AlExpress - loan goods, installments: how to take, place a loan, reviews. What are the goods and how to buy in installments, loan for aliexpress?


In this article we will talk about lending to Aliexpress.

To date, Russian stores bring Aliexpress about 5% of all profits. To increase it, the sales growth and attracting new sellers are needed, so it was decided to introduce installments and lending.

This feature is available yet solely in MollaOn this occasion, a new section was even launched. "Lightning". But after full commissioning of the system, installments will become available on all products of the site.

Credit for Aliexpress

Credit for Aliexpress

If on Aliexpress you are not registered yet and only plan to do it, we recommend learning to study you "How to register and make the first order on Aliexpress.

At first, they said that lending is planned to be implemented together with Sberbank, but in the end this opportunity was implemented together with Tinkoff Bank. With him, the site has been working for a long time, and they even released a joint card for receiving cachek from each purchase.

What on Aliexpress There are installation conditions and lending?

Features of lending to Aliexpress

Features of lending to Aliexpress

It is worth noting that the interest rate for all customers is calculated individually depending on the situation. All information regarding lending can be found on special page. If you do not want to delve into the subtleties of the banking language, then read further and we will tell all freshly. So for the purchase of goods on Aliexpress by installments, the interest rate will be:

  • On credit from 29% per annum
  • For installments from 23.4% per annum

The term for the provision of borrowed funds is from 3 months to 2 years. Moreover, by installments, this period is not more than 12 months. Undoubtedly, there is a possibility of early repayment, so if you break the expensive smartphone in a couple of months, then get rid of money influence and pay minimum percent.

The scheme of providing installments for Aliexpress

The scheme of providing installments for Aliexpress

A request will be arranged by everyone who has reached the age of 20-70 years. Upon receipt of the failure, the re-attempt is possible only in a month. Usually, if there is a positive credit dossier and the absence of convictions, it is not necessary to fear, as basically a loan is approved.

How to buy goods on Aliexpress on credit or installments?

  • To start open the section "Lightning" and choose a suitable thing
Section with installments

Section with installments

  • On a detailed description page, you can find the appropriate note:
The possibility of buying goods by installments

The possibility of buying goods by installments

  • Choose "Buy now" and you will find yourself on the order design page
Buy now

Buy now

  • To buy goods on credit, you need to place an order for the Russian address, as the goods will be shipped from a warehouse within the country
  • To do this, at the very beginning of the page click on "Adding a new address" and fill out the form in Russian
Add a new address

Add a new address

  • Continue check the parameters of the goods
  • Low below is a block with a choice of payment method, where you need to mark the phrase "On credit" or "In installments"
Choosing a payment method

Choosing a payment method

  • Next, select "Pay"
  • You will be directed to a special page of the bank. Tinkoffwhere you need to specify your phone number so that the operator is contacted and issued an application
Credit Application

Credit Application

After approval, you will be waiting for the goods and courier to sign a loan agreement.

How pay for credit for Product on Aliexpress?

Credit payment for Aliexpress

Credit payment for Aliexpress

Monthly loan must be considered equal to parts. This is possible without commission in the cabin Euroset, Beeline, Megaphone, Svyaznoy and MTS. That is, the ways are all the same as a simple loan Tinkoff. Additionally, the need to make a payment will be notified by e-mail and SMS.

If there are questions regarding payment, restructuring or early repayment, you can call the contact center by number 8-800-555-08-08.

How to make a return of goods on Aliexpressif it is bought on credit?

If you canceled the purchase on AliexpressBut I made a loan for her, then be careful not to pay for it.

The simplest case is the opening of the dispute about the reimbursement of funds and the goods, or the cancellation of the order before the repayment of the first loan contribution. That is, or you can refuse immediately, or negotiate with the seller about full compensation. In such a situation, the loan will be automatically canceled and you will no longer be a bank.

In other situations, it is better to consult in the Bank's support service and the administration Aliexpress.

Suppose you are already paying a loan, or agreed that the seller to partially compensate for the cost after payment for the order.

How to get a credit limit on Aliexpress?

The loan design is available to everyone aged 20 to 70 years. The decision on his provision takes directly Tinkoff bank, not Aliexpress. It evaluates solvency and other factors. If you have a lot of overdue, your credit history is spoiled, or you recently refused a bank, then there is practically no chance of approval.

After the successful repayment of the first loan for the purchase on the site, you will be provided with a credit line.

What to do if on Aliexpress Did you refuse to install?

What if they refused by installments on Aliexpress?

What if they refused by installments on Aliexpress?

Any bank may refuse to issue a loan even if you think you all are good. Most often, the refusal is possible due to bad credit history or if you already have a lot of loans. In the latter case, you will first have to repay some of the loans and try to apply again.

Is it profitable to install Aliexpress?

This question is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer, as everything is individually. Although even buying on credit in a regular store always implies additional and considerable expenses. But in the case of Aliexpress the whole procedure is performed without leaving the house - payment of the order, the formation of the application, the conclusion of the loan agreement, as well as receiving an order with the courier or by mail.

Video: Aliexpress Credit smartphones 0% plus cachek Overview UMI London purchased according to this Scheme 2016

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