Aliexpress - Musical Tools Brass, String, Keyboard, Impact - Violin, Guitar, Saxophone, Flute, Synthesizer, Piano, Tuben, Drum, Honeys, Plates, Accordion, Cello, Light Garmoshka, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone: Browse, Price, Catalog , Photo

Musical instruments

In this article we will discuss which musical instruments can be found on Aliexpress.

Music is a universal language that is out of time and space. You can know only one, your language, but emotions and feelings of music you can always feel. A fun melody always raises the mood and gives inspiration, and the sad thoughts on melancholic thoughts and affects the deepest feelings. That is why musical instruments are special, because they allow you to reproduce and compose musical compositions.

On the Aliexpress you can find many good and high-quality musical instruments at adequate prices and free shipping.

If you do not know how to make purchases on this site, we recommend reading you an article "Registration of the first order for Aliexpress: Step-by-step instructions".

How to buy a violin on Aliexpress: price, catalog



To date, violins are leading string tools that are used to reproduce various popular music. Learning to play this tool is quite difficult, and therefore to master his children begin with 3-4 years.

Selecting the desired violin size, first of all, you need to take into account the age of the musician, as it is important to know the growth and length of the hand.

In addition, in this case the rule is valid - the more expensive, the better, as well as the deeper and rushing his sound. It is better to buy pupils to buy inexpensive specimens, as they are enough to get primary knowledge. Thanks to professional models, violinists are expanding, but they need more thorough care and monitoring of the condition.

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Video: Violin with Aliexpress

How to buy a guitar for Aliexpress: price, catalog

Guitars are divided into two types:


Classical guitar

Classical guitar

Such models have a flat vulture that does not have an anchor rod, a small box and nylon strings. For training, the game needs it is classic guitars. Nylon strings are designed to play with fingers. This type of guitars allows you to fulfill classic, Spanish music and so on.


Acoustic guitar

Acoustic guitar

These are the most popular guitars. They may differ in the amount of strings (7, 7 or 12) and the type of housing. But they are all similar in the fact that their strings are made of metal.

Most of the popularity have guitars with Western Case. They have a narrow, slightly rounded ridge with an anchor rod and a large box, just for the installation of metal strings.

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Video: Steep cheap guitar with Aliexpress! The biggest package!

How to buy a saxophone on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Saxophones are made of painted or lacquered brass and they have a bright characteristic sound. Therefore, such tools are used for solo game.

Saxophones differ in their design and build. The most familiar is considered the form in the form of the letter S, but there are direct tools similar to the clarinet. The sound is distinguished by the models:

  • Alto
  • Soprano
  • Baritone
  • Tenor

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Video: Selmer Paris Saxophone Tenor Aliexpress

How to buy flute on Aliexpress: price, catalog

The flute

The flute

Flute is a lifting oven tool, which was created in ancient times and today has many varieties. As technology develops, besides wooden, and metal flutes began to appear. Moreover, the design was also a bit changed. The valve mechanism allows you to play excellent gamuts regardless of the tonality. This made the instrument capabilities much wider than initially.

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Video: Unpacking Parcels with Aliexpress: Bamboo Flute Diasi

How to buy an aliexpress synthesizer: Price, catalog



Synthesizers today successfully replace not only traditional tools, but also entire instrumental ensembles. Depending on the model, you can record different types of compositions. The cost of these devices depends on the set of functions and the number of built-in effects and timbres.

Some models have the opportunity to immediately record lost music on the external drive, and the quality of the speakers is enough for high-quality game. Electronic piano are the best solution for novice musicians who want to implement their numerous ideas.

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Video: Flexible piano synthesizer For beginners A. lieExpress. Shopping Unpacking parcels

How to buy a tambourine on Aliexpress: price, catalog



The tambourine is a rhythmic shock tool. It is made of leather, which is tensioning on the one hand, and not with two, like a drum. Longitudinal wrap holes have a small metal plates fastened on a wire. If you are shaking a tambourine, then a characteristic sound will be.

Sometimes bubrels are attached to the hoop - these are metal balls with a fraction inside and small holes on the sides and an eye from above. Play on this tool, sliding your finger along the edge of the skin or in the middle. Even in the tambourines hit the elbow or brush. These tools are very popular.

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How to buy a drum on Aliexpress: price, catalog



On the Aliexpress a large selection of drums of various models is presented. A suitable model will meet both professional musicians, and lovers.

Drums are the following types:

  • Small. This is the main tool for the shock installation. It is leading in the construction of the rhythm of the composition. The main feature of the tool is that inside its body there are strings. Their tension is regulated, which allows you to change the timbre of the drum.
  • Tom Tomy.. Cylindrical models made without edges. This is the main working part of the shock installation. There are such drums suspended and outdoor. These devices have recognizable and surround sound, long residual sound and a wide dynamic range.
  • Bass-drum. This is the largest drum out of the entire installation, which is needed to create a low accent and make up the basis of the rhythm. This tool has a cylindrical body and two membranes are resonator and working.

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Video: USB electronic drums SaliExpress | China Plus

How to buy Honeys and plates on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Gong is a curved disc of large size, which is secured by a special support. As a rule, metal, in particular, copper is used for manufacture. Rarely this is a bamboo or other material. By gouging strikes a beater, which creates oscillations, removing the sound from the tool.

The most popular Honey "Chau" used in symphony orchestras to create a gloomy atmosphere in the approximation of a certain event. Opera Honeys used to notify the audience about the release of heroes on the scene are not less popular.

In addition to these two species there are others. They all differ in size, design features, production materials, game techniques and sound features.

Music plates

Music plates

Music plates are known from the distant antiquity. Today they are widely used in symphony orchestras. Without them, it is difficult to imagine a solid symphonic cloth. In modern compositions, the sound of plates is often heard. In addition, the tool can be pair. Even on plates you can play with sticks or beater.

In children's orchestras, special plates are used, which differ in a slight weight and are made of bell bronze, forging bronze, brass and nezilber. The first two materials are used in professional models, and the last in the student.

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How to buy accordion on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Accordion is one of the most popular keyboard tools. Sounds The tool creates due to special metal tongues, which is thin plates, fluctuating under the jet of air generated by furs. The left hand of the musician is responsible for the fur, and the right right performs the melody.

Accordions combine a variety of features of other tools. In form, they are something similar to the accordion, according to the technical execution - on the harmony, and keys and switching of registers - on the piano. In Russia, the accordion is only the tools with the keyboard, like piano, on the right side. Push-button or chromatic models are commonly called the bayans.

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How to buy Cello on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Cello is a popular musical instrument with four strings. It has a bow for the game, and its design is similar to Alto and Double Bass. Due to its range and widespread sound, it is used in orchestras to play classic compositions. Also, cello are used in rock ensembles. To play on this tool, it must be installed vertically, beyond the rod at the bottom.

The quality of the assembly of the model plays an important role. Cello for students usually make from the cheapest materials in factories. They are needed to obtain the main skill. Professional and concert options are created by hand and from high-quality material, and therefore they have much more expensive.

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How to buy a lifting harmonica on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Light harmonica is different from other tools per capita. She may like the musician to the lover and professionals. Although it does not mean learning how to use this tool easily.

You need to engage with a lip harmonica with simple chords. To do this, you can first purchase the most simple harmonic. After a couple of months, you will already receive the first results in the form of trained hearing and several melodies.

The varieties of luminous harmonics there are several:

  • Chromatic. Plays 12 notes together with halftones in the octave. Even without professional skills, you can play any melody on this instrument.
  • Diatonic. This variety is even more simple. There are no halftones here, and the range is 1-4 octaves.
  • Blues. More complex harmonica. She has 10 tongues that play not only in exhalation, but also to inhale. Here, without a certain skill, do not do.
  • Tremolo harmonica. It can create a tremol-effect with the upset sound of the plates.
  • Bass and chords. The first type can only play in exhalation, and the second - and inhale, too, and two sound plates are allotted for each notic.

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Video: parcel with Aliexpress. Garmoshka

How to buy clarinet to Aliexpress: price, catalog



The clarinet is a bunch of a brandy tool that has a recognizable warm timbre. A wide range of sound allows you to use the tool, both in symphonic and chamber, and the military orchestra, and even in jazz-bend.

The cost of the tool depends on the material used for the manufacture of material:

  • Plastic or composite models are quite cheap and designed for students
  • Wooden models are considered professional and more suitable for concerts.

The tree can transmit all the subtleties of the sound of the tool, but it is inferior to the composite and plastic in its durability. If you store it with an elevated moisture level or with sharp temperature drops, the tool safety will be under threat.

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How to buy a pipe on Aliexpress: price, catalog



Music pipes have the highest sound of all existing wind instruments. They will quite fit for the fulfillment of the solo party and for the orchestra. Music trumpet is considered classic tools, but it is often used for jazz.

Purchase the brass pipe so that it fit for a specific option is quite difficult. Despite the fact that each pipe has the same design, they still differ in the sound. Therefore, if you doubt your choice, better ask the seller to help you.

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How to buy thrombone to Aliexpress: price, catalog



Trombone is another kind of brass tools. This tool is made of copper and refers to the bass-trean register. Thrombones appeared in the 15th century. The main difference of this tool from others is the presence of scenes - the U-shaped tube, which allows you to change the volume of air in the tube.

Trombones are altoval, tenorn, bass, sopranovy and double bass. But the most popular of all types is the tanorn. Trombones are usually used in jazz, wind and symphony orchestras, as well as ensembles and quartets. Moreover, trombone allows solo performances.

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How to buy musical instruments on Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

On the Aliexpress many sellers who traded musical instruments. We present you some reliable stores where you can make purchases without risk:

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