Aliexpress - games for children 2-4, 5-7, 8-12 years

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The article will present you an overview of the most popular educational toys on Aliexpress.

How to order developing toys for children in Aliexpress?

Educational toys are capable not only to help the child have fun to spend time, but also to know the world with the help of puzzles, labyrinths, dolls, designer, mosaics. You can buy such toys on the website of the store Aliexpresswhere the product range is very large and available low prices. Make the first order in the store it is very simple, you should carefully read additional information (on the link here) and take advantage buyer's guide.

What can be found on the site:

  • Puzzles and pictures -the game in which the images should be collected from particles and pieces. You can choose wooden puzzles, cardboard, paper, plastic, large and small images, animal figures and plants (for kids), surround pictures.
  • Wooden designer and figurines -allows you to engage in modeling, creating beautiful figures: airplanes, cars, dinosaurs skeletons. You can also build beautiful buildings and houses.
  • Magnetic Designer -the plastic designer, inside which contains powerful magnets, they fasten the designs together. In consequence, you can create strong and beautiful buildings, houses, animals, bulk structures. The toy teaches children to memorize colors, shapes, geometric shapes.
  • 3-D Designer -designer with which you can create realistic figures and buildings. In the designer sets there are a large number of large and small details, some are attached to glue.
  • Puzzles -different types of toys that are designed to develop the logical thinking of children. The site has a choice of pyramids, puzzles, labyrinths, structures, mosaics.
  • Stickers -special books or coloring with sets of stickers, which should be fixed, depending on the tasks (for example, with a cow tail or "put" a protein on a tree).
  • Alphabet -cubes, puzzles or mosaic with a set of letters for studying the alphabet. From such letters you can build words and phrases, remembering them.
  • Mosaic -a variety of types of mosaics: large, small, in the form of buttons, stickers, cubes. You can choose a color mosaic for drawing patterns, pictures.
  • Numbers -puzzles or mosaic with numbers for studying numbers, solving simple examples and mathematical tasks.
  • Cards with pictures - such cards help children learn vocabulary by memorizing new words. You can choose cards with the names of fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, dishes.
  • Mobile - special mats or suspended toys needed for the development of young children. A child by feeling and examining toys will know the motility, distinguishes colors and shapes.
  • Domino -children's domino with pictures, which teaches to count and distinguish forms.
  • Logic Tetris -a toy similar to the designer allows you to create pictures and study the shapes.
  • Spots -logic toys helping children to count, pick up colors and find a way out of any situation.
  • Spinners -simple toys helping the child to master coordination and develop logic.
  • Cubes -toys that allow not only to build and count, but also study words shown in cubes.
  • Jenga -a fun toy that develops the child's thinking, allowing it to think over the situation and produce a strategy.
Large assortment of toys and a large selection in the catalog

Large assortment of toys and a large selection in the catalog

Educational games for children 2-4 years old in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Toys are an important part of the development of kids and therefore it is important to choose your child the most useful toys that will correspond to his age.

What can be found on the site:

  • Logical Labyrinth -such a toy is designed for young children who can move beads or rings on the curved and tangled line. Many toys take bizarre forms and look in the form of cars, animals, houses.
  • Cubes -with images of animals, fruits, alphabet, numbers or cubes-puzzles, from which one can make one-piece pictures, teach words, build houses.
  • Large mosaic - such a toy has the form of a large field with cells in which you can insert colored particles by constituting patterns or pictures, drawing letters, studying colors and shapes.
  • Large puzzles - allow the baby to make pictures, fastening several parties together. On the site you can choose puzzles soft, cardboard, magnetic, wooden.
  • Wooden farm - the toy allows you to engage in the baby modeling with the help of wooden or plastic figures of houses, animals, trees.
  • Cards - plastic or cardboard cards with bright images, letters or words to expand the lexical stock of the baby.
  • Interactive toys -soft or plastic animal figures, dolls or cartoon characters that have vocabulary, can reproduce phrases or sing songs to expand the knowledge of the baby.
  • Toys Fisher Price -soft toys with a computer board inside. The principle of action of the toy is simple, clicking on different buttons, the toy teaches the baby to count, speak, sing or dance, introduces the sounds of nature and animals.
  • Fishing - simple and interesting game consisting of fishing rods and fish. The toy teaches children to own coordination, clinging a small magnet every detail.
  • Color domino - allows not only to draw pictures, folding them from several parts, but also build structures, tracks, walls.
  • Geometric figures - boxes with cells and a set of geometric shapes, each figure should be lowered into a certain hole corresponding to the form.
  • Pyramid — allows you to study the baby shapes and dimensions of the figures, set them ascending.
Selection on the site

Selection on the site

Educational games for children 5-7 years old in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

A large selection of educational toys on a site for children 5, 6 and 7 years will allow you to correctly and competently improve the knowledge of your baby.

