Alkeexpress Alcotester, Traffic lights, Reflective clothing, Road signals, Other Road Safety goods with Aliexpress


In this article we will talk how to find goods for road safety on Aliexpress.

IN night time society performed a lot of DTP. Bad weather, bad light streetdo situation more more dangerous. Thanks to goods, having reflective properties, can protect my a life. They are allow improve visibility on the road for pedestrians, but same for drivers. Large range similar goods you meet on the Aliexpress.

If you more n. once not deli shopping on the this playground, then recommended explore to you article. «How right do first purchase on the Aliexpress.

Winter goods for autochains anti-skid, scrabs for cleaning snow on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

TO winter everyone master auto should thoroughly get ready. To not arose problems with appearance ice on the body. and glass car, in arsenale necessarily must to be funds for his fast elimination. Most popular from all consider scrabs for ice and chains anti-skid, which can to find in section «Winter avtomatovara«.

  • Scrabs for ice

Best fixtures, help clean snow are scrabs. They are not harm machine, have high level strength, but same cost inexpensiveMost popular from all is an scrapershovel:

Scraper shovel

Scraper shovel

He with emergency cards with accumulated snow and frozen ice on the surface cars, and not damage her. Made he from stainless become. Pen same made from rubber. She is different small dimensions and it has curved view, what promotes light movements. Thanks to small sizetotal 18,5x11 cm, can keep scraper in machine, to he always was under hand.

Universal device is an brush sO scraper:

Brush with scraper

Brush with scraper

She fast possible put away snow with surface transportation, but same eliminate ice. Although best model is an tA, w. which length pens enough for removal snow sO all roofs. Made she from aluminum alloy.

Beautiful idea for gift is an electric scraper for cleaning ice sO glasses:

Electric scraper

Electric scraper

Inside devices available heating element, which the forces snow melt. Connect it to network nutrition or cigaretteel. Ergonomic pen implemented from rubber, but myself scraper made from stainless become. Cable it has length 2,5 meter, what full enough for processing all surface auto.

More one interesting tool is an scraperglove:

Scraper glove

Scraper glove

Despite on the mine beautiful external viewthis all same professional device. Scraper made from ABS material, but gloves from fabrics with fur and protection from water. Inside gloves placed plastic pen triangular forms.

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  • Chains anti-skid

When snow falls out a lot of, then not everyone car owner will be to risk and better will go on the public transport. BUT here for those, to whom have to more and work on the auto, then do there is nothing, have to drive. For such cases can acquire special chain anti-skid, that not gives machine slide and improves clutch wheels with surface expensive.

Set of anti-skid chains

Set of anti-skid chains

Data product in selling represented sets from 10 things. They are made from TPU material and become. Chains are able stand out low temperature. At work cars they not tryozat and not create vibration. More togo, they reliable and wear-resistant, but same them easily dismantle. This is will allow to you forget o volume, what that hOLOLOD and slippery or deep snow.

Universal anti-slip chains

Universal anti-slip chains

PISI season became kit from three anti-slip chains. They are universal and suitable for tire with width from 165 before 265 cm. Qualitative material sustainable to strong morosam. Thanks to special mounts chains safe in usage. On the one tire better set twothree chains straightaway. by the way, with such products limitation on speed make up 40 kM/c., but same it is forbidden sharp to brake and turn.

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Alcotester on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Alcotester allows define degree inxication man. He working on next principle: necessary blow in special hole, but then compound air will be studied apparatus and screen display result in promiles. Normal content alcohol limited meaning0,16 pROMIL.

Professional alcotester with digital screen recognized best model:

Professional alkotester

Professional alkotester

He it has sound signal, LCDdisplay with backlit, what provides lung reading. Apparatus able to define amount alcohol before 1,9 pROMIL. Hearse he per 10 seconds, but result you get already across 5 seconds. Device is different compact dimensions and it has trinket, so what his can hang on the keys from car.

More one good option is an portable alcotester «Police«:

Alcotester police

Alcotester "Police"

W. of this devices available LCDdisplay with backlit saint colors. Response device make up 5 seconds. Same you you can install necessary limit, at achievement whom alcotester will be publish sounds. Test on the alcohol will be most reliable, if after last adoption alcohol already passed more 20 minutes.

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Traffic lights, lED lanterns security on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Cyclists too are fortified participants movement on the road. If w. it no katafota , far or reflective elements, then notice bicycle on the road becomes more difficult. IN such. case costs acquire flashlight, which the provide safety.

LED lantern

LED lantern

Torch sO lEDs is an excellent notifying tool for cyclist or motorcyclist. in darkness. He it has in front lamp with five lEDs and rear torch. except togo, w. front devices available two regime, which can switchflash and constant light. On the back lantern available 7 modes. Details lantern easily set, so how for of this not need no tools. Both devices suitable for them use in anyone weather. WITH such flashlights cyclist for sure will get home integer and unharmed.

