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The article offers you reviews of wigs and overhead hair in Aliexpress.

Wigs and aliexpress straight, wavy, curly, silky: catalog, price

The desire to look good in the life of a person always. That is why there are many cosmetics, fashionable clothes and accessories. However, not everyone has luxurious thick hair on his head and then artificial wigs, shignions, false hairstyles come to help. You can buy them on the pages of the modern store. Aliexpress.

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What can be found on the site:

  • Wigs with straight hairbeautiful and well-groomed flowing hair will fit, almost every woman. On the site you can choose a wig with hair of any long and color. Such hair always allows you to experiment with the image and hairstyle. If a wig is made of natural hair, they can also be curl and painted in their taste.
  • Wigs with curly hair – volumetric wigs with curls of different lengths and volume will necessarily convert your image and add femininity. Depending on preferences, you can choose short and long curly wigs, with large or small curls. To the attention of buyers of synthetic and natural hair wigs.
  • Wavy hair wigs - In this catalog you can find wigs with a natural wave of hair. The advantage of such wigs is that they always look natural and good. Try to find your image with long or short wavy hair of different colors and styles, with color strands, melting or fashionable haircut.
  • Wigs with deep wave - A stylish wig with the original technique will definitely decorate you on the occasion of a holiday or just in everyday life. The site has many options for wigs with tweeted, shallow and large, curved deep wave, mainly on long hair.
  • Wigs with large curls – wigs with a beautiful festive technique will instantly transform your appearance by adding a charm and solemnity. Here you can choose wigs with natural or synthetic hair, which in addition to combing, can also be lated.
  • Wigs with silky hair — smooth and shiny hair is a dream of every woman. Wigs having silk hair will certainly help you look like a luxurious and "expensive." In the catalog, many shades of hair wigs, haircuts of different lengths.
  • Wigs with Kosyos - Unusual wigs with braided small pigtails in the African style. Such a wig will help you in creating an exotic image. In most cases, pigtails are not intended for global, as the wig is made of artificial hair (they are more and more confused than natural).
Artificial Hair and Wigs on Store Catalog Pages

Artificial Hair and Wigs on Store Catalog Pages

Aliexpress Artificial Wigs, Natural: Catalog, Price

There are two types of wigs: artificial and natural. The first are made of synthetic (plastic) hairs, which are identical to the present, and natural are made of hair cut from a person. It is worth noting that the second wigs are significantly more expensive, since the value of the material is no longer cheaper. Together with this, natural hair products are durable, they always look natural and attractive, they are easily combed, they can be painted, curling and straighten.

In the store you can buy:

  • Natural wigs - Wigs on clips or wigs on special hats with natural hair. In this catalog, you can choose your hair, wavy or straight.
  • Synthetic wigs - This catalog contains a wide variety of synthetic hair wigs. The catalog has a variety of colors, haircuts and hair length, you can choose straight, wavy or curly hair. There are also wigs of unusual shades: pink, blue, green, purple.
Natural and synthetic wigs in Aliexpress: how to choose and buy?

Natural and synthetic wigs in Aliexpress: how to choose and buy?

Aliexpress wigs bright, dark, red, bright, blonde wigs, bright, brunette: catalog, price

Such a variety of color hammes of wigs like in AliexpressYou will no longer find anywhere. There are all natural, natural, dark and bright hair colors, hairstyles with coloring and melting, amber, sombre and much more.

What can I buy in the store:

  • Black hair - Dark shades of hair, iscini black, with a bright tide. You can choose curly, straight or wavy wigs with hair of different lengths to create a hairstyle or with a ready-made haircut.
  • Brown hair - Here you will find wigs with hair light coffee tones or saturated chocolate colors. Brunette wigs have a wide variety of short and long haircuts, as well as hair style: curling, wave, braids, silky hair, cascade and much more.
  • Bardery hair - saturated dark colors of red shades. In the assortment of store wigs with natural and synthetic bordees, short and long haircuts, styling, hairstyles and gradient paintings.
  • Red hair - Bright saturated colors of hair in wigs are suitable for women that they seek to create an unforgettable and fatal image. On the site you can choose wigs with short haircuts or long.
  • Red hair - A wide variety of red shades from golden, to a saturated copper color. Wigs have different hairstyles and hair length, some are also painted in amber or have coloring.
  • Brown hair - Synthetic hair wigs look quite naturally and have ready hairstyles. But wigs from natural hair offer you experiment with the style and even allow you to paint them into other shades.
  • Light hair gold "blond" - Variety of light shades: wheat, sand, gold, natural. Each buyer will find a large range of wigs of different lengths and the abundance of the proposed haircuts: short, long, cascading.
  • Light hair ash "Blond" - Fashionable hair color on wigs of different lengths. You can find the ash color of a saturated color or a weak shade.
  • White hair - Wigs for women aged, short and long hair of different style: wavy, smooth, thick, silky.
  • Bright and colored hair - Unusual wigs for "bold" images, for example, bright pink or salad. Here you can find wigs of any length: Kare, to shoulders, bob-kara, before the blades, to the belt. In most cases, wigs are made of synthetic hair.
Bright colors of wigs in Aliexpress