What can be found in the store:

  • Toys for modeling - sets from wooden parts that can be glued and folded so that a certain figure is to be. The store has a variety of figures for the construction of animals, dinosaurs, buildings.
  • Small puzzles -sets up to 1000 particles in one box, which are necessary for drawing pictures.
  • Twister - active game that consists of an outdoor rug and a special playing field with an arrow, as well as notation. Splitting the arrow, each participant of the game learns how to make a move. Game teach children to produce a strategy and be able to balance.
  • Puzzles from stickers - sets from the background and rows of stickers, sticking which the child will be pictures and images.
  • Wooden labyrinth -a set of fields with obstacles and a ball that must be delivered to the finish line, rolling through the labyrinths.
  • Metal logical toys - two related metal parts that need to be disconnected only with a logical path.
  • Ball "Magic Labyrinth" - volumetric labyrinth hidden inside the transparent ball. It can be rotated to unravel the logical tasks and bring the ball to the finish line in the labyrinth.
  • 3-D Designer - a designer that allows you to create bulk parts: machines, animals, dinosaurs. There is also a metal designer that needs to be twisted by fastening bolts and nuts.
Games, developing thinking and logic

Games, developing thinking and logic

Educational games for children 8-12 years old in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Adult children also need useful toys developing their thinking and skills.

What can be found on the site:

  • Sudoku -game with numbers allowing to solve logical tasks of different complexity.
  • Creator's Kit - developing sets of stickers, beads, parts for gluing, drawing and painting.
  • Games Educational Memory - there is a large assortment of toys that allow you to train memory and attention: puzzles, cards, figures.
  • Rubik's Cube - a toy intended for the development of thinking and developing a strategy, collecting the cells of the same color.
  • Jenga -a toy that allows the child not only to create structures, but also be able to work out the strategy, learn to balancing.
Toys for adult children on the site

Toys for "adult" children on the site

Developing designer for children in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

The store has a large selection of different types of designer:

  • Plastic designer - the classic designer according to the type "Lego", consisting of small or large details. With it, you can create buildings, structures and figures. The designer helps to study colors and shapes.
  • Metal Designer -the designer, which is fastened by attaching parts to each other twisting nuts and screws. Allows you to create swings, cars, designs.
  • Wooden designer -the designer from an environmentally friendly material for small children allows you to create simple figures and buildings.
  • Magnetic Designer -bashed by fastening the magnet of parts, allows you to create structures of different sizes.
Different types of designer in the store

Different types of designer in the store

Developing mathematical toys in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Mathematical toys introduce a child with numbers and learn to count.

What can be found on the site:

  • Pyramid - the game for small children, which consists of a base with a stick and rings, which should be considered and riding it.
  • Scores -special toys with a bead or rings, which can be moved, counting.
  • Figures and sticks -figures with numbers, volumetric numbers and colored sticks that should be considered.
  • Domino -domino with images of numbers and number of objects
  • Cards -cards with numbers and number of items for the account
  • Clock - hours with numbers or cells for geometric shapes
Mathematical toys on the site

Mathematical toys on the site

Developing rugs for children in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Developing rugs on the website of the store are presented in several types:

  • Alphabetical mats -rugs with letters and words that begin on these letters. Such rugs teach children alphabet and help easier to memorize words.
  • Matches with numbers - and simple mathematical examples, student count.
  • Game mats -rugs with various images: driving part, park, farm, city.
  • Game modules -rugs with game miles on which toys are ripe, are designed for young children.
  • Puzzle Rugs -matters consisting of several parts that can be folded together.
  • Interactive rugs -mounted mats that have inside a computer circuit. When you click on certain figures or letters, the rug reproduces their names and sounds.
Rugs on the site

Rugs on the site

Developing interactive toys in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Interactive toys can "communicate" with the baby and teach it to count, speak, sing and dance.

Several kinds of toys on the site:

  • Dolls -talking dolls with a set of functions: speaking, score, songs and music.
  • Stuffed Toys - different characters of cartoon serials, animals, dolls, inside which are located computer boards.
  • Toy computers - Toys with a simple set of games for the letter, speaking, studying music, solving mathematical tasks.
Interactive toys

Interactive toys

Developing board games in Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Board games are suitable for adult children:

  • Maps -different types of cards and tasks for playing, allowing to develop thinking and learn to plan a strategy.
  • Strategies - maps and chips for playing who teach children to plan and calculate their moves.
  • Puzzles - sets of a large number of parts for the assembly of a solid picture.
  • Mosaic - large and small mosaic for drawing up pictures and images.
  • Crossword -a word game where the present word is needed from the set of letters.
Desktop and logical games

Desktop and logical games

Aliexpress - educational games for children: the best sellers and shops, brands and promotions

A large range of products on the site is not the main advantage. Aliexpress. By purchasing educational toys in the store, you have the opportunity to save using regular stocks.

Most Popular:

  • Seasonal sales — sales, which suits each store or seller at the end of the season, before coming holidays or events, or just to attract buyers.
  • Last Minutes — most popular groups of goods and large discounts on them from shops and seller. So you can easily acquire the necessary developing toy at a reduced price.
  • Almost don - Maximum discounts from sellers and stores to toys for children, sometimes discounts achieve values \u200b\u200bin -90%.

The most popular brands of educational toys:

Educational games for children in Aliexpress: reviews

Arina:"I ordered a few developing toys on your child. Very large assortment in the store, amazing simple! This diversity is not found in the market or in the usual departments of our department store. The child is playing, he is happy - this is the most important thing for me! "

Sergei:"You can buy any toy in Aliexpress, including developing, for an affordable and low price. Here is such an assortment - the eyes simply scatter. We ordered a wonderful magnetic designer for 1000 parts and the child plays them, as it seems to me, without stopping! "

Nina:"What kind of child does not like toys? And if you give it to developing toys, you can also make a contribution to its development. I advise you to shop on Aliexpress: here is a large selection and low prices! "

Video: "Top 7 educational toys for children with Aliexpress"

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