Aliexpress - Izizampars Homemade, Household & Professional, Machinery, Apparatuses and Equipment for cooking Ice Cream: Browse, Price, Catalog, Reviews, Photos


In this article we will talk, which ice cream can be found on Aliexpress.

The ice cream is a device that is designed to prepare ice cream at home. You can purchase such an apparatus on Aliexpress.

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Aliexpress - Forests automatic, homemade, household

Household ice cream

Household ice cream

The homemade ice cream is a device that allows you to prepare a tasty and natural ice cream or sorbent. The device is able to prepare different desserts in which there will be no harmful substances. Moreover, you can add any filler, for example, fruits, liquor, nuts or vanilla.

There are ice creams on the following principle - in the kit there is a special form, which is filled with a liquid, which during freezing the cold accumulates. Therefore, before the preparation of the dessert, such a container is placed in a refrigeration chamber for several hours.

When the form can be used, you need to collect the ice cream, pour into it the dairy mixture and turn on. When working, milk will slowly intervene, and freeze at the same time. The result will be homemade ice cream. The average preparation time of the dessert is from half an hour to an hour.

The ice cream differ in capacity. At times you can prepare 0.6 - 1.5 liters of ice cream. At the same time it will be natural and useful. Complete with devices are usually attached by the recipe book. Therefore, you can conduct experiments with different desserts, for example, make a sorbent or Italian ice.

Automatic home apparatus is easy to disassemble for washing, and some models can even be sent to the dishwasher. Modern devices have timers and displays that allow you to set the most convenient mode of cooking dessert.

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Aliexpress - professional ice cream preparation machines

Professional ice cream

Professional ice cream

Professional ice creams are called fusers. Such devices are designed for the manufacture of cold desserts: soft ice cream, granite, sorbet, as well as frozen yogurt. If you purchase such a device for a restaurant, a cafe or bar, you can sell freshly prepared ice cream to customers. And it can even be stored.

Each freer is very convenient to use! Basically, their difference lies in size and performance. Although some devices also have unique properties. For example, a stylish trolley, a form for the preparation of two types of ice cream. Some models have sensors defining whether there is a cup under a handout and speeds up the cooking process.

Permanent performance ranges from low to large, so you can easily find the appropriate device.

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Aliexpress - equipment and tools - spoons, bag, molds, for cooking home ice cream

For the ice cream, additional accessories are required, for example, spoons, forms, as well as sticks.

Prepare ice cream in the mold is quite simple. After the dessert is ready, put it in the form, neatly align, put sticks and send to the freezer for several hours.

Molds for ice cream

Molds for ice cream

In the freezer, dessert will become solid and you will get a popsicle of an interesting form.

Fruit ice can be prepared almost as well. The only difference is that it is not necessary to prepare it in the ice cream.

Very popular among users silicone forms. They are able to withstand high and low temperatures. Therefore, it is possible not just to prepare ice cream, but also baking. Silicone forms are quite flexible. Some come in a set with chopsticks to extract the popume.

Spoons for the ice cream can help you form balls. They differ in the mechanism of pushing - a water-based and small blade. The dimensions are also different depending on the desired diameter of the ball.

Spoon for ice cream

Spoon for ice cream

If you buy a spoon without ejector, then it will be convenient for it to impose a strongly solid ice cream. It has a rounded shape and a little pointed "Nose".

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Aliexpress - Household and Professional Izizampars: Best sellers and shops

On the Aliexpressnot so many shops are represented, where you can buy a ice cream. We present you some interesting stores where you can buy without risk:

Aliexpress - Household and Professional Izizamamin: Reviews

Anastasia: I bought a ice cream. Came a whole, as a gift laid wands and molds. Everything works well, no problems with it arise. I tried to cook ice cream, it turned out tasty.

Maria: I liked the ice cream to all the home. I tried to cook, even watched the process for the entire time. We used the book of recipes, everything turned out. Thanks a lot!

Irina: The parcel came on time, the whole is not remembered. The ice cream is packaged well. As a gift, I also received the molds. I tried to make a soft ice cream, it turns out quite well.

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