Aquariums and products for aquarium on Aliexpress - Filters, Pumps, Lamps, Carbon dioxide generators, Temperature regulators, Compressors, Plants, Food, Smart Fish Feeders: Browse, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos, Best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk, what products for aquarium and fish can be purchased on Aliexpress.

To each an animal required attention owner and correct care. Everyone view is different naughty needs. Aquarium fish not an exception. Them same important correct care and food. On the Aliexpress presented huge catalog goods for care per animals. let's with you we will understand, what kind accessories for care per fish can acquire.

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Filters and accessories for aquarium on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Filters and accessories for an aquarium for Aliexpress

Filters and accessories for an aquarium for Aliexpress

From right filtration water depends a life fish. IN normal environment habitat all products vital activity remove flow, but in aquarium his no. IN then same time fish not maybe live in self same waste.

Filter for cleaning aquarium

Filter for cleaning aquarium

therefore owners must conduct careful cleaning. If of this in time not do, then water will be source unpleasant smell and fish maybe die.
IN catalog places represented some types filters:

  • Biological
  • Mechanical
  • Air
  • Pumps
  • Internal
  • External

Everyone a type it has defined dignity. Everyone customer chooses model outside from self financial opportunities and togo, what preferred for fish.

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Video: Filter for aquarium with Aliexpress. Parcel for aquarium

Goods for lighting aquarium on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Products for the lighting of aquarium on Aliexpress

Products for the lighting of aquarium on Aliexpress

To choose lighting instruments follow not less thoroughly. From competent arranged lighting depends right heost and development favorites. except togo, it transforming B.etystality aquarium and promotes fast growth plants.

Vendors site. offered some types lighting:

Aquariums with different types of lighting

Aquariums with different types of lighting

  • Lamp incandescent and halogen. This is one from best species, but here halogen light bulbs not recommended use constantly
  • Most popular are luminescent lamp
  • Metal halogen gas discharge lamp consider most original, so how allow recreate game sveta on the shallow water

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Aliexpress: 50 cm diode lamp for aquarium

Aquariums and reservoirs on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Important right choose and aquarium. Generally, form can to choose that, that more like it, the main thing, to in interior she wonderful fitted.

Aquariums and Reservoirs on Ali Spress

Aquariums and Reservoirs on Ali Spress

Contact attention and on the latrote. Choice do outside from togo, what kind fish will be reside w. you and which decor you planning do. Aquariums divide total on the two view:

  • Decorativepolyudariums, dutch, collectible, terrariums, species
  • Specialspawning, growing, quarantine, incubators, experimental

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Video: USB Aquarium Parcel from China Aliexpress

Pump for aquarium on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Aquarium Pump for Aliexpress

Aquarium Pump for Aliexpress

To provide full-fledged a life fish, you must do conditions for them life maximum similar to on the those, what laid them nature..

Some amateurs fish approve, what pump at all not necessarily buy, but if w. you large latrote aquarium, then better them get down.

On the Aliexpress there is some species pumps, aligned on principle actions:

  • Membraneself cheap and work with small noise. Such compressors will be enough for aquarium before 200 lithrov
  • Centrifugal pumpspumps
  • Piston

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Video: Pomp. Water pump from China. Aliexpress

Compressors and accessories on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Compressors and accessories for Aliexpress

Compressors and accessories for Aliexpress

Compressors too wanted additional accessories and spare parts. TO nIM can attributetryes for create layout, cranes, sprayers, inverse valves, transparent hoses from silicone and other.

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Video: Quiet Aquarium Compressor

Tools for cleaning aquarium on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Tools for cleaning aquarium on Aliexpress

Tools for cleaning aquarium on Aliexpress

Purity aquarium, how we already said, very important. But in order should to be not only water, but and walls aquarium, but same plants. To clear aquarium from pollution enough take advantage special fixtures. On the Aliexpress represented miscellaneous roda ionizers, pinzeti, scissors, pumps for removal water, magnetic brushes, balloons for filtration and so further.