Amber Gate

Amber Gate

For each cars will be useful amber strobethis device publishing impulses sveta with defined sequence in fog or bad weather. Connect it to cigaretteel, but consolidate his can on the screws or magnets. Strobe not required a lot of energy.

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Signs emergency stop on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

When on the road happen incident, then drivers necessarily exhibit special signs. They are must to be w. eVERY.

Warning sign

Warning sign

Warning sign sO reflective elements. By edge made fluorescent surface. Sign made in red color and put on on the special wide legs, which provided due sustainability. Often sellers in complete send stand and case.

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Reflective jacket on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Today all more popular become reflecting light jacket. Before such things manufactured only for those, whose profession was connected with work on the road. But today world brands release and normal jacket, which looks stylish and provide due safety. They are enjoy big in demand, and not necessarily them put on on the cycling walk. Similar models successfully are used and for everyday socks.

For cyclists fine option is an jacket sO reflective elements:

Men's reflective jacket

Men's reflective jacket

Jacket for men. with neckline in form letters O. She made from polyester, nylon and spandex. This is universal option on the all cold time of the year. Her dignity is an waterproof, availability windproof and heat. At washing she not syasy and not shot. There is some pockets on the lightning, where fitty all necessary. To arms not merzley at walks, for big finger made hole under large finger.

There is and women options for season springsummer. For example, here such nice option  from polyester with fastener on the lightning and deposited collar.

Women's reflective jacket

Women's reflective jacket

Sleeve completed in classic style, but at the bottom there is rubber. On the back made interesting drawing sO reflective effect.

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Reflective clothes on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Those, who working in conditions bad light and there, where constantly moves transport, simply obliged walk in ovella with reflective inserts. On the Aliexpress represented huge amount similar products, aligned fine quality.

Vest sO special inserts allows stay noticeable in anyone time society.

Reflective vest

Reflective vest

On the nem. sewn two vertical strip according to european standard. Vest is different high strength, comfortable, but most the main thinghis easily wash. except togo, w. it available pockets under all trim.

More can acquire telnyushka.

Reflective vest vest

Reflective vest vest

Such vests can put on in summer time on the mike or in autumn on the warm clothes. Shleiks with emergency adjust. Product different dense adit to body and not deliver the discomfort.

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Goods for road marking on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

IN chapter «Goods road marking« entered fixtures, which intended for lighting path in darkness. Most popular from all are flashlights sO built-in lEDs, which charged from bright sveta sun. and turn on automatically in darkness.

Solar lights

Solar lights

IN darkness they maybe worker about 10 hours. The a type products made in different forms and coloring. Specialists them invented only for one goalsdo safe road movement and to avoid appearance injury and alarms. They are put near expensive, in poorly illuminated places, automotive path and bridges. These flashlights same must on the children's strollers and bicycles.

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Reflective ribbons and stickers on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

except clothes and tools you you can meet on the Aliexpress stickers and ribbons.

O volume, what in you machine located child. tell me sticker «Baby. oN. board«. except possibilities reflection sveta, sticker more and waterproof.

Sticker baby in the car

Sticker "Child in Machine"

To at give car more spectacular view, can stuck on the wheels special red strip.

Adhesive strips for wheels

Adhesive strips for wheels

Install they only on the clean surface, which in flow society it is forbidden wash.

Restrictive tape

Restrictive tape

To fence dangerous territory use lentu.. She warning pedestrian about danger even at night. Implemented she from special material, which the maybe to be used some once and his can wash.

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Convex mirrors rear view on the Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Movement not maybe to be safe without mirrors rear view. Although simple mirror not dust right review, but because were specially created convex models. This is mirrors, pulling out. They are expand overview and allow see all, what occurs around car.

Convex rearview mirror

Convex rearview mirror

Round convex mirror without framework. It gives overview on the 360 degrees.

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Goods road security on the Aliexpress: best sellers and the shops

Present to you some sellers, which have, maybe, not most high rating, but but on oRDER userssite. they are reliable:

Goods road security on the Aliexpress: reviews

Any Inte rnet shop is different top, what touch in advance product it is forbidden. Not an exception and Aliexpress. To get more accurate performance o product, in his detailed description costs look in in chapter with reviews, where people write opinion o bought things.

Review on the professional alcotester:

Professional alkotester

Professional alkotester

Review o scraper for ice:

Scraper for ice

Scraper for ice

Review o chains anti-skid:

Chain anti-skid

Chain anti-skid

Review o reflective village:

Reflective vest

Reflective vest

Aliexpress Scraper Unboxing Scraper

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