Aliexpress - Toys and Active Recreation Sets Riding, Toy Fishing, Tent, Inflatable Trampolines, Aerial Snakes, Flying Discs, Gaming Balls, Machines, Soap Bubbles, Swings, Swords: Browse, Catalog Price, Reviews, Photos


In this article we will discuss what toys for outdoor activities can be purchased on Aliexpress.

Games are needed not only to children, but also adults, because with their help it is easier to communicate with the child and learn about his problems. On the Aliexpress you will find a huge catalog of toys for home and street.

If you have not had to make purchases on this site, then you should learn an article "How to make the first purchase on Aliexpress?".

How to buy rolling toys for Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

I like to ride every child. In catalog Aliexpress you can meet a variety of vehicles. For example, such an inflatable horse will exactly like the baby.

Inflatable horse

Inflatable horse

For the manufacture, polyvinyl chloride is used, which is considered a safe material, respectively, it is not toxic. Play with a horse is recommended for children with three years old. To ride, you have to make an effort. With this means of movement, you can invent different interesting games.

You can also find an original bike here, but without pedals. He himself is made of wood, and plastic wheels. To ride, you have to push the legs. This method likes all kids without exception.

Bike without pedal

Bike without pedal

Children from one and a half years will be interested in ride such a bike, both on the street and at home.

Also on the site contains managed machines. For example, this model is not at all small sizes. It can be said that this is a full-fledged car for a child. Start he from key and controlled at aid pedalia. Direction movements set with help steering. Yours boy for sure like it cabriolet Mercedes.

Mercedes on radio control

Mercedes on radio control

Management is carried out from the console, but enjoys an adult. There are no special restrictions on age, but the mass of the child should not be more than 18 kilograms. The speed capable of developing the car is from 3 to 8 km / h.

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How to buy toy fishing on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, photo

BUT you knew, what Can I fish at home? Check the toy for desktop fishing, example, here is such, working from batteries.

Toy fishing

Toy fishing

For fish made improvised pond, where they swim. IN set contains 15 fish and fishing rod. When you turn on the toy, fish open the mouths and you can proceed to their catch. When fishing rod approaching to fish, then she captures hook and her can pull out.

Magnetic fishing

Magnetic fishing

There is options are simpler. This fish you need to catch a magnet. A game located in bright tin packing. This option more fits for children from two years old.

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How to buy inflatable trampolines for Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

All children love to jump on a trampoline. It is especially interesting to do this if it has an original form. For example, this option in the form of a castle will delight small princesses.

Castle trampoline

Castle trampoline

There is a slide for skiing and a special room for games. IN nee can place balloons or whatthen soft. Play in them will be not less interesting. Turn on info and fans do my work per couple minutes. It is not necessary to buy such a thing for a large park, for personal use she also suits.

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How to buy air snakes on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo



Running the air snake is very interesting. Such entertainment is suitable not only to children, but also adults. TO example, model in video bright butterfly. She made from synthetic material and is different high strength. The scope of her wings is 1.5 meter, but in length she 1,2 meter. Play S. sname can only together sO adults and only children from 5 years old.

Air Snake Coil

Air Snake Coil

As you know, the snake cannot be launched without durable threads and coils. On the Aliexpress there is and these accessories. Coils usually do from plastic, and on the them straightaway there is winding from durable kapronova thread. The length of the thread reaches 100 meters. Pen will allow to you control height flights snake.

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How to buy flying discs and arrows on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

Flying discs

Flying discs

If you go to a picnic or just want to walk through the park, then grab frisbee with you. These are small plates that run into the air and need to catch them. With such a toy, you can have fun both children and adults.

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Toy arrows

Toy arrows

Flying arrows too stant fine entertainment. They are manufactured from plastic, but on the corps available small bulb. At the bottom there is hookallowing run arrow. In addition to of this w. them available Plastic handle with a rubber band for tensioning the arrows.

Toy starts so: Hook the hook of arrows per gum and pull it out. Then let go of the arrow and she polatit in necessary direction. BUT availability light bulbs allows play with these items even when on the street. already dark.

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How to buy a gaming ball on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

Ball with tube

Ball with tube

Games with ball can come up with huge amount. They allow you to develop coordination and imagination. therefore to each to kid they useful. TO example, Here is a small ball can be caught in a basket. Last attached on the pipe with cavity. Her necessary take in mouth and to begin blow. Ball take off and Now it is tedious to catch. Toy it has length total 10 cm.

Children's soft ball

Children's soft ball

You can also buy a soft ball for kids. It is made of high-quality synthetic fabric. Animal pictures are applied to the surface. Inside there is a rattle, which makes the ball more attractive. In addition, it has a size of only 10 centimeters. Children from half a year can play with him.

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As a toy automatic machine on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, photo

All boys play war. To fully immerse yourself in the plot, we need a weapon. In catalog Aliexpress different models of automata and pistols are presented.
For example, there is such an automatic with a bullet. This is a copy of real weapons and weighs it 1.5 kilograms. Such a toy is not recommended to buy for children under 8 years old.

Automatic with flocks

Automatic with flocks

Also here you can find automatic machines that shoot with balls growing into the water. They themselves are small, but laying in water for several hours, become big. Then they can be charged into the machine and start the game. It is better to do it outside the house. Such a game looks like paintball and collecting a large team to spend good time.

Toy machine

Toy machine

For hot weather, the water automaton is perfect. This model has a special capacity for water in the form of a backpack. It eliminates the need to constantly add water into the game.

Water rifle

Water rifle

The toy is made of plastic and not very heavy. Sellers offer several colors and design options. The backpack can be made in the form of a brew or bee. Suitable for children from three years.

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As sets for outdoor activities on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, photo

Active rest has not hurt anyone. Order yourself a whole football set from the gate, grid and ball and your baby will be happy. And you yourself will spend the time.

Gate and Ball Toy

Gate and Ball Toy

You can even spend a whole game or just learn to hammer the ball into the gate.

You can also find mini bowling. It is made of wood. For the game there is everything you need - a bow and a ball. When you start the ball, you need to knock down the figures. Such a game is perfect for family holidays.

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How to buy soap bubbles on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, photo

Soap bubble apparatus

Soap bubble apparatus

Soap bubbles love every child. The solution can be prepared and produced. On the Aliexpress there is an automatic device for causing bubbles. To get them, the upper part to the solution and click on the button. The child will like to catch balls. This is an excellent option for air games.

Mix for soap bubbles

Mix for soap bubbles

In order not to suffer with the preparation of the concentrate, you can order it immediately. It is better to immediately take a big amount. For example, 30 bags with a capacity of 10 ml. It must be a little diluted with water so that it becomes not very thick.

Helicing bubbles

Helicing bubbles

Now there are no more popular soap bubbles. That is, after their inflation, they do not burst. Moreover, you can even build something from them.

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How to buy a swing on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

Swing for the smallest

Swing for the smallest

All like a swing. The catalog has models for the smallest plastic and installed limiters.

Wooden swings

Wooden swings

When a child can already confident himself can ride a swing, then he can buy a table made of wood with fasteners and ropes. These swings are durable and can withstand weight up to 120 kilograms. Therefore, even adults can ride on them.

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How to buy a toy sword on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

Wooden sword with sheath

Wooden sword with sheath

The sword is a weapon of noble knights. To play in such characters, the corresponding props are needed. On the Aliexpress you can buy here such a sword from the tree with the sheath. Its length is 50 cm. It is completely safe and does not cause injuries.

There are still plastic models.

Plastic Sword

Plastic Sword

The blade in the sword is done in silver color, and the handle is blue.

Jedi's sword on Aliexpress

Jedi's sword on Aliexpress

If your child is a fan of star wars, you can buy him a light sword like a Jedi. He will be very happy.

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How to buy a toy tent on Aliexpress: review, catalog, photo

To each to kid required a place for games and privacy. therefore for it can acquire toy tent.. The dimensions of the finished products allow you to place them even at home.

Children's tent Masha and Bear

Children's tent Masha and Bear

For example, the image of Masha and the bear will accurately like the child. The case has inserts from the mesh tissue so that the air can circulate and inside there is no hot.

Children's tent with a playpen

Children's tent with a playpen

You can also purchase a gaming complex consisting of a tent and a special player for balls. Children will like to play a tent, and then relay along the pipe to the playpen and continue to amuse. A bright design will definitely attract each, and the manufacturing material is safe for children.

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How to buy toys for outdoor activities for Aliexpress: Best sellers and shops

On the Aliexpress there are many shops and among them sometimes unfair. We present you several stores where you can shop without risk:

How to buy toys for outdoor activities on Aliexpress: reviews

Evgeny: W. me two children and after long title we with wife decided acquire them tent.. Found interesting model and made an order. The goods went for about two weeks. Tent excellent, beautiful, but mosti. torch thicks. Although, how on to me, so this not fearfully. The main thing, what children all very liked. His money is worth.

Svetlana: I decided to please the child and buy, some unusual toy. I went to Aliexpress. Long searched and chose, but I decided to buy a small gate with the ball. The order came on time. Everything is done high quality, and the child is very pleased.

Video: 10 toys. Cool things and gifts with Aliexpress

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