Bright colors of wigs in Aliexpress

Aliexpress wigs Short, medium, long: catalog, price

The store has a choice of parches of different lengths:

  • With short haircuts - Modern or classic haircuts for young and adult women. In this directory you will find asymmetric haircuts, haircuts on melted, blond or painted hair. As a rule, such wigs require minimal laying and regular comb. Depending on preference, you can choose a wig from synthetic or natural hair.
  • With haircuts of medium length - Beautiful modern or classic haircuts for each day and holiday. There are hairstyles of simple and unusual, you can find a wig with an unusual gradient chipping and bright strands. The hair of medium length, as a rule, reach the shoulders, and therefore you can always experiment with such hairstyles, tie them in the tail, a bundle, chaining invisible.
  • With long haircuts - Beautiful long hair - the dream of every woman. Having bought a wig with long shiny hair (natural or synthetic) in Aliexpress, you will always look attractive and beautiful. If you wish, you can always shorten the hair, paint it (if it is natural) or run into the hairstyle. A variety of colors allows you to choose a wig of any shade, with strands of dark and light tones, fashionable coloring techniques.
Long, short and medium hair on Aliexpress

Long, short and medium hair on Aliexpress

Overhead hair, hair on clips, shigns on Aliexpress: directory, price

Alternative wigs can be overhead hair, which are attached to the real way of inwetting (pigtails) or attaching clips, hairpins, invisible. You can also order overhead finished hairstyles (braids tails, lugs, bundles) and shigns.

What can I buy in the store:

  • False hairstrands of hair that should be fastened to the ready hairstyle or crowd into their hair. Such spars are needed in order to create volume on the head or create a hairstyle style. You can choose hair of any length and color, from natural or synthetic hair.
  • Overheads - Special braids, which should be supported by the ready-made natural hairstyle. Spit can choose different lengths, different colors and thickness of synthetic or natural hair.
  • Long colored strands - We are needed in order to create a special fatal style or bright image, fastening or crowed red, green, blue, gold or other strands.
  • Hair on clips - A special fastening with clippers helps quickly and easily challenge strands to the bulk of natural hair. It will help to make a hairstyle of volumetric, choose strands follows different colors, curly or straight.
  • Shignon - Already ready-made tails, with or without braids, melted or colorful shigns, which are attached using clips or crowd into a gum on a natural hairstyle. With the help of such shigns you can quickly and effortlessly create an image.
  • Overhead hairstyles - Already ready hairstyles in order to save your strength and time when creating an image.
Strands, chignons and overhead hair of different colors on the site

Strands, chignons and overhead hair of different colors on the site

Hair nets, coasters under wigs, care products for aliexpress wigs: catalog, price

Little just buy a wig or Shignon in order to make a hairstyle. You will also need special accessories and means for storing artificial hair.

What can I buy in the store:

  • Mesh for hair — special device in order to collect all the hair on the head before putting on a wig. So you will be exactly sure of your impeccable and good hairstyle.
  • Stands for wigs - If you will correctly store a wig, it will save its natural shape (shape of the head), and therefore will always sit well.
  • Caring for wigs - Combs and shampoos for care for artificial and natural hair.
Stands for wigs

Stands for wigs

Aliexpress - Wigs and overhead hair: Best sellers and shops

Buying wigs B. AliexpressYou can always save and not overpay for the goods. The store regularly suits seasonal sales and pleases its buyers with good discount systems. One of the most popular promotional columns - " Last Minutes«.

Here the sellers collect goods with maximum discounts, which means you can always benefit from any shignon, a natural or synthetic wig, overhead strands. Another heading " Almost don»Offers customers maximum discounts up to -90% of the initial cost.

Discounts on wigs in the store

Discounts on wigs in the store

Wigs, Chignons, Overhead Hair in Aliexpress: Reviews

Raisa:"Ordered a beautiful wig with medium length hair. Now I'm always sure that I can quickly and easily put on a wig if it does not want to give long hair in order. I ordered an inexpensive synthetic wig, but the quality remained very pretty: it is easily combed, the hair does not look like plastic or puppet. "

Anna:"I ordered overhead hair on clips. Of course, I wear them not every day, but fix only when there is a need for this. I like the fact that the strands are very lungs and they do not gloom my natural hair, you can not worry that your hair will fall out and break. "

Marina:"I ordered a wig for the costumes in the theater. You know, paid a very favorable price and received good quality products that serve as faithfully our team for many months. "

Video: " Aliexpress wigs. From natural and artificial hair. Wigs from China. Overview. Description"

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