Aliexpress - Kitchen knives, electric and mechanical sharpeners for knives, vegetables, knife sets, bread boards, knife holders, finger protection protectors: Browse, price, catalog, reviews, photos, best sellers and shops

Household products

In this article we will talk, how to find and buy kitchen knives and accessories for them in the online store Aliexpress.

Even if cooking not is an yours favorite occupation and you not fan broke and cutting objects, then without knife to you all equals do well on the kitchen not whenever. Acquire combine sO set functions, to exclude opportunity use knifenot most the best solution.

To qualitatively grind products manually in house must to be some knife. But in stores per this have to lay out round amount, so what sometimes have to to choose what cheaper and worse. Solve this problem will help popular website Aliexpress. Today chinese learned do very quality knives and and sell them on low prices.

If to you more not i had to be on the it is site. and this will be yours first purchase, then recommended explore article. «How do first order on the Aliexpress.

Sharpeners for knife on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo



How would expensive n. stoil knife, but same from some would durable material he n. was made, whensomething he will require sharpening. Buy anyone sharpener it is forbidden, so how from reliable choice depends and further exploitation knife. On the Aliexpress it is forbidden strive sharpeners on types, but know o them you must:

  • Musat


This is kernel with magnetic the basis, having handle. Even if you first once will be sharpen knife, then easily with nIM cut.

  • Mechanical pencil sharpener
Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpener

This sharpen system it has price from 1,5 thousand rubles in then time how in simple store have to lay out in two times more. They are allow sharpen not only knives for kitchen, but and, for example, for hunt.

  • Electric pencil sharpener
Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

This a type devices allows fast produce byetovaya sharpening without special voltage. The main thing right define groove, but in the rest device all will do myself.

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Video: Professional sharpener for knife Ruixin Pro from China. Aliexpress

Kitchen knives on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

For kitchen work few have in use total one knife. On the Aliexpress represented not only normal knives, but and other tools, which much make easily task on grinding food.

  • Circular knives
Circular knife

Circular knife

These practical tools stant replacement straightaway several knives. They are allow fast slice pizza on the some kuskov, thin grind vegetables and meat without use special protection for hand. Thanks to comfortable designs such knife simply wash and change in nem. blade.

  • Knife with wavy blade
Wavy blade knife

Wavy blade knife

Nude job maybe easily become creative. This unique knife able to fast slice potato for fryraura and vegetables.

  • Vegetist


This device allows fast delete peel with vegetables and fruit. W. his same there is and more one interesting function. WITH one parties he removes peel, but with anotherbeautiful cut straw or slices.

If to you more like standard knives, then on the Aliexpress you you can choose next types products:

  • Economic
Economic knives

Economic knives

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  • Cook
Cook knives

Cook knives

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  • Salmon
Salo knives

Salo knives

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  • Knives tesaki.


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  • Flashing
Oil knife

Oil knife

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  • Cutting
Cutting knives

Cutting knives

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  • Bread
Knives for bread

Knives for bread

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AND other.

More knives differ on see used for production material. For example, models from ceramics sold on the site. in big assortment, but price begins total sO hundred rubles. They are seldom stupid, but blades w. them fragile and almost not give away repeated sharpening.

Ceramic knife

Ceramic knife

If to you need lasting and durable knife, then better buy models manufactured from ordered carbonistic become. Data knives consider professional, but because and price w. them much higher.

Alloy steel knife

Alloy steel knife

See catalog

Video: Overview of products with Aliexpress, Verified product! Kitchen knife

Sets knife on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

No knife can be used for everything immediately. Therefore, not to spend time on the purchase and selection of each individual knife, it is better to purchase a set. On the Aliexpress it type goods assign whole separate chapter, so what choose suitable you you can on several parameters:

  • Materials manufacturing
  • Quantity in complete
  • Certification
  • Features
  • See metal
  • Coloring

At first decide, where you will be keep New set. In general, the knives need a special stand for convenient storage. Moreover, thanks to her toolalways will be D. open. If such option to you not like, then costs buy knives with protective czechs from plastic.

Knives with plastic covers

Knives with plastic covers

If you check out culinary carving, then on the playground represented and such sets, to can it was cut out artistic pictures on the vegethes and fruit. Sets vary on quantity tools in complete, but same on method. storage. Can buy sets with plastic container and even in wooden case.

Carving knives set

Carving knives set

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Video: Unpacking parcel with aliexpress. A set of ceramic knives

Cutting boards on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

This is not the most primary tool in the kitchen, but with him you can do much more than without it. The board is needed for grinding products not to damage the table. This is not at all a useless thing that occupies a place, but the most real assistant.

  • Cutting board with tray
Cutting board with tray

Cutting board with tray

Plastic board with a tray will become an indispensable assistant in your kitchen. Tray reliable fixes on the working area, but thanks to The possibilities of its rapid removal can quickly throw the garbage.

  • Board for defrost
Planclosure board

Planclosure board

Plastic boards for cutting products with trays are the most real innovation. Trays reliable attached to the working area, but thanks to The ability to shoot it can be quickly getting rid of waste.

  • Board from spray
Board from spray

Board from spray

Board from plastic on the suckers gives opportunity enjoy hy. not only on appointment, but and for protection from water and fat.

  • Antibacterial board
Antibacterial board

Antibacterial board

On a wooden or even plastic board over time, cuts appear, in which harmful microorganisms breed. Chinese invented how to exclude the possibility of harmful effects on products - Apply a special coating on the products. This thirdness maybe allow to myself everyone, so how mining price set make up 190 rubles per 4 stits. More can buy options from heat-resistant plastic, if to you need more qualitative and wear-resistant product.

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Video: Aliexpress cutting boards. Kitchen accessories Aliexpress

Holders knife on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

On the Aliexpressa lot of different devices are presented, allowing you to store knives with the convenience and safety. The playground provides the ability choose Product on different parameters, but the process of all choose them on views:

  • Wall mounted magnetic planks
Wall-mounted knife holder

Wall-mounted knife holder

These Small planks are attached to the wall and allow you to get quick access to knives. Moreover, they are very comfortable to wash. by the way, despite on the their positive characteristics, this block not compatible with ceramics.

  • Desktop blocks with stand from nylon
Board blocks for knives

Board blocks for knives

Suitable how once for ceramic knife. Maximum load on the these product make up 1,2 kg.

  • Steel stellagi
Steel stellage

Steel stellage

To diversify the interior of your kitchen and additionally save the place, you can use original racks.

Here same in section represented and holders for others kitchen tools. Multifunctional blocks allow Find a place for paper towels, foils and polyethylene packages.

Multifunctional block

Multifunctional block

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Video: parcel with Aliexpress. Magnetic knife holder

Protective protectors for fingers on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Protective metal protector for fingers

Protective metal protector for fingers

If you Dream cutting vegetables also quickly, as chefs do it, then thanks to special protection you can achieve your dreams and save your fingers integer. On the Aliexpress you find metal and plastic models, but them price make up not more 1$.

Protector-holder with a slot for vegetables

Protector-holder with a slot for vegetables

More togo, chinese create many other useful tools for cutting products.  Byother, them call kitchen gadgets. Most Popular is a protector with a holder for vegetables.

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Video: All for the kitchen Online store: how not to cut your fingers when cutting with a knife

Kitchen knives and accessories on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Reliable sellers on the Aliexpress, undoubtedly, more, how dishonest. But they all same there is. To not disappear on the fraud, better carefully to choose shop. Present to you some sellers, which on oRDER administration Aliexpress deserve rank trusty:

Kitchen knives and accessories on the Aliexpress: reviews

To purchase was really successful, few to find good seller and self low price, necessary more study reviews buyers. Basically sellers copy descriptions and pictures from internet, but here In fact, everything can be not quite as describes this seller. therefore Before buying to read reviews and compare them.

This povarskaya knife it has more 1,5 thousand orders and 99% buyers remained them satisfied. Despite on the then, what frame made from whole become, his nice keep in hands and he wonderful cards with lymi products:

Cook knife

Cook knife

Kit knife from ceramics black colors not less popular. Although here satisfied purchase long away not all. Such reviews a lot of and in most cases even first examination turns out unsuccessful, but salesman often found towards and sends new knives inspend broken:

Set of knife

Set of knife

Circular knife cost 400 rubles designed for relief work on the kitchen. On the very business all not so good. If judge on reviews, then front beginning use his necessary sharpen:

Circular knife

Circular knife

Video: Parcel - Set of knives from China Huiwill Japanese Steel Category AUS-8

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