a large range of diameters of the nipple and a variety of materials, you can also find the nipples "anticolics", cautioning from the blur of the tummy by swallowing air.
  • Baby feeding bottles - The catalog offers you to purchase one of the most important accessories for the child. The bottle is needed not only to dig (water, compote, tea), but also for feeding, both milk and liquid semolina. Here you can choose a bottle of any volume, size and design (transparent, with drawings, patterns, stickers, and so on).
A variety of children's goods on AliExpress

A variety of children's goods on AliExpress

Children's teethers for the teeth for Aliexpress: Catalog, photo

When a child grows, to age for 4 months he begins teething. This process for children is very painful, since the gums all the time it is sacrificed, no, hurt. To facilitate the child this process and make it easier, as quickly will help special nipples of teethers who kid clamped and chews between the jaws.

On the site Aliexpress You can choose teethers from different materials: silicone, plastic, latex, wood and even metal (with cooling effect). The selection of these accessories in the store is very large, you can pick up a really high-quality teether of any form, with a rattle, inserts from other materials, luminous elements and so on.

Another interesting accessory for a child is nebulizer. Visually, this subject resembles a pacifier and has the same principle of sucking, but his value is completely different. Instead of silicone or latex pacifier, the nebulizer has a fine and durable mesh. This mesh is placed flesh of fruits, vegetables or berries. The child sucks fruits, aluminous juice juice. It is useful for gums and allows the baby to get a complex of vitamins.

Carefully examine the catalogs of goods to Aliexpress:

  • Silicone teethers - The catalog offers you a lot of accessories of different colors and forms (turtles, cars, hearts, rings and more). Such teethers will attract the attention of the baby with their bright decision and make it easier for the process of teething.
  • Plastic teethers - The catalog offers you a lot of interesting accessories for teething in the form of animals or toys. You can choose each teether, depending on the age of the child.
  • Acrylic teethers - repeat the forms of toys or beads, which the child, among other things, it is interesting to keep in the mouth. At the same time, he facilitates the painful process of teething.
  • Wooden teethers - The catalog offers you the choice of interesting, useful and environmentally friendly teethers for a child.
Children's teethers in Aliexpress

Children's teethers in Aliexpress

Accessories for feeding and developing a child, clothespins for nipples and toys, children's sets, nebulizers: catalog, photo

In addition to such useful things like a nebulizer, on the site Aliexpress You can easily find a lot of useful accessories for feeding and developing a child. Carefully examine the store directories to purchase:

A variety of children's accessories and goods on Aliexpress

A variety of children's accessories and goods on Aliexpress

Hair Accessories, Baby Rattles, Developing Toys: Catalog and Photo

One of the forms of development for a child - toys that the baby perceives with joy and interest. Such toys should be placed where the child is most often: in a stroller, in the crib, in the game area. IN Aliexpress You can choose such accessories for every taste:

  • Rattles "Beads" for stroller - The catalog offers you a number of toys, followed by a child to watch, touch and play them. Such rattles have inside the beads whose noise attracts the attention of the child and develops his hearing. You can choose toys of any shape: soft, plastic, silicone, in the form of animal figures or beads.
  • Console with toys in the crib - The catalog offers toys that should be hung over the bed. You can choose a console from any material, rotating, mechanical or on batteries. A large range of forms will allow you to get the toy without any problems that you will like it and will suit the overall design of the room. The console contributes to the development of hearing (musical console) and vision (due to rotating bright items).
  • Gaming module - In this directory you will find special mats with hanging toys. This platform allows a small child with interest to spend time overlooking forms, colors and objects.
  • Educational toys - Diversity of toys for bathroom, soft toys, large designer, speaking and tutorial toys.
Developing toys for a child in Aliexpress

Developing toys for a child in Aliexpress

Brushes and sponges for washing children's dishes silicone, nylon, plastic, microfiber: catalog, photo

Kid to keep the dishes in sterile purity - an important part of the child's care. For this you will use some accessories that can be found in the store catalogs " Aliexpress»:

Accessories for children's dishes on Ali Spress

Accessories for children's dishes on Ali Spress

Baby Storage Accessories: Thermos, Cases, Containers, Heater: Catalog, Photo

Save baby food fresh and helpful will allow special bags that can hold the heat needed for milk and dairy mixtures. IN Aliexpress you can choose the required thermos or thermosum For comfortable transportation of bottles and nutrition.

Cookware for feeding a child: spoons, plates, bowls in the Aliexpress catalog, plastic dishes, silicone, wood, metal

A more adult child who reaches the age of 6 and more months, needs a special dish for feeding. You can buy it on the website of the store " Aliexpress", Where there is a large selection:

  • Forks and spoons - The catalog offers you cutlery from plastic and silicone that helps the child to eat. The devices are made of soft material that do not scratch the oral cavity without carrying ends. In the store, you can also choose special spoons that are designed for self feeding kid.
  • Whirlwinds - Special towels on the chest, protecting your child from the fact that during feeding the child can stain and spoil clothes.
  • Sets of plate - In the catalog you will find plates of different depths and diameter, for the first and second dishes, cups and drinkers. Most sets are bright, made of high-quality plastic, decorated with drawings.
  • Special children's thermopowerwhich will support the heat of food for a long time.
Special accessories for feeding a child in Aliexpress

Special accessories for feeding a child in Aliexpress

How to buy children's products, accessories for feeding and developing toys for a child to Aliexpress for sale?

« Aliexpress"- a store offering our customers a lot of interesting products with discounts and a pleasant value. To do this, it should be studied in detail the work of the resource to shop in the section " Last Minutes"Or pick up something for yourself in the catalog" Almost don" In order to catch the seasonal sale in Aliexpress, it should be carefully and regularly followed by advertising banners, as well as mailing.

Children's kitchenware, developing toys and accessories on Aliexpress: reviews

Valentine:"I regularly shop in Aliexpress and have no complaints about the quality of this store's goods: everything is convenient for use, I like it and the child."

Marina:"Game modules in the stores seemed to me expensive and therefore ordered in advance to Aliexpress. Sending a parcel on time and in quality is not inferior to all the well-known children's popular brands of toys and dishes! "

Video: "Children's products with Aliexpress"

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