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Video: Aliexpress aquarium brush

Generators carbon dioxide gas on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Carbon dioxide generators on Aliexpress

Carbon dioxide generators on Aliexpress

One from important tasks owner fish is an saturation aquarium oxygen, in particular, carbon dioxide gas. Most. popular method from all is an usage generator. This is maybe to be braga or chemical generator. Both view data devices you find in catalog site., but same additional accessories and spare parts.

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Video: Unpacking. CO2 feed kit in aquarium Wyin DIY CO2 REACTOR

Aquarium temperature regulators on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Aquarium thermostators for Aliexpress

Aquarium thermostators for Aliexpress

Temoregulator important for those premises, where often there are drops temperature. Samoa best temperature for comfortable life fish is an 2426 degrees. Although, there is and such pets, which required more warm water.



therefore, if you more newbie in aquarium business, then better buy such fish, which unpretentious in care. Although with top, what kind weather conditions observed in ours country, temoregulator simply needed.

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Video: All for aquarium. Heater with thermostat for aquarium

Goods for feeding fish and accessories on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Products for feeding fish and accessories for Aliexpress

Products for feeding fish and accessories for Aliexpress

When fish located in his natural environment habitat, then she on one's own find out to myself food. If same she lives in aquarium, then her should whothen feed. On the Aliexpress you you can to find suitable feed, but same cordushki for more comfortable feed.

Smart Fish Feeder

"Smart" Fish feeder

Especially popular «smart» cordushki. They are do a life far simpler and on one's own served fish food. To you enough tune amount feedings and cycle feed.

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Video: Automatic feeder for aquarium - Sending from China Aliexpress Review Test

Decorations for aquarium and plants on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Decorations for aquarium and plants on Aliexpress

Decorations for aquarium and plants on Aliexpress

Everything love watch on the fish, but after all and on the filling aquarium too nice look. Create beautiful design in aquarium not so simply, so how always i want to to fit a lot of total interesting, but here myself aquarium for of this small. so, Aliexpress offer acquire:

  • Decorations


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  • Plants


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  • Artificial residents
Artificial residents

Artificial residents

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  • Decorative pebbles
Decorative pebbles

Decorative pebbles

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  • Coral and so further


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Video: Package from China! Decorative glowing stones for aquarium! With aliexpress !!!

Goods for care per fish on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops:

Chinese on the Aliexpress road any transaction, even samoa cheap. Not costs think, what if customers a lot of, then and money river teach. IN reality quality work seller it is seen on estimated users. therefore the shops and road transactions, after all how them more, top more reviews, but necessary more try to they were good. Present to you some shops, where you you can acquire all necessary goods for content aquarium fish.

Goods for care per fish on the Aliexpress: reviews

Artificial Medusa

Artificial Medusa

Tatyana: Waited order 26 days. Though i carefully she studied snapshots, but medusa proved more, how i thought. Everything same jellyfish funny, fish more not dorrel. Leske not i had to cut off, i simply pRIMATED her to sucker.

Elena: Meduska very inteoil. Reached per month. Package includes from pupirki, but this not those said on the quality product, all whole. IN aquarium swims beautiful and view gives healthy.

Inexpensive siphon

Inexpensive siphon

Olga: Siphon reached per one and a half month. Quality not very, so how he chlipsky, but per such money better wait and not costs. Water great shakes and siphonite. On the some time enough.

Evgeny: Can buy boldly, so how thing comfortable. Before his used homemade in flow of the year. If on the his press, then flow intensified. Price copeful.

Plants for aquarium in seeds

Plants for aquarium in seeds

Ruslan: Got seeds and saw. Not all sucked. Ordered 7 different packets and more two came in present. By see seems, what types seeds total three, but facing they on difficult packas. Bye then, what start grow strongly is different from figure on the photo, but will wait.

Anatoly: Finally waited parcel. On the bags no names plants, but same them photo. IN whole same all not bad, now will wait, when germinate.

Video: parcel with Aliexpress: Medusa for aquarium

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