Aliexpress - Sorter for Children

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The article will tell you about how you can order a children's toy "Sorter" in Aliexpress.

What is a sorter? How to order a sorter for aliexpress?

Children's toy "Sorter" - This is an interesting and useful way to develop a child at home. Such a toy is very fascinating the child and he can spend a long time for studying it.

It can be performed in any form (house, animal, ball or cube). In any case, the toy has many cells, molds and figures that need to be inserted into the slots or suitable holes. Thus, the sorter allows the child to find out something new: it compares, observes and learns to think logically.

You can buy this useful toy for a child. However, online store Aliexpress (goods from China) always makes it possible for you to purchase the necessary sorter (large, small, plastic, wooden) at a pleasant price and with free shipping.

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Different types of sorts for Aliexpress

Different types of sorts for Aliexpress

Sorter with geometric shapes for Aliexpress: Catalog, price

The easiest and most common type of sorts is a toy with geometric figures. It can have any form: a cube, a ball, a house, machine and so on. The main thing is the presence of a large number of cells and molds, corresponding sizes and shapes. The task of the figurines is to go to the right cells.

Assortment Aliexpress:

  • Toy -this is simultaneously a toy and a developing organizer. You can choose a toy, both for a boy (machine, for example) and for a girl (caterpillar or house). One surface of such an item must necessarily be designed to distribute figures: triangles, squares, circles and ovals.
  • Sorter ball - This is a plastic ball that is not designed to play football or basketball. It consists of two halves and inside has a hollow cavity for storing figures. The surface of the ball has a slot for geometric figures.
  • Collapsible -it can be a plastic or wooden designer, or a puzzle that should be collected in a cube. One or all four sides of such a cube has slits for figures.
  • Sector multilateral -a toy in which the slots are located on all sides.
  • Sorter in the form of a box -such a sorter is suitable for the little ones. The box cover has a slot (3 or 4 pieces). The kid's task is to lower the correct figures there and only then you can open the box to get them.
  • Boob - Plastic or wooden board with slots. In such a sorter, the figures are not lowered, but simply inserted into the cells.
  • Animal figures - Beautiful figures of ordinary animals will help the baby to get acquainted not only with geometric figures, but also with flowers, as well as fauna.
  • Soft sorter for children - A sorter made in the form of a small textile bag with a rigid lid on zipper (so figures will definitely be inside and not lost). The lid must have slits for figures.
Sorts for children: a large selection

Sorts for children: a large selection

Wooden sorter for children in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

This is a classic toy from an environmentally friendly and completely safe material for children. Depending on the age of the baby, you can choose any toy:

  • Sorter in the form of a train -a toy that can simultaneously entertain and teach a child. You can choose a typewriter on the rope, a simple or long locomotive with trays.
  • Sorter Casket or Box -a simple box with one lid (where there are no more than 4 slots for figures) or a large multilateral box.
  • Sarthews - Flat sorter, on ships of which the correct geometric figures with the necessary number of holes should be rolled.
Different Wooden Sortes on Aliexpress

Different Wooden Sortes on Aliexpress

Sortera with accounts to Aliexpress: Catalog, Price

There are such sorts that have several sides and each functional for the child.

Most Popular:

  • Aster with accounts -a number of metal spots with beads of different colors that should be considered and studying colors.
  • Sorter with disk telephone -such a toy helps the baby to develop a shallow motility of the hands and exercise to drive a finger, rotate them and press the buttons.
  • Sorter with a pyramid - teaches the baby to think logically, correctly disassemble and collect a pyramid, study geometric figures and shapes.
Aster with accounts: choice in the store

Aster with accounts: choice in the store

Sorter - toy for children to Aliexpress: what to choose?

The store has a wide variety of sorts for young children and you can easily choose what you need:

  • Sorter with labyrinth — a toy decorated with a confusing metal arc, on which there are a number of wooden colored beads. They are needed so that the child can unravel the labyrinth and hold beads from the beginning, to the end.
  • Sorser Chasika — a toy that introduces a child with shapes, diquses. Also, the kid develops the motility of the hands, moving the shooter.
  • Sorter with numbers — in order for the baby to get acquainted not only with forms and flowers, but also with numbers, simple geometric shapes are replaced by figures of numbers.
  • Sorter house — a toy that entertains and develops at the same time.
  • Sort Fishing — such a toy is designed to rip the figures, both hands and with a magnetic rod.
  • Sorter on wheels — different cars and locomotive, which can be handed to hand or carry over the rope.
  • Sorter Cube. — box with slots from all sides
  • Sort of Montessori — educational station with a mass of tasks for a child: slots, cells, spanks, numbers, scores and maze.
Educational and game sorters for children in the store

Educational and game sorters for children in the store

Sorter Children's N Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

IN Aliexpress There is a large selection of sorters of different shapes, with one or multiple tasks. You can buy a sector on the site using regular promotions:

  • Seasonal sale - Sales of all toys on the site
  • Last Minutes - The most popular toys for Aliexpress with big discounts.
  • Almost don - Huge sales of toys for Aliexpress with discounts up to -90%.

Sorter for children on Aliexpress: reviews

Ekaterina:"Sorter is a very useful toy for a child, which can safely give a child from six months. He will all be enough, suck, be interested in and studying. The sorter will introduce it with flowers and shapes. "

Novel:"Sorter is a wonderful gift for a child for any holiday. It is good that in Aliexpress such a wide variety of these toys, my wife and I easily chose the most suitable - with many functions and tasks. "

Daria:"Only in Aliexpress I could find the perfect sorter for a child. I needed the one that corresponds to the educational system "Montessori". The price was frankly pleased. "

Video: "Review of children's goods"

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