Aliexpress - PVC boat pumps: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos


In this article we will talk about PVC boat pumps on Aliexpress.

As soon as you become the owner of PVC boats, after some time you begin to think about buying a good pump, which will quickly and effectively inflate it. A large range of such products is presented on Aliexpress.

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Aliexpress - PVC electric boat pump, 12 volts, with pressure gauge: Browse, price, catalog, photo

Aliexpress - PVC electric boat pump

This type of pumps is deservedly considered the most efficient, that is, they can inflate any boat in a couple of minutes, and without serious physical effort.
Electronastes themselves are similar to simple mechanical devices with a monomere, although they work from an electric motor that feeds from the usual network in 220 V.

From the entire equipment that is used to pump up PVC boats, electrical pumps are the most perfect and efficient equipment.

The latter disadvantage of this equipment is that it requires nutrition from the network, which is not always possible.

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Aliexpress - PVC Boat Pump, Frog: Browse, Price, Catalog, Photo

Aliexpress - PVC footpapers pump

Aliexpress - PVC footpapers pump

All foot pumps for inflatable boats have one non-complicated design, which is simply called a frog. Different pumps such pumps in the following parameters:

  • The volume of the pumped air. On average, this parameter is 3-6.5 liters. What he is higher, the faster you get a pumped out product.
  • Maximum pressure level. With this parameter, it is determined how long the boat is able to pump the pump. The pressure range varies within 400-100 mbar.
  • Some models have an additional monometer so that the pressure within the boat can be controlled.

As a rule, when purchasing a boat with it in the kit there is a pump. Manufacturers usually use just such a type of pumps. This is done due to the fact that the device has a low price and just use.

When choosing such products, you must rely on the optimal parameters. It is better to choose a manufacturer Intex.which has long been on the market and has established itself.

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Aliexpress - PVC manual boat pump, Intex: Browse, price, catalog, photo

Aliexpress - PVC manual boat pump

Aliexpress - PVC manual boat pump

If we consider the category of manual pumps, then they differ in about the same parameters as foot. The best manufacturer of manual pumps for PVC boats is considered Intex..

  • The working chamber of any hand pump has a volume within 3-6 liters
  • Rod, cuffs, gaskets. Good models must necessarily have a metal rod, as well as rubber or silicone cuffs and gaskets
  • The check valve will be great dignity, since with its zoom, the boat can be quickly blown away.

When choosing a manual pump, you must understand that it is more effective than a foot and able to pump a boat for 8-10 minutes. But it is harder to use it harder and unusual, so it's not a fact that you will be comfortable.

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Aliexpress-best vendors and shops PVC boat pumps

Pumps for boats are presented in a large assortment on Aliexpress. Here are some stores that have a good reputation and have a lot of positive feedback:

Aliexpress - PVC boat pumps: Reviews

Ivan: The pump came in two weeks. The package without problems was tracked. The pump shakes perfectly, I really liked it. I recommend!

Anton: Everything complies with the description. Delivery occupied about 10 days. Packaging is reliable, so the pump was not damaged. As for his work, everything is at the highest level. It works from the network and pumped quickly.

Dmitriy: Pump is chic. Performance is excellent, even despite the small dimensions. 60 liters pumped in less than a minute. I was afraid to buy, as many of this pump are not praised, but maybe I was lucky, I got a good copy.

Video: Electric Pump from China from Aliexpress